Just curious!! Why do the smokers feel the need to defend their choice to smoke when no one has really questioned their right to do so?!
I don't know..kill em all...let Poltsamaa sort em out I say!!!
I smoke 10 - 15 cigarettes a day...
About a year ago I was in the hospital for 2 weeks (not smoke related)...had surgery...yadda yadda yadda (thread around here somewhere)...didn't smoke for 2 months. That is when I realized that I have enough will power to kick any physical addiction such as nicotine. I also realized that its the habit that I am addicted to...and I really like smoking.
I have fancy cigarrette/business card case and enjoy the fact that I can get certain annoying people away from me because they hate cigarrette smoke. I have also noticed that smoking is a great escape from any uncomfortable situation. I can leave the table, room, bar etc and escape for a bit....smoking is an excuse that no one argues with. Ugly girl in your face....light a stoge...chances are she will hate it and u can easily dismiss her (don't light one up in front of a girl u are attracted to until you get her opinion on the subject)!!
This sounds like I am promoting smoking... I know...but that is not my intent.
Smoking is just like drinking (in my eyes)...an evil that we hate and love...accept and dismiss...regulate, allow and chastize...it is here to stay just like so many consumer products.
What I really hate about certain smokers is the disregard towards those that don't smoke and those that shouldn't be near a cigarette.
All smokers should know the damage that cigarettes do...they should know that some people abhore the smell...and they should know that smoking around children (especially infants) is God damn harmful to their health...if you don't...your a friggin idiot and most likely a loser for life!
You want to ban smoking in bars and clubs...I'm all for it...I can take this damn cancer stick outside...no problem. Jack up the price to 10 dollars a pack...cause if u can't afford it...you are less likely to smoke like a chimney. I'm all for the thousands of signs that informs people of the dangers of smoking...I find them creative and educational...deter and educate...thats great!
My point...if you hate smoking...thats a beautiful thing...keep it up.
If you love smoking, than please be a Conscientious smoker. Wash your hands and clean your mouth if you just finished smoking and are about to carry or touch an infant, smoke at a good distance from children, don't smoke in an enclosed area where their are adults who hate smoking...it takes two seconds to politely ask if they mind that u smoke.
No one is saying u can't smoke (just smoke somewhere else), they are just saying that you shouldn't smoke and please be mindful of others....simple as that.