

A message from the General Assembly of Sestinora:

We, the elected government of Sestinora, and it's populace, acting under the direction of our Articles of Law, would like to extend the warmest of greetings to the North Pacific and it's affiliates.

With many hopes of prosperous dealings with our new neighbors, the Republic of Sestinora is able and willing to initiate fruitful discussions regarding future contributions to the positive good of our new home.

Please alert our nation's representatives as to any inquiries concerning our small but burgeoning nation.

With much regards,

Quinton C. Morgans
Elected Chair of the General Assembly
The Republic of Sestinora
Welcome! If you'd care to be involved with the governance of our region, I invite you to join the Regional Assembly. Or just spam up the place if you'd like.
I'll certainly consider your offer, after I get a feel for the atmosphere here. Looks like I have a lot to anticipate from this lot. :D