Regional Assembly Sign-Up

I most profusely apologize to all outstanding applicants. Back-to-back mandatory dinners with houseguests, extended shifts at work, and studying for finals have swamped me. I am processing applications this very moment, and within 15 m inutes will have them sent off to the Administrators for final processing. Again, I apologize.
Indeed thank you Minister, i was too wondering about the situation, although i thought you would be dealing with other matters, so it's understandabel.
It gives me great pleasure to welcome Lewis and Clark, Sovereign Dixie, and Navis Yoshikawa to the Regional Assembly of The North Pacific.

Hardenford no longer resides in The North Pacific, and therefore his application is no longer valid.

Godric Gryffindor, records indicate that you are suspended from the Regional Assembly under a different name, that of Jack Sparrow. In light of this fact, your application is summarily denied.
Indeed i was in times Jack Sparrow around here but due to the lack of time i quit playing Nationstates. Although now i have more free time to at least check the forum daily, so how can i be just Godric Gryffindor and leave Jack Sparrow?
Under another identity, you are suspended from the Regional Assembly. That applies to all nations. Read the RA oath you took as part of your application. You should have at least been open about the dual identity.
Your TNP Nation's name

Do not have UN

"I, (John Hook III), as the leader of the (John Hook III), pledge to obey the Constitution and Laws of The North Pacific Region, and to act as a responsible member of its society. I understand that if my Nation leaves The North Pacific region for reasons other than participation in North Pacific Army deployments, that I may be stripped of my right to vote and required to reapply. I pledge to only register one Nation to vote in The North Pacific. I understand that if any nation under my control directly wages war against the North Pacific, or allies themselves with a region waging war, declared or not, against the North Pacific, this shall warrant the summary withdrawal of my right to vote from all my Nations, past, present, and future, as well as possible expulsion from the Region. I understand that my registration of, or attempt to register, multiple Nations to vote in The North Pacific shall warrant the summary withdrawal of my right to vote from all my Nations, past, present, and future, as well as possible expulsion from the Region. In this manner, I petition the Regional Government of The North Pacific region for membership in the Regional Assembly."
The United States of Eifel-Germany

UN Nation:
United States of Eifel-Germany

"I, Eifel-Germany, as the leader of the The United States of Eifel-Germany, pledge to obey the Constitution and Laws of The North Pacific Region, and to act as a responsible member of its society. I understand that if my Nation leaves The North Pacific region for reasons other than participation in North Pacific Army deployments, that I may be stripped of my right to vote and required to reapply. I pledge to only register one Nation to vote in The North Pacific. I understand that if any nation under my control directly wages war against the North Pacific, or allies themselves with a region waging war, declared or not, against the North Pacific, this shall warrant the summary withdrawal of my right to vote from all my Nations, past, present, and future, as well as possible expulsion from the Region. I understand that my registration of, or attempt to register, multiple Nations to vote in The North Pacific shall warrant the summary withdrawal of my right to vote from all my Nations, past, present, and future, as well as possible expulsion from the Region. In this manner, I petition the Regional Government of The North Pacific region for membership in the Regional Assembly."
Terry Jacks (My TNP and UN nation)

"I, Terry Jacks, as the leader of the CommRanger of Terry Jacks, pledge to obey the Constitution and Laws of The North Pacific Region, and to act as a responsible member of its society. I understand that if my Nation leaves The North Pacific region for reasons other than participation in North Pacific Army deployments, that I may be stripped of my right to vote and required to reapply. I pledge to only register one Nation to vote in The North Pacific. I understand that if any nation under my control directly wages war against the North Pacific, or allies themselves with a region waging war, declared or not, against the North Pacific, this shall warrant the summary withdrawal of my right to vote from all my Nations, past, present, and future, as well as possible expulsion from the Region. I understand that my registration of, or attempt to register, multiple Nations to vote in The North Pacific shall warrant the summary withdrawal of my right to vote from all my Nations, past, present, and future, as well as possible expulsion from the Region. In this manner, I petition the Regional Government of The North Pacific region for membership in the Regional Assembly."
Eifel-Germany and Terry Jacks, your applications have been processed. Welcome to the Regional Assembly.

John Hook III's application is undergoing additional processing.
Neverending Witticisms

I don't have a UN nation

"I, John Ashcroft Land, as the leader of Neverending Witticisms, pledge to obey the Constitution and Laws of The North Pacific Region, and to act as a responsible member of its society. I understand that if my Nation leaves The North Pacific region for reasons other than participation in North Pacific Army deployments, that I may be stripped of my right to vote and required to reapply. I pledge to only register one Nation to vote in The North Pacific. I understand that if any nation under my control directly wages war against the North Pacific, or allies themselves with a region waging war, declared or not, against the North Pacific, this shall warrant the summary withdrawal of my right to vote from all my Nations, past, present, and future, as well as possible expulsion from the Region. I understand that my registration of, or attempt to register, multiple Nations to vote in The North Pacific shall warrant the summary withdrawal of my right to vote from all my Nations, past, present, and future, as well as possible expulsion from the Region. In this manner, I petition the Regional Government of The North Pacific region for membership in the Regional Assembly."
It is with a feeling of dread that I accept John Ashcroft Land into the Regional Assembly of The North Pacific.


Please note: less than 24 hours from application to remasking. Any chance of a thread in the "Suggestions" forum that Gaspo and I be offered the sexual favour of our choice as a reward?

Please note there may be a slight delay in checking and remasking RA applicants as I am away on holiday for the next week.
I should be able to pick up the slack, Flem; it's not like I have disappeared or anything. (I just did not realize the email notification thingy has quit working on me, and I don't know why.)
Bobcat Goldthwaite
(TNP & UN)

I, Foehammer, as the leader of the Bobcat Goldthwaite, pledge to obey the Constitution and Laws of The North Pacific Region, and to act as a responsible member of its society. I understand that if my Nation leaves The North Pacific region for reasons other than participation in North Pacific Army deployments, that I may be stripped of my right to vote and required to reapply. I pledge to only register one Nation to vote in The North Pacific. I understand that if any nation under my control directly wages war against the North Pacific, or allies themselves with a region waging war, declared or not, against the North Pacific, this shall warrant the summary withdrawal of my right to vote from all my Nations, past, present, and future, as well as possible expulsion from the Region. I understand that my registration of, or attempt to register, multiple Nations to vote in The North Pacific shall warrant the summary withdrawal of my right to vote from all my Nations, past, present, and future, as well as possible expulsion from the Region. In this manner, I petition the Regional Government of The North Pacific region for membership in the Regional Assembly.
Due to impending elections and the need to accurately sort out the RA lists prior to voting, I am suspending new RA applications until voting has concluded. Applications will be processed, but new RA members will not be admitted.
Does this affect former members as well, or can I be re-admitted in time for the election? I somehow never noticed I lost RA status.
TNP: Mesian
UN: Mesian

I, Mesian, as the leader of the Mesian, pledge to obey the Constitution and Laws of The North Pacific Region, and to act as a responsible member of its society. I understand that if my Nation leaves The North Pacific region for reasons other than participation in North Pacific Army deployments, that I may be stripped of my right to vote and required to reapply. I pledge to only register one Nation to vote in The North Pacific. I understand that if any nation under my control directly wages war against the North Pacific, or allies themselves with a region waging war, declared or not, against the North Pacific, this shall warrant the summary withdrawal of my right to vote from all my Nations, past, present, and future, as well as possible expulsion from the Region. I understand that my registration of, or attempt to register, multiple Nations to vote in The North Pacific shall warrant the summary withdrawal of my right to vote from all my Nations, past, present, and future, as well as possible expulsion from the Region. In this manner, I petition the Regional Government of The North Pacific region for membership in the Regional Assembly.
TNP: BKB on Safari
UN: Big killer babys

I, knockavale as the leader of the Knockavale, pledge to obey the Constitution and Laws of The North Pacific Region, and to act as a responsible member of its society. I understand that if my Nation leaves The North Pacific region for reasons other than participation in North Pacific Army deployments, that I may be stripped of my right to vote and required to reapply. I pledge to only register one Nation to vote in The North Pacific. I understand that if any nation under my control directly wages war against the North Pacific, or allies themselves with a region waging war, declared or not, against the North Pacific, this shall warrant the summary withdrawal of my right to vote from all my Nations, past, present, and future, as well as possible expulsion from the Region. I understand that my registration of, or attempt to register, multiple Nations to vote in The North Pacific shall warrant the summary withdrawal of my right to vote from all my Nations, past, present, and future, as well as possible expulsion from the Region. In this manner, I petition the Regional Government of The North Pacific region for membership in the Regional Assembly.
(I'll just reapply.)


TNP: Ermarian
UN: Ermarian

I, Ermarian, leader of the Constitutional Empire of Ermarian, pledge to obey the Constitution and Laws of The North Pacific Region, and to act as a responsible member of its society. I understand that if my Nation leaves The North Pacific region for reasons other than participation in North Pacific Army deployments, that I may be stripped of my right to vote and required to reapply. I pledge to only register one Nation to vote in The North Pacific. I understand that if any nation under my control directly wages war against the North Pacific, or allies themselves with a region waging war, declared or not, against the North Pacific, this shall warrant the summary withdrawal of my right to vote from all my Nations, past, present, and future, as well as possible expulsion from the Region. I understand that my registration of, or attempt to register, multiple Nations to vote in The North Pacific shall warrant the summary withdrawal of my right to vote from all my Nations, past, present, and future, as well as possible expulsion from the Region. In this manner, I petition the Regional Government of The North Pacific region for membership in the Regional Assembly.


(My last question about getting in for the election still stands...)
North Starlav


"I, Starlav, as the leader of the Federation of North Starlav, pledge to obey the Constitution and Laws of The North Pacific Region, and to act as a responsible member of its society. I understand that if my Nation leaves The North Pacific region for reasons other than participation in North Pacific Army deployments, that I may be stripped of my right to vote and required to reapply. I pledge to only register one Nation to vote in The North Pacific. I understand that if any nation under my control directly wages war against the North Pacific, or allies themselves with a region waging war, declared or not, against the North Pacific, this shall warrant the summary withdrawal of my right to vote from all my Nations, past, present, and future, as well as possible expulsion from the Region. I understand that my registration of, or attempt to register, multiple Nations to vote in The North Pacific shall warrant the summary withdrawal of my right to vote from all my Nations, past, present, and future, as well as possible expulsion from the Region. In this manner, I petition the Regional Government of The North Pacific region for membership in the Regional Assembly."
Inner Kharkistania

Outer Kharkistania, although I will use others if secrecy is needed.

"I, Outer Kharkistania, as the leader of the Freedom Fighters of Outer Kharkistania, pledge to obey the Constitution and Laws of The North Pacific Region, and to act as a responsible member of its society. I understand that if my Nation leaves The North Pacific region for reasons other than participation in North Pacific Army deployments, that I may be stripped of my right to vote and required to reapply. I pledge to only register one Nation to vote in The North Pacific. I understand that if any nation under my control directly wages war against the North Pacific, or allies themselves with a region waging war, declared or not, against the North Pacific, this shall warrant the summary withdrawal of my right to vote from all my Nations, past, present, and future, as well as possible expulsion from the Region. I understand that my registration of, or attempt to register, multiple Nations to vote in The North Pacific shall warrant the summary withdrawal of my right to vote from all my Nations, past, present, and future, as well as possible expulsion from the Region. In this manner, I petition the Regional Government of The North Pacific region for membership in the Regional Assembly."
I wanted to pass along the following: At the request of Great Bights Mum as Delegate, Terry Jacks has moved his UN and TNP nation out of the region at Nationstates. That, presumably, invalidates his RA membership.
Because of his endorsement level, I asked Terry Jacks to leave for an update. I did tell him he would be welcome back. If he chooses to return, I don't see why he would not be deserving of all the rights accorded him as a member of the RA.

(If you have a UN nation, include this as well. I will keep it confidential if you want, I just need to know what it is.)

"I, (Allhallow), as the leader of the (Most Serene Republic of Allhallow), pledge to obey the Constitution and Laws of The North Pacific Region, and to act as a responsible member of its society. I understand that if my Nation leaves The North Pacific region for reasons other than participation in North Pacific Army deployments, that I may be stripped of my right to vote and required to reapply. I pledge to only register one Nation to vote in The North Pacific. I understand that if any nation under my control directly wages war against the North Pacific, or allies themselves with a region waging war, declared or not, against the North Pacific, this shall warrant the summary withdrawal of my right to vote from all my Nations, past, present, and future, as well as possible expulsion from the Region. I understand that my registration of, or attempt to register, multiple Nations to vote in The North Pacific shall warrant the summary withdrawal of my right to vote from all my Nations, past, present, and future, as well as possible expulsion from the Region. In this manner, I petition the Regional Government of The North Pacific region for membership in the Regional Assembly."
With reference to the case TNP vs. Mesian I suggest this RA application is put on hold until the Attorney General decides how he wants to evaluate the steps Mesian takes.

I oppose this decision as I believe that this is discrimination against me for no apparant reason. I was never found guilty of any charge, and charges were actually dismissed.
I find it amusing that it is seen appropriate to ask me for my endorsement for the current delegate, and be asked (though I did not partake) to help muster members to assist to liberate the region from a rogue delegate, but I am not permitted RA status, and not even a prompt assesment!
I would ask the Prime Minister, Minister of Immigration and Internal Affairs and Delegate to re-assess any hold on my application, as the Atterney General would be over-stepping the mark and seeing himself above the rule of law.
The is no legal basis for a stay to be imposed on my RA application.


I was never found guilty of any charge, and charges were actually dismissed.
Actually, charges were dropped based on certain agreed restrictions. Not following agreed rules is bad habit a good step towards a revision trial. It is up to the new AG to decide about following up this case or leave the situation as it is.
OK, please bear with us. Elections have just ended and the government is in transition until the results of the election are declared. I am sure that as soon as possible the new MOIA will begin processing applications.