I have several thoughts on university goverane and faculty.
First, I think we should recognize that the selection of faculty needs to be as flexible as possible. While it isn't unreasonable for one to expect that much of the faculty is probably resident within TNP, we're not the only source of talented faculty, and to me, the point is having an outstanding faculty enriches the university more. So I would hope that the system that is offer preserves the greatest possible flexibility.
As to the organization of the university, I tend to want to see a chancellor or CEO (whatever the title) along with a board of (take your pick -- trustees, regents, visitors, whatever) that works with the CEO/chancellor on university decisions. The chancellor would be selected for an extended term by the board, and if wanted, we can have the RA approve the nomination.
The governmental connection would be that the MoCE would be the non-voting chair of the board, who would only vote in case of a tie. In the event of an emergency then the cabinet minister involved could take the issue to the Cabinet or to the Regional Assembly. We'd also need to provide for who would act as chancellor in the event the chancellor is unavailable or resigns until a new chancellor is put in place. The board could be elected/selected for shorter terms than the chancellor/CEO. With a minister as a non-voting chair, then that minister can take any appropriate issues to the Cabinet or the Regional Assembly where necessary or appropriate.
The primary area that I don't have a preference about is how the board would be selected and put into place. (perhaps a SC-style election in the Regional Assembly?)