So as not to get backtracked, I think a nice little grocery list with outstanding things to do in RED and completed things in struck-out-bold and soon to be coming stuff in blue.

1) Nominate a Minister of Defense!
2) Clean out the office of the previous ministers and get Hersfold to fix up the links and the titles underneath your respective offices!
3) Get your AYE stamps out for when RA amendments pass by!
4) Get this University thing done already!
5)Get RA Applications up and running again!
6) Develop law for the RA to pass dealing with the Lexis!

7) Update current RA roster.
8) Barricade ourselves in case of grand bureaucratic disaster!
9) SC Procedure!!.

:npo: :npo: GET MOVING!! :npo: :npo:
The Minister of Defense -- I can't make an appointment to be voted on until the NPA gets a sufficient number of endos attached to one or more potential nominees. As soon as I'm advised that has occured, I will make an appointment. In the meantime, I hope that Roman and Dal and Hers will keep me directly informed of anything that a MoD would normally address until I am able to make an appointment.

There are some tasks I can address as one of the global mods with respect to forum tasks, but Hersfold and Flemingovia has to deal with anything involving the admin control panel.

There is quite a bit of legislation already in the preliminary discussion phase, and I expect there will be more.

With respect to the University, I am now seeking suggestions from the Cabinet for names of players to appoint to a commission to formulate a plan for establishing the university. I personally believe that the university needs to start on a smaller, rather than a larger scale, and that the starting point should be directed to courses that will best benefit the needs of our region. The plan should also address university governance and oversight on a non-partisan basis. I want the university to attract players to TNP so that they come here and stay in and become part of the vital lifeblood of TNP. If the NPA can grow through the use of a military academy, there is no reason why this approach shouldn't help grow the region in the other facets of on-site and off-site game play We need to keep in mind this part of the preamble of the Constitution, and TNP's obligation as a feeder region:

Constitution Preamble:
WE, the Nations of The North Pacific (TNP), mindful of the inherent rights to justice, security, democratic regional leadership and national sovereignty do hereby proclaim this constitution to be the living and growing document of our liberties. This document shall be the foundation of our culture, society and law and shall be respected in spirit and in word by all residents of The North Pacific.

Fully cognizant of our role as a Feeder Region within the online game of NationStates™, and acknowledging that our character as such involves interaction with players new to that game,we avow to play fairly, educate where necessary, applaud when appropriate, and above all to remember that this is a game.
2) Clean out the office of the previous ministers and get Hersfold to fix up the links and the titles underneath your respective offices!

Point taken. I'll work on things when I get the chance, probably in a few hours.
Quick question - is the number of NPA endos (that is the percentage of members extending endorsements) include cadets and regular NPA members of just regular NPA members?

All the Constitution mentions is a majority of those in active service, so it sounds to me one has to determine who is on active service with the NPA and take it from there.
OK, I'll get on that immediately and if neccessary, run a new endorsement thread if needs be. Should take about 48 hours, minimum.

I expect to make an announcement concerning the commission to plan the TNPU later today or tommorrow.

I am thinking about an amendment to address the concerns we've had about keeping the RA roster and masks current. This is certainly not addressed towards FEC's firm hand this term, but to fix the systemic concern I think a lot of us share. As soon as I have something for preliminary discussion in the RA, I will get it posted.

Finally, I will be posting suggestions for language for certain SC-related procedures also in the next few days.

There's a couple of other issues I'm thinking about, but I'm waiting for information at the moment.
Personally, I feel a lot of the problems are coming from the fact that the roster seems to have not been updated in a *long* time. Limi updated the best he could but was cut short before he finished. Under the Constitution, I'm supposed to update this list *monthly*. The last roster posted publically was at least 6 months ago.

Since most the red is related to stuff I have to do, I do have a rather firm hand to get it going. :P
FEC, ehat I'm thinking of doing is merely giving the Court and the Speaker some authority to keep that list current in case a future MIIA doesn't get it done on time.

Yes, we need to get the list current, but we also need to deal with the fact that not all MIIAs have been as disciplined as you are to get it done. Neither of them need any access to IPs, and given recent events we need to decide whether access to IPs is a good idea after what we've gone through with the Lexi's.