Are Feeder Zones Really Regions?

Don't they know that feeders are just massive balls of densely packed gas for enormous mass with other, much smaller masses known as "regions" orbit around and feed off of? Its basic science people!
I say we nuke the Jolt forums.

Moron is too small a word to describe such idiocy....

Okay then....feeders aren't real....they're just swamp gas illuminated by atmospheric anomolies...

A bit like girls on the interweb....
Feeders are reagions.
Not only that, they are regions too!

(Sorry, I, the King of Outrageous Typos, couldn't resist that one :lol: )

I can't imagine a more silly proposition than "are feeders regions". Will wonders never cease.

Now I know how poor little Pluto feels!
Maybe the user-created things shouldn't be considered regions, as they are too small? One or two people=a region; while 3000-6000 are not? Pah.

Had to add in my two cents there :P
Seeing "feeder zones" makes me think of schools of fish waiting to feed a whale or something. At least that the imagery I get when all the feeders are name for the same ocean. :lol: