The original idea was spawned by Poltsamaa but I wrote the legal text:
Let's face it, we all may say and accept that RL comes first but when shit hits the fan the last thing on our minds in warning our beloved players that we'll be gone for awhile. And the response from those still playing the game is always less than enthusiastic. This amendment allows Cabinet to proactively act by themsevles, obviously custom and convention and just plain nice-ness calls us to ask them if they're ok first but such OOC acts would cause a serious intrusion in the game.
Art 3, Section 4: Rules and Requirements for the Cabinet of the Regional Government.
6) If a member of Cabinet has not signed into their account for longer than a period of two weeks without a pre-arranged warning, then the Prime Minister will be granted the authority to call a vote within Cabinet to declare them invalid due to inactivity.
a) In replacing the inactive Cabinet member after a majority vote from Cabinet, standard rules for filling vacant ministries will apply.
b) All nominations and replacements can be subject to review if a RA member petitions the Court to do so. A vote will then be held following standard election procedures.
c) In the event of the inactive member returning pass the two week date, the member can assume their duly elected duties only if the Prime Minister has not already called a Cabinet vote.
Let's face it, we all may say and accept that RL comes first but when shit hits the fan the last thing on our minds in warning our beloved players that we'll be gone for awhile. And the response from those still playing the game is always less than enthusiastic. This amendment allows Cabinet to proactively act by themsevles, obviously custom and convention and just plain nice-ness calls us to ask them if they're ok first but such OOC acts would cause a serious intrusion in the game.