Candidate for Delegate


Your Friendly Neighbourhood Despot
TNP Nation
*Dalimbar, on his soap box in the middle of Magicality City, looks at the voters confidently and smiles before starting his speech.*

My friends from across this great region, I say this statement tonight with the clear intent to help this region be the greatest it can be. I am here, running for the position of Delegate of The North Pacific to help us move forward into the future. I am with you tonight to give you the opportunity to see that there is a good choice out there for Delegate.

Ladies and gentlemen, some of you know of me, and some of you don't. I am Dalimbar; I've been playing NationStates for 2 years and 3 months now. I've seen this region at its worst, at highpoints, and of course in the middle. I've been fortunate enough to have accumulated several degrees of experience during my time in this game. I’ve served in defender-style military, as being former Minister of Defense for our great region as well as a senior member of the Red Liberty Alliance. I’ve been involved in foreign relations as former Minister of External Affairs and Ambassador to many regions. I’m knowledgeable in intelligence services, due to my time as Deputy Director of Red Liberty Alliance Intelligence among other intelligence groups across the game.

Ladies and gentlemen, I believe that the office of the Delegate should embody the spirit of the region. The Delegate should be the one of the most recognizable figures to the nations in our region, and outside of it. We need a Delegate who is known to the world, one who can get our message across, one who can give us a greater voice. We need a Delegate that can protect us from whatever attempts to break us. We need a Delegate that can watch over the region when she matures, grows up and changes.

Ladies and gentlemen, I believe that The North Pacific wants a greater voice in the world. I believe that The North Pacific wants to progress and change internally. I believe that The North Pacific wants to be stronger, yet at the same time safer. My friends, I want to help The North Pacific achieve those goals. I believe in The North Pacific, and I believe that most, if not all, of you do too.

I wish to thank you for listening to me, and I hope that you desire a greater TNP.
Knowing that you aren't perfect is an admirable trait in a leader. Anticipating mistakes is a good thing, as is planning for them. I assume the death squads are on the way to make sure I can't tell anyone what I have seen here? Alternatively I could edit the topic title for you, it's always good to get a couple of officials in your pocket this early. If you get my meaning... :shifty:
I suppose the others will be accused of thoughcrimes and be taken away to the labour camps? Wonderful! Yessum, if you please would erase such mistakes that I obviously have not committed and have never committed. :P
*Snickers* Still love ya anyways :P

Anyways, I want to wish everyone running for their respected races the best of luck! It I believe is wonderful to see so many talented people running.
What other regions are you involved in at this time?

Red Liberty Alliance Intelligence had a nasty habit of crashing forums, were you involved in any of the forum crashes?

Edit: What is your TNP UN nation?
Firstly, my UN nation is Chodean Kal. While I haven't had a great deal of time endotarting, I'm sitting at 145 endos.

Secondly, I am involved with The Pacific and when I'm forced to at gunpoint by a certain House Leader *looks at Eras innocently*, Lemuria.

Thirdly, no, I have never been involved with acts of forum destruction. I was a member of the Investigation Committee of the Invaders Forum Destruction, and during statements to various regions, I stated that I hold the believe that forum destruction is a disgusting practice that should not be used by anyone. I still hold those beliefs. Also, you make it sound like the RLA was the only one who did forum destruction....
Thanks for the answer, Id like to clairify, I think all forum crashing is a terrible tatic.

Just a follow up question.

What positions do you currently hold in the NPO?
My only position in the NPO is being Director of Pacifica Veritas.

I wish to thank you for your questions.
*Chuckles* I'll be a good sport. I'll be doing a crappy Traditional Cinquain.

Running to help
Our region grow and soar
To help make it the best region
Vote Dal.

*Giggles at that*