JAL for MoCE

OK. I guess there are two parts of my platform. Anything else will be answered via questions.

1) I won't pick a war with the NPO from the MoCE position. I don't even know if that would be possible, but I thought I'd make this clear anyway.

2) I will actually construct a North Pacific University. I've heard BW might be willing to teach a class on raiding; I'm sure I could find a defender to teach defending. I mightself could teach a course or two. So yeah, I'm into this idea.

Why did you chose MoCE? Was it because in your view it would be the easiest position to win or because you actually want to make a difference?
2) I will actually construct a North Pacific University. I've heard BW might be willing to teach a class on raiding; I'm sure I could find a defender to teach defending. I mightself could teach a course or two. So yeah, I'm into this idea.


Considering the university idea has been tried, without much success, in a number of regions (even here once I think, but it never got off the ground) why do you think you can get it to work? And, more importantly, how would you get it to work?

These are serious questions by the way, as I like the uni idea myself, it just hasn't really ever worked from what I've seen.
EM: I was originally thinking for running for MoC again, but decided against that mainly because I've been there, done that. I'd like to try something new, and I've always enjoyed NS universities (the short-lived Lem University, the Pacific University) so I thought I'd try to bring one to TNP.

NH: Don't vote for me because some may say I'm a tad arrogant, maybe :P

HC: The Uni idea hasn't worked, from what I've seen, because the Universities have had trouble attracting professors. I'd support giving professors choices in how they teach (if they'd want to simply do a single lecture then a Q&A session if they're short on time, if they wanted to grade, etc).

Another thing I have been thinking about is having professors teach RL subjects. I could teach Physics; maybe I could find a Chemistry teacher... >_>
Yes, yes, and yes (although the last yes was not by choice) :P

And this week has been harder for me than it has for you, I bet. Nobody to correct my spelling, nobody to tell me to go to bed at a decent hour, nobody to read to me, etc :(

Just give in and come back now ;)

EDIT: And I'll write the Cinquain tomorrow, after I can find out what it is x_x
BTW, I just thought of a new idea: a TNP Hall of Fame.

I'd propose legislation establishing a Hall of Fame in the RA, and the RA could vote new members to the HoF whenever it deems necessary.

So yeah, you can add that to my platform.