NJ Supreme Court supports gay marriage

Or, at least all the rights that go along with marriage.


Thoughts? There was a poll conducted by Rutgers U fairly recently showing that a majority of NJ residents do indeed support the rights of homosexuals to marry, so it's quite likely the legislature will officially recognize gay marriage, including the ever-so-important "m-word".

The next such case happens in Maryland, and their Supreme Court leans to the left much like NJ's. So I will be awaiting that with baited breath :P
The next such case happens in Maryland, and their Supreme Court leans to the left much like NJ's.

Subsidancy problems? Maybe it just needs re-pointing... :P

On - topic:

Good, good. As long as people are happy I can't see the problems with who anyone marries.
Won't really change anything until this issue is taken care of on the federal level. Damn feds. That is unless every state in the union approves of gay marriage. Then it can work.
Won't really change anything until this issue is taken care of on the federal level. Damn feds. That is unless every state in the union approves of gay marriage. Then it can work.
"Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state."

Maybe someday the Supreme Court may enforce that.
It'll probably take ten years before they get around to that, though. Conservatives have erected laws at both the state and federal levels directly contravening the full faith and credit clause.
It'll probably take ten years before they get around to that, though. Conservatives have erected laws at both the state and federal levels directly contravening the full faith and credit clause.
Well, so far the biggest obstacle has been the MA law that forbids couples from other states marrying in MA if their states would forbid it.

As you've possibly heard, it dates from 1913 and was about interracial marriage.
I think there is a bigger obstacle than that. Specifically the Federal law that says that States where they do not have a law regarding gay marriage/civil unions do not have to recognize gay marriages/civil unions from other States.
Because I disagree with you I'm saying things to provoke?!

Marriage is between man and woman!! If gay couples want legal rights of married couples, fine with me, but it is not marriage and should never be referred to as marriage!!

After you have finished crusading for gay marriage..what is next?! People marrying livestock?!
Here is my question: why must the government recognize marriage at all? It should deal with the civil union, or the business, aspect of it and leave the religious and personal connotations of marriage to the churches and the individuals. The government shouldn't grant the word "marriage" to any couple, heterosexual or homosexual.
Because I disagree with you I'm saying things to provoke?!

Marriage is between man and woman!! If gay couples want legal rights of married couples, fine with me, but it is not marriage and should never be referred to as marriage!!
I dunno, just the way you express yourself all the time Poltsamaa. Seems to follow some sort of pattern.

So these couples, these same sex couples, can have all the rights of a "traditional" marriage, minus the name? Maybe we could say it in swahili, would that suit you? As long as it is not called a "marriage", we should be ok?

After you have finished crusading for gay marriage..what is next?! People marrying livestock?!

There you go with that pattern again. Make a declaration and then back it up with some slippery slope. :eyeroll:

Because obviously once we've gotten rid of some outdated traditionalist dogma it necessarily follows that all the secret sheep buggerers will come out of the woodwork looking to get married to their sheep. I can already imagine the pick up lines! "I've got my eye on ewe!" and "So does my shirt match the carpeting?" or maybe we could do horses. "Yeah, Mr. Ed, he was hung like, well you know." :P
I dunno, just the way you express yourself all the time Poltsamaa. Seems to follow some sort of pattern.

So these couples, these same sex couples, can have all the rights of a "traditional" marriage, minus the name? Maybe we could say it in swahili, would that suit you? As long as it is not called a "marriage", we should be ok?
I call a spade a spade!! The wedding ceremony and marriage is for man and woman, a union of two men or two women is not marriage!! Its quite clear to me and it is not a matter of semantics!! The word 'marriage' has a specific meaning and trying to stretch that meaning to cover other unions is politicising marriage!! Should I fast during daylight hours for a month in February and call it Ramadan?! Afterall, its just a name and I'm essentially doing the same thing..so its OK to call it Ramadan right?!

There you go with that pattern again. Make a declaration and then back it up with some slippery slope. :eyeroll:

Its not a slippery slope at all!! Beastialty is a sexual preference as much as homosexuality is!! Where does the stretching of marriage end?!

Because obviously once we've gotten rid of some outdated traditionalist dogma it necessarily follows that all the secret sheep buggerers will come out of the woodwork looking to get married to their sheep. I can already imagine the pick up lines! "I've got my eye on ewe!" and "So does my shirt match the carpeting?" or maybe we could do horses. "Yeah, Mr. Ed, he was hung like, well you know."  :P

It wasn't so long ago that homosexuality was seen as as abhorrent as beastiality!! Once the social engineers have finished extending marriage to cover same sex couples where will they turn their attention to next?! Afterall, if marriage is ok for a man and woman, a man and a man and a woman and a woman, why not man and sheep?! Or are you drawing your moral line before we get to marrying livestock?! Are you sure many of your pro-gay "marriage" advocates are willing to draw the moral line where you do?!
Should I fast during daylight hours for a month in February and call it Ramadan?! Afterall, its just a name and I'm essentially doing the same thing..so its OK to call it Ramadan right?!

Not really, because ramadan doesn't happen at the same time every year (by our Gregorian Calendar) because it is based on a lunar calendar. Ramadan itself is a religious observance while marriage predates and was independent of religion (at least for a while). That is a major issue with disallowing gay marriage in the US, that it is deemed unholy, or violates religious ideas on the subject! And that does not fly with people who believe the state should be separated from religion, as our Founders attempted to make explicit, though apparently not explicit enough! Find me one person who is arguing against gay marriage where they don't bring religion (Leviticus for starters), or religious conceptions of marriage into it!

Its not a slippery slope at all!! Beastialty is a sexual preference as much as homosexuality is!! Where does the stretching of marriage end?!

So you can predict the future can you? That this one event will eventually lead to people marrying their livestock? The idea that gay marriage advocates will say "what next? I dunno, marrying animals to people?" after gay marriage is settled is ludicrous.

It wasn't so long ago that homosexuality was seen as as abhorrent as beastiality!! Once the social engineers have finished extending marriage to cover same sex couples where will they turn their attention to next?! Afterall, if marriage is ok for a man and woman, a man and a man and a woman and a woman, why not man and sheep?! Or are you drawing your moral line before we get to marrying livestock?! Are you sure many of your pro-gay "marriage" advocates are willing to draw the moral line where you do?!

Yes, yet before even that homosexuality was a great thing! Ask the romans, the ones before christianity anyway. Hell, they even allowed for adultery, which must upset your christian sensibilities! What about marriages with many partners? Still fairly popular in Africa last I checked. Not so popular most other places, but it is still marriage! As for moral lines, is it morally wrong to engage in homosexuality? Or with livestock for that matter? Who decided that to be so?
Not really, because ramadan doesn't happen at the same time every year (by our Gregorian Calendar) because it is based on a lunar calendar. Ramadan itself is a religious observance while marriage predates and was independent of religion (at least for a while). That is a major issue with disallowing gay marriage in the US, that it is deemed unholy, or violates religious ideas on the subject! And that does not fly with people who believe the state should be separated from religion, as our Founders attempted to make explicit, though apparently not explicit enough! Find me one person who is arguing against gay marriage where they don't bring religion (Leviticus for starters), or religious conceptions of marriage into it!
Me!! I'm not religious, I'm not arguing religion!! This argument always ends up with me being fingered as some sort of religious zealot, I'm a conservative atheist!!

The reason I used Ramadan as an example was purely for trying to apply a name for a specific thing to something similar purely because the concept involved is the same. Much like you are doing with "gay marriage"!! Marriage is between man and woman and religious or not it is a cornerstone of our society I'd rather not see turned into a political football!!

Why do gay people want "gay marriages" to be legal?! Is it because they want to use the word "married" to describe their relationship or is it more to obtain the legal status of a married heterosexual couple?! Most of the arguments I have seen have been about the latter, something that a legally recognised civil union would obtain while still identifying the union as different from traditional marriage!! If, as you seem to be saying, the word 'marriage' is just that, a word, then I cannot see an argument you can make against legally recognised civil unions as the use of the word 'marriage' holds no meaning to you!!

So you can predict the future can you? That this one event will eventually lead to people marrying their livestock? The idea that gay marriage advocates will say "what next? I dunno, marrying animals to people?" after gay marriage is settled is ludicrous.

No, I was asking if you could as you were so adamant that the legalisation of "gay marriages" would not lead to people pushing for other "relationships" having access to the same institution you are seeking for gay couples!! 50 years ago the concept of gay marriage was ludicrous, yesterdays ludicrous is todays cause for the social engineers!!

Yes, yet before even that homosexuality was a great thing! Ask the romans, the ones before christianity anyway. Hell, they even allowed for adultery, which must upset your christian sensibilities!

Again, I'm not a Christian!! You see, this is the typical response in this argument!! Also your comments show me that your desire is to return society to its lowest common denominator!! There are reasons why societies evolve, you seem to want to reverse the evolution of our society!!

What about marriages with many partners? Still fairly popular in Africa last I checked. Not so popular most other places, but it is still marriage! As for moral lines, is it morally wrong to engage in homosexuality?

My opinion?! As long as they are not banging me, I couldn't care!! My arguments against gay marriage have nothing to do with your next accusation!! You know, the one after you accuse me of being a religious nutjob and go further to label me homophobic?! Yes, I've argued this topic a number of times in a number of different places and the sequence of smears follow the same pattern each time!! All I argue is that marriage is something that is between a man and a woman and should be respected for that reason!! If same sex couples want access to the legal privileges of married couples then a legally recognised civil union is the answer!!

Or with livestock for that matter?

Totally immoral!! Unless you are going to tell me livestock can give consent for sex now?!

Who decided that to be so?

I decide what I find immoral and moral!! Do you have someone tell you what is moral and immoral?!
You're such a traditionalist. So you have no other reason to keep it the way it is besides "That's the way it has been!!" You're not a religious nutjob or a homophobe, which I never called you by the way (though I did assume you were christian because your reasoning reeks of it), you're just stubborn!

Totally immoral!! Unless you are going to tell me livestock can give consent for sex now?!

Who said that the human would initiate? I volunteer on a farm and we were told the first day we were working with oxen not to bend over in front of them, especially if you were female. That wouldn't be immoral by your viewpoint, as it is just the animal doing what it feels is natural. Both parties could be consenting! So then it is not immoral. Better forward this on to the social engineers you keep talking about so they have something to do after gay marriage is settled. :eyeroll:

Edit: Just thought i'd point out that i'm having a great time here not violating the ToS, so we don't need any closings. Just having a lively discussion.
You're such a traditionalist. So you have no other reason to keep it the way it is besides "That's the way it has been!!" You're not a religious nutjob or a homophobe, which I never called you by the way (though I did assume you were christian because your reasoning reeks of it), you're just stubborn!
You didn't call me those things, but you were hinting at it!! Yes, I am a traditionalist!! I would like marriage to remain as it is, a union of man and woman!! You make it sound like being a traditionalist is a bad thing!!

Who said that the human would initiate? I volunteer on a farm and we were told the first day we were working with oxen not to bend over in front of them, especially if you were female. That wouldn't be immoral by your viewpoint, as it is just the animal doing what it feels is natural. Both parties could be consenting! So then it is not immoral. Better forward this on to the social engineers you keep talking about so they have something to do after gay marriage is settled. :eyeroll:

I'm sure the social engineers are well ahead of me in that regards!! Seeing as you refrained from bending over in front of the oxen you would not be consenting so yes, if the oxen raped you, it's be immoral!!

Edit: Just thought i'd point out that i'm having a great time here not violating the ToS, so we don't need any closings. Just having a lively discussion.

Sad reflection on this forum that that needed to be said really!!
I have to ask if an oxen can be immoral?

Immoral suggests a knowledge of right and wrong. Immoral sugests the oxen knows its being bad when it jumps someone. Does this mean that all dogs that 'go for the leg' are guilty of sexual assault?


Hang on a sec Polts. You have no problem with homosexual civil unions, but you don't want homosexual marriages, because marriage is between a man and a woman, and it could lead to all sorts of silly marriages (namely with livestock). So by that reasoning, you would be alright for civil unions between a man and his sheep? After all surely the same slippery slope applies. But as long as we don't destroy the tradition of marriage what the rest of the world does is ok?

...and who are these "social engineers?" Is anyone that sees your traditionalist viewpoint as unfair, mean-spirited and outdated a social engineer? If so, perhaps I should start carrying a union card.

Incidentally, Democratic Senator Bob Menendez has lost 8 percentage points in the polls since the court reached this decision. That is an important race to watch, for those of us who do such things. Just an interesting side note.
Joe! Long tim no see!

Actually, the NJ Supreme Court decision DID NOT even remotely declare that homosexuals have the right to marry. The decision merely stated that homosexuals have the same rights as heterosexuals in the sense that they are not denied any rights that heterosexuals have (that is gay people have the right to marry as long as they marry someone of the opposite sex and that no descrimination against gays exists in this department - heteorsexuals also have the same right to marry as long as it is with a member of the opposite sex).

What the decision does is declare that the legislature must enact laws or a constitutional amendment that decides the issue either way, but specifically charges the legislature with creating laws that specifically allow for civil unions that permit inheritance, etc., in the event there is no will (will and last testament) and someone's estate goes per sterpes.

There's a silly court case going on right now in North Carolina (where marriage is defined in the state constitution as specifically between one man and one woman) brought by a gay couple who was 'married' in Massechussets. Their argument is based upon the 'full faith and credit clause' in the US Constitution. The case is about to be dismissed because 'full faith and credity' only applies to specific issues mentioned in the Constitution and nothing more, mainly interstate trade and monetary issues. The gay couple's claim that 'because Massechussets says gay marriage is legal, every other state must recognize gay marriage because of 'full faith in credit' of laws and documents of other states. This argument is totally and utterly flawed under principles of common law and I will explain why.

In North Carolina, it is legal for me to carry a sidearm or firearm without that firearm being registered and without a permit to carry in the open. Also, in North Carolina there are concieled carry permits for handguns. OK, think about this: if I can carry my handgun concieled in North Carolina with my permit to carry concieled, or out in the open if I don't have a CC permit, then, by the 'full faith in credit' argument I should be able to carry in Massechusettes (and any other state) regardless of what their laws state or their state constitution says. See where this is leading?

On the obverse, if Montana illegalizes abortion, under the full faith and credit argument put forth by the gay couple, that would make abortion illegal in every other state regardless of the laws of those states. But this conundrum is settled totally by the US Constitution. The US Constitution has the 9th and 10th amendments which define 'states rights', and this is why we have different states, and thanksfully so.

Let's stretch this to a very real possibility - if Oregon, it is legal to have sex with animals, so can it be argued that every other state has to recognize and permit an Oregonians 'right' to fornicate with livestock within the borders of any other state? Or how about polygamy? If a state were to permit polygamy, can every other state be forced to recognize it despite their constitutions? Obviously not, and certainly not without a US Constitutional amendment that overrides the 9th and 10th amendments.

Now, if gay couples were to approach the argument from a really logical point of view, they would, with ease, obtain a 'civil union' ruling that affords exactly the very same rights as heterosexual couples. And the argument is so obvious that I can't fathom why gays haven't tried it.

The approach that gay couples should be using falls under the heading of 'property rights' and 'freedom of association'. Very simple. If someone who is gay owns property, their 'gayness' has no bearing on their right to dispose of their property in any way they see fit. Since gay people generally do not have any offspring, any other relatives (siblings, cousins, parents) would have a very weak argument to contest a gay person's will leaving everything to their 'partner'. The problem is when there is no will whatsoever. If said gay person has biological offspring or adopted children, then it wouldn't matter, but for their 'partner'. So, in the event that there is no contractual obligation arrived at on paper ahead of time, the way to solve the issues involved is to afford a 'civil union' arrangement that extends those rights afforded to married couples as per property rights. This already exists per se under contract law in any given state.

The issue of hospitals not permitting gays to be visited by their 'partners' is only because the patient didn't list their 'partner' on their visitor list. That's a matter of issue with the policy of the hospital and not the law, etc. A hospital that is a private corporation has a right to set its policies in accordance with their stockholders' wishes. There are always other hospitals to extend you their custom if you don't like the policies of that particular hospital. Legally, a hospital, private or public, can refuse you treatment if you don't have insurance or the money to pay for treatment. Hospitals are equal opportunity descriminators - they descriminate against everyone equally.

The other thing that royally pisses me off is when I hear anyone equating the 'gay rights movement' with the 'civil rights movement' as endured by blacks in the US. It's a major insult to blacks and the whole civil rights movement. I don't recall gays being enslaved because they were gay. I don't recall gays being forced to walk on a different side of the street than heterosexuals. I don't ever recall gays being denied any rights by law or constitution that didn't also apply to heterosexuals. It's equally illegal in East Bejeezus for people to engage in sodomy regardless of whether or not they are gay or not. And gays and heterosexuals have the same equal right to marry anyone they please as long as their choice is a member of the opposite sex. Ergo, no descrimination.

Now, if you refuse someone service at your business because they are gay, or refuse them employment because they are gay, that's another story altogether.

I personally don't care what people do in private. hell, I don't even want to see straight couples smooching in public let alone gays, but damn it, don't try to legislate laws from the bench calling a cow a tree and expect everyone to call a cow a tree. You can't legislate morality or acceptance. I franlky don't believe what polls say because I can design a poll to arrive at any conclusion I want and have it be statistically correct.

Oh, and New Jersey is a walking freak show and it has nothing to do with gay marriage or cows.

I have to ask if an oxen can be immoral?
Yes, because I decide what i believe to be immoral!!

Immoral suggests a knowledge of right and wrong. Immoral sugests the oxen knows its being bad when it jumps someone. Does this mean that all dogs that 'go for the leg' are guilty of sexual assault?

No, an immoral act does not have anything to do with knowledge of right or wrong!! An immoral act is immoral!! A dog humping someones leg is gulity of sexual assault, I guess no one has ever pressed charges!! ;)

Hang on a sec Polts. You have no problem with homosexual civil unions, but you don't want homosexual marriages, because marriage is between a man and a woman, and it could lead to all sorts of silly marriages (namely with livestock). So by that reasoning, you would be alright for civil unions between a man and his sheep? After all surely the same slippery slope applies. But as long as we don't destroy the tradition of marriage what the rest of the world does is ok?

If you could get the sheep to consent to the civil union and it is deemed legal in the part of the world it is to take place then that is their business!! Just don't call it marriage!! There is no slippery slope at all!!

Shoeless Joe:
and who are these "social engineers?" Is anyone that sees your traditionalist viewpoint as unfair, mean-spirited and outdated a social engineer? If so, perhaps I should start carrying a union card.

No, just the vocal lobby groups that push these things incessantly!! If you are one of those then yes, you are a social engineer!! I'm sure your membership card for the Communist Party would probably suffice with regards to acknowledging your status as a social engineer!! ;)

Incidentally, Democratic Senator Bob Menendez has lost 8 percentage points in the polls since the court reached this decision. That is an important race to watch, for those of us who do such things. Just an interesting side note.

Damn those tradionalists?!
No, just the vocal lobby groups that push these things incessantly!! If you are one of those then yes, you are a social engineer!! I'm sure your membership card for the Communist Party would probably suffice with regards to acknowledging your status as a social engineer!!

You have successfully replaced the term "social engineer" with "vocal lobby group." I suppose my question now is: who are these "vocal lobby groups?" You don't, by chance, mean voters do you? :lol:
You have successfully replaced the term "social engineer" with "vocal lobby group." I suppose my question now is: who are these "vocal lobby groups?" You don't, by chance, mean voters do you?  :lol:
Lobby groups are the social engineers!! The ones that push that rancid policy called "political correctness"!! Of course they are voters, but they are not all the voters!! Rarely are they even a majority of voters!! Its not like there is that big of a test to become a voter now is there?!

They are the vocal groups that push the latest fad topic backed by the rent-a-crowd protestors!!
So, social engineers = vocal lobby groups = social engineers = vocal groups?

I still don't know who you are talking about. But, I digress. I suppose terms like these don't really have any meaning, so I will stop trying to get you to elaborate.

My point is that rhetoric, when used this way, is harmful. It alienates those that don't share your opinion from you and precludes any possibility of meaningful dialogue or compromise. In the end, we are left in a position where you call people that disagree with you "social engineers" and "rent a crowd protesters" and those people call you... well... whatever it is they call you. As a result, the entire discussion about human relationships and their place in the political sphere deteriorates into a mindless exchange of stereotypes.

Some political strategists (Karl Rove comes to mind) prefer such an arrangement for purely political purposes. However, when such an arrangement does exist, meaningful legislation rarely gets impelemented.
So, social engineers = vocal lobby groups = social engineers = vocal groups?

I still don't know who you are talking about. But, I digress. I suppose terms like these don't really have any meaning, so I will stop trying to get you to elaborate.

My point is that rhetoric, when used this way, is harmful. It alienates those that don't share your opinion from you and precludes any possibility of meaningful dialogue or compromise. In the end, we are left in a position where you call people that disagree with you "social engineers" and "rent a crowd protesters" and those people call you... well... whatever it is they call you. As a result, the entire discussion about human relationships and their place in the political sphere deteriorates into a mindless exchange of stereotypes.

Some political strategists (Karl Rove comes to mind) prefer such an arrangement for purely political purposes. However, when such an arrangement does exist, meaningful legislation rarely gets impelemented.
So you have no on-topic argument and choose instead to try and smear me?! Good job!! Perhaps you should just take a seat and let people who wish to discuss the topic play now!!

I didn't call anyone social engineers or rent-a-crowd protestors, although I know they exist!! Vocal lobby groups push social engineering agendas such as messing with the institution of marriage!! It's not that hard to follow, surely!! The process of redefining marriage is social engineering as is political correctness and the like!!

As for the use of stereotypes, I believe it was me being classified as "christian", religious and alluded to as homophobic!! Didn't see you getting on your high horse about that now did we!! ;)

Anyway, as I said, if you have anything on-topic to add, be my guest!! If not, then perhaps you better stop posting!!
I will leave it to the competent discretion of the moderators of the forum to determine what is and is not "on topic", but I thank you for your concern. I was under the impression that we were having a civilized conversation regarding the institution of marriage, its definition and the various groups of people that wish to wed. You were the person responsible for alluding to "social engineering" and "political correctness" instead of speaking directly to the topic of the Supreme Court decision. I simply asked you to elaborate on the definition of those terms and you have still failed to do so.

Further, I have not smeared you. I did not call you any nasty names. I simply asked you to define some of the key terms you were using to defend your position. If I have smeared anything, it is the words you have chosen to describe people that do not share your viewpoint.

I do not believe that the term "christian" is a pejorative one. The word "religious" isn't neccessarily so either. The term homophobic is, and if anyone has insinuated that you are a homophobe then they should be chastised for doing so. I certainly did not. Furthermore, it is not my responsibility to defend you from attack. You are quite capable of doing so yourself.

Now if you would like to offer a more provocative argument against gay marriage than the one you have offered, I will be happy to consider it. But if you continue to dress the individuals that support the notion of gay marriage in the garb of sociopathic ideologues, I am given little choice but to evaluate the merit of such a description. As I have previously stated, I find this sort of rhetorical argument to be divisive and purposefully dismissive.
You haven't offered any on-topic argument about "gay marriage"!! I have offered my views on the topic!!

Your definitions etc. are irrelevant to the discussion and offer nothing to the debate!!

You took objection to the use of stereotypes, I merely pointed out that stereotyping goes both ways and that they had been applied to me earlier in the debate!!

I have more than defined "social engineering" and "political correctness" in the context of this subject, if you are not satisfied, perhaps you need to consult google and look them up yourself!!

I do not believe that the term "christian" is a pejorative one. The word "religious" isn't neccessarily so either. The term homophobic is, and if anyone has insinuated that you are a homophobe then they should be chastised for doing so. I certainly did not. Furthermore, it is not my responsibility to defend you from attack. You are quite capable of doing so yourself.

I'm not asking you to defend me from attack!! I am asking you to offer something to the discussion of the topic of "gay marriage"!! I posted my opinion on the court decision in my first post and then was pressed to elaborate on my position on the topic which I did!! My standpoint is simple, leave marriage the hell alone!! If gay couples want the same legal rights as married couples then they can have a legally recognised civil union!! If you had bothered to read what I postd, that would have been abundantly clear!!

Now if you would like to offer a more provocative argument against gay marriage than the one you have offered, I will be happy to consider it. But if you continue to dress the individuals that support the notion of gay marriage in the garb of sociopathic ideologues, I am given little choice but to evaluate the merit of such a description. As I have previously stated, I find this sort of rhetorical argument to be divisive and purposefully dismissive.

As purposely dismissive as you have been of what I have posted?! Yes, I'm a traditionalist and do not want to see the intitution of marriage altered in the manner this court decision wishes to!! That is my opinion!! I do not have to prove myself to you at all!! I do believe people medddling with marriage are doing so purely for the sake of doing so rather than offering anything that improves our society at all!!
Here is my question: why must the government recognize marriage at all? It should deal with the civil union, or the business, aspect of it and leave the religious and personal connotations of marriage to the churches and the individuals. The government shouldn't grant the word "marriage" to any couple, heterosexual or homosexual.
I like this post.

Government has no place in matters of moral or religious choice. The only area of marriage government should be concerned with is the economic end of it. Deciding who has the "right" to get married is not the government's job.

And bestiality is a little different, given that a sheep or horse or rabbit or porcupine can't exactly say "I do."
I agree that if marriage is an inherently religious institution, then it should not be recognized by civil authorities. However, I doubt that it actually is an inherently religious institution, and that it is being played up to get homophobes to the polls. So long as they are motivated to vote there will be no rational conclusions on the issue.

Here's an anecdote I forgot about before: A few years ago, there was a news story about a woman in Pennsylvania who was pulled over and cited for child endangerment for breast-feeding her child while driving. The reason this is interesting is that her husband cited the bible and the First Amendment saying that he was the only person authorized to punish his wife. They had no marriage license, but as far at they were concerned they were married in the eyes of god.

Well, is that a decent definition of marriage? I certainly wouldn't suggest to these people that their god needed to acknowledge same-sex marriages.

But what does that have to do with a standing order to put a person on hospital visitation lists, wills which may not yet be written, emergency contact lists, medical insurance, etc?
Many churches also forbid divorce, yet the government recognizes it. Why? Is it because basing economic contracts on the contemporary mores (so fickle them) of a minority (albeit an active one) of religious zealots is sometimes seen in Westernized nations as a poor idea?