Embassy of North Pacific

Updates North Pacific:
September 29th 2006


North Pacific now contains 126 nations.

Welcome to nations Osakastan and Hebradeion

News and Announcements

A new cabinet was selected by Shrek

New Cabinet

The Legality of the Council is still being discussed

The Lazarus Petition to Game Mods roadshow has also arrived in NP. Its a good cause and a lot of people here are supporting it.

Our FRA Representatives have also been selected
Big Killer babys

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

BKB has started an Ambassador Roll Call as well as Changes and Roll Calls

Ministry of Security and Defense:

Defending, Our Choice is a topic on our neutrailty and our commitments to defending.

The NPDF also defended Random Idiots and The Wandering Ninjas in the past week.

Popular Topics in our one and only Bubblegum Factory:

Last Word Wins

Questions Only

The Biggest Ego which i thought was a topic about me but apprantly not!

Role Play

Right im not going to explain this its mad so check it out Talpidae


We have had two new senators Defectivity and Sirnie, im sure they will do great!

Quote of the Week
Remember Ronan, in a hurricane even the most trivial of things can become deadly projectiles -Shrek

That's all folks!

BKB (North Pacific's Minister of Foreign Affairs)
Updates North Pacific:
October 14th 2006

North Pacific now contains 116 nations.

Welcome to nations Swediana, Palps and Ave Grei

Ave Grei

News and Announcements

Russo Principolis has announced he is undertaking a delegacy attempt in his Thread
Russo-Princepolis for Delegate

After the shock departure of Spanish Pacific, our delegate Shrek was forced to fill the positions left empty by her sudden exit. The Thread can be found here. Filling Positions

Big Killer Babys has asked any interested nations to nominate themselves for positions in FRA. The Topic is here FRA Positions

Ministry of Internal Affairs
P and S came out with some interesting ideas for activity on our Region Message board, the topic can be found here.

Ideas for the RMB

P and S also chose Marwari as his Vice minister
new V/M

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Big Killer Babys started a topic to figure out what regions we feel we should be in contact with, that we are not in contact with already. The topic is here. Targeted Regions

We have also opened an embassy for the NPO in our embassy row. In other news we have recently opened embassies in Lazarus and New Pacific Order.

Ministry of UN Affairs
Defectivity has called for a vote on Freedom of Assembly

Ministry of Justice

BKB has asked for a law to be made so embassies in North Pacific which are inactive can be warned and then deleted if still inactive. Inactive Embassy Law

Popular Topics in our one and only Bubblegum Factory:

Last Word Wins

I hate

Random Lyrics

Questions Only

Papercuts and skittles is top of the leaderboard in theNS Spam Contest

Role Play

The only role play that is active at the moment is Pushing The Borders.

That's all folks!

BKB (North Pacific's Minister of Foreign Affairs)
Updates North Pacific:
October 29th,2006

Delegate:Shrek aka Blame Microsoft
North Pacific now contains 120 nations.

The Ideas P&S posted for the RMB are working and we are currently going through the alphabet posting words starting from A to Z :).

Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
Minister:Big Killer Babys
VM: Idunnowhat

We have opened Diplomatic relations with a number of regions:
The East Pacific,
The North Pacific,
Scroll Islands,
The Exodus,
and Gatesville.

Some of them have come and asked for an embassy on our forums as well.

Welcome to the new ambassadors: Chesha from Scroll Islands, Rose and Pepin from The Exodus and Papercuts and Skittles who now represents the West Pacific in NP.

We have been alarmed by the recent happenings in Equilism, the MoFA has decided to cease all relations with Equilism at that time.

Popular Topics in our one and only Bubblegum Factory:

Last Word Wins.

Questions only.

Some of the members are currently on vacation and will come back very soon.

The 10 Highest Police ratios in NP:
1. The Republic of Dkara
2. The Imperium Sanctum of Hurrichism
3. The Hamster Wheel of Commie Chinatown
4. The Interesting Enigma of Djindar
5. The Shadowed Haven of Velgard
6. The Nation of WW2dudeopia
7. The United soviet state of NORILSK16
8. The Grand Duchy of Wembully
9. The Pyromaniacs of TFATF_Land
10. The People's Republic of Cha-na

Defec: ... American college football. What has the world come to?

That's all folks!

Idunnowhat (North Pacific's Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs)
Updates North Pacific:
November 11th,2006
Delegate:Shrek aka Blame Microsoft
North Pacific now contains 120 nations

Welcome to nations Gateborg and Sir lans from TYW. Here is the Introduction Forum

News and Announcements
Lots of stuff has happened in this forum.Pope lexus arrived with his Nationstates History roadshow.
A notice of Biotherm and BKB's vacations can be found here
There was a discussion on our new Home Page.
It was Velgard and Shreks birthdays since our last update. That thread can be found here
Is this it? is a topic about our recent inactivity

OOC Discussion
A topic on the recent changes in the American politics can be found here

Role Play

We have two ongoing role plays.
Pushing The Borders as well a topic on the Military Might Calculator

Popular Topics in our one and only Bubblegum Factory
Blatant Lies about the above poster

Who stole the sun?

Last word wins!!

Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
Return of the Red Liberty Alliance was greeted with some interesting reactions.

Harmoneia: Lazarus doesn't have an embassy here! So unfair! BKB is a big fat liar!

That's all folks!

BKB (North Pacific's Minister of Foreign Affairs)
Updates North Pacific:
November 26th,2006
Delegate:Shrek aka Blame Microsoft
North Pacific now contains 120 nations

News and Announcements
The Is this it? has thrown up some interesting ideas to revive our region.

We finally found out what happens to russo over the past few weeks. Here is the topic Russo's Troubles

OOC Discussion
Big news people!!! It was BKBs birthday on the 19th of November. Happy Birthday to him. It was also someone called Harmoneia's birthday but really no one noticed.

Downtown NP

I would like to draw attention othe North Pacific Champions League if anyone wishes to join they may, just read this topic. NP Soccer League

Ministry of Security and Defence
The NPDF under the direction of Biotherm paticipated in the following missions this week.

A Socialist Paradise
Utopian Islands
Fonklebocker Fillimore

Well done to all involved.

That's all folks!

BKB (North Pacific's Minister of Foreign Affairs)
Updates North Pacific:
December 17th,2006
Delegate:Shrek aka Blame Microsoft
North Pacific now contains 120 nations

News and Announcements

Elections were called for council positions. The thread is located Here. We had a fairly good turnout so check out the nomainees.

The Is this It? thread has been going for over a month now and ideas are still being disussed.It can be found here

Voting started for the council positions. Check it out here

Welcome to Chin Chillas, Drop your pants and welcome back to Niels!
The forum is here

Downtown North Pacific

North Pacifics Soccer League was finally opened to the public, friendlies have started with BKB beating Ephant 1-0 and Defec losing to T1g4h 2-0. Check it out here

Citizens Floor
Niels posted his ideas to improve our region. They can be found here

Security and Defence
The NPDF have responded to the following invasions since our last update
The World of Naruto
Ze void
The South Pole

Founderless Region Alliance
Defectivity was elected our representitive to FRA as Shrek resigned.The topic can be found here

Role Play
Annexation of the Southern Lands is a story of Defective Expansionism.

Pushing the Borders

Ok i dont know what is going on there but i think everyone is slowly causing the others to die of famine. Stay Tuned!

That's all folks!

BKB (North Pacific's Minister of Foreign Affairs)
Updates North Pacific:
February 3rd 2007
Delegate:Shrek aka Blame Microsoft
North Pacific now contains 130 nations

News and Announcements

The NS Census roadshow arrived. It can be found here.

Spanish Pacific came back to explain to us our failings as a region.It can be found here.

The Is this it? thread is still very popular.

Welcome to Schematica, The Repulic of Ironwell as well as a welcome back to Talthia

OOC Discussion
Your Top 10 favourite songs and More troops being sent into Iraq are the topics in that area

Downtown North Pacific
The North Pacific Soccer league is ogoing. Find it here

Citizens Floor
Talthia started a topic about the activity of our council. it can be found here

Internal Affairs
Talthia questioned our MoIA Papercuts and Skittles anout Internal Affairs policies. it can be found here

A discussion on our WFE can be found here

Foreign Affairs
A piece written by Northern Chittowa on Peace in Equilism and also a discussion on if we wish re-apply for an embassy there. It can be found here. A topic on embassy closures can be found here

North Pacific University
A discussion on how to write our regional history has started here

Security and Defence
Discussions on the NPDFs Insignias and Ranks have been started.

Regions defended or at least attempted:
The Old Raiding Club
The Great Union
The Allied Nations of 7SB

That's all folks!

BKB (North Pacific's Minister of Foreign Affairs)
Updates North Pacific:
March 25th 2007
Delegate:Shrek aka Blame Microsoft
North Pacific now contains 100 nations
News and Announcements
Council Elections were called in this thread
Niels and BKB both resigned.
The First Annual Defender Awards thread can be found here
A poll on how our council should be was started.
Shrek announced his vacation would interrupt his delegacy in NP and a new delegate must be elected. The thread can be found here.

Welcome to Sympany,Azura Coast, Kangarawa, Cactus Squeezins and Stransworthe. The forum is here
OOC Discussion
More troops being sent into Iraq is still popular.
Downtown North Pacific
The North Pacific Soccer league is ongoing.Felasia from Equilism has joined as had Azura Coast. Find it here
Citizens Floor
The Council activity thread is still ongoing. It can be found here. The council is an integral part of North Pacific and needs to be revived.
Foreign Affairs
A change in ambassdorships was called for. It can be found here.
Embassies is a topic about which embassies we should keep open.

Security and Defence
Discussions on the NPDFs Insignias and Ranks have been started.
Regions defended or at least attempted:
Texas Rangers
That's all folks!
Thanks a lot!!

North Pacific Update
Date: 22/6/08
Delegate-The United States of Brusian
Population-North Pacific contains 51 nations.

Greetings from a resurgent and renewed North Pacific.

In light of our massive and untimely demise over the past year we would like to apologise for our lack of correspondence and inform you of North Pacific’s return to the world of NS. At this moment in time, we are taking things slow and attempting to sort out a few minor details which we hope will make NP more attractive to newer players. At the moment it may not look like much but this is a startling amount of activity in comparison to the last year, hopefully things will get even more active.

Our forums-http://s11.invisionfree.invalid/North_Pacific/index.php

Firstly id like to announce the return of two of our most well known nations Defectivity and Blame Microsoft(Shrek). The thread can be found here

Ministry of Internal Affairs
Recruitment (Yay) has begun again and nations have been clamouring, just clamouring to get their names on the list of recruiters. As well as that North Pacific would like to invite you to come and get involved on our rmb. This weeks topic is The role of government in the personal lives of citizens

Senate Affairs
The newly established senate has been discussing proposals on government structure and candidates for positions. The threads can be found here

Ministry of WA Affairs
Discussion has begun on the newest WA proposal

The Bubblegum Factory
The infamous spam area is back with more gum and more bubble. Come and check out the games in the Happy Fun Time Area. Debates are currently raging in Debate Central with debates on Irelands rejection of the Lisbon treaty and the American Presidential Race.

Role Play
The 16th Century... today! Coming to a 16th Century near you... has been opened to new players. So what is this? Well you get to be a 16th Century ruler. That's right, for the next two days North Pacific is accepting applications to rule a nation out of 16th Century Europe. They are on a first-come-first-serve basis, so step right up and don't delay! We'd love it if members of other regions came to play! The game will hopefully begin on Tuesday. We will be using this role play as a reopening ceremony celebrating one of the greatest occasions in NP history, the original topic and looking to a bright and prosperous future for NP. Please do get involved.

That’s all Folks

Big Killer Babys
North Pacific's Minister of Foreign Affairs
Hello everyone. New news from North Pacific!

North Pacific Update
Date: 5/07/08
Delegate-The United States of Brusian
Population-North Pacific contains 54 nations.

Greetings from a resurgent and renewed North Pacific.

Our forums-http://s11.invisionfree.invalid/North_Pacific/index.php

Firstly id like to announce the return of Die Besser Reich. Diplomats from The Youngworld (Nomy) and Europa (Orioni and Nouvelle-Beautancus) and 00000 A World Power (Numero Capitan) have arrived to partake in the RP
Sedge has taken a short leave of absence, he is in America so if you see him throw a duck at him.

Senate Affairs
The Senate has elected
Minister of Foreign Affairs-Big Killer Babys
Minister of Internal Affairs-Defectivity
Minister of Intelligence-Die Besser Reich
Minister of Defence-Sedge

Also a discussion on our constitution has started, it can be found here

The Bubblegum Factory
Spam continues with games like guess who will post next? and Where in the world?
Discussion on the crazy weather we've been having is here
Also a debate has started on Euthanasia

Role Play
The 16th Century...Today
This role play is still ongoing heres a brief synopsis
England is on the brink of war with the Gaelic Kingdom of Scotland and her informal Irish allies, and is involved in several ambitious - but risky plans to expand her economic might, the Romanian Principalities are preparing to fight the an enemy that is both richer and better equipped than themselves, and Russia's westward expansion has been blocked by a Lithuanian blockade of European goods
We can still take more players, sign up here

Defectivity has been announced the new North Pacific representative to the FRA assembly.
Embassy Row
00000 A World Power and Europa both posted in their embassies highlighting NPs rapid return to regional politics.

North Pacific Defence Force
The NPDF made a successful return to the defending world in Venice. Huzzah!!
I. Hate. Summer.

That is all.

Yes but that's because the north pole is melting, they've come to realize that we're about 20 shopping days away from Kevin Costner's Waterworld...

I think the most important thing, to begin with is to establish some laws. The MoJD seems mighty empty, save for cobwebs and the like. And that doesn't suit me.
Know what I think would be just spiffy? An unnecessary language law!-

That’s all Folks

Big Killer Babys
North Pacific's Minister of Foreign Affairs