The End of NationStates?

Just a scheme to get us to use those icky Jolt forums, isn't it?

But I guess I'll post anyway, cause I'm just that weak. :(
No doubt the game is in decline, but I'll keep logging on every now and then to keep you all honest!! As for posting on Jolt, I'd rather not!!
I also posted my opinion on Jolt. I've tried Cybernations, and though it's not bad, when my active RL forced me to choose between the two games, I didn't have to think twice.
CN is such a different game than NS, I really don't see how it can be construed as an alternative...

Heft and I have talked about this before, and I honestly believe that what we're seeing now is not the death of NationStates, but the purging of the less-cerebral players.
Problem is the mods aren't going to drastically change the game just to satisfy the small percentage of us who are gameplayers as opposed to issue answerers. IMO we need to take control of the situation and solve it for ourselves.
I think the people who moan about the game dying and so forth just like complaining or are trying to find excuses for why their region has lost members. NationStates is what you make of it in my view and although it may have lost members, it is still an extremely popular game.
NS seemed a lot more inactive every time I poked my head for a minute or two in over the past several months, but it could be because I wasn't checking into role play regions as much as I was game play-centered communities. I thought it was due to long-time players leaving for college, and/or graduating from college and getting real jobs and such. That was the case for a lot of the people I keep in contact with OOCly. A lot of people seem to be coming back now, though. I'd like to help liven things up if anyone has any ideas. Carrot juice?
Activity has declined since I have joined, I really dont understand it... I would assume that even as people leave NS because of lack of interest/real jobs etc. that more would come...
I think one of the problems is the amount of small to medium size regions out there. Theres loads of active nations in these regions but because they are in different regions they have to work on thier own and burn out. If there were less regions the active players would be less spread out and the regions that were left would be moire active and bigger.

I also beleive that there are so many nations in feeders that are untapped activity resources, i heard someone had an idea that the mods should make all regions with 50+ UNs in the region should be made into feeder esque regions and thereby cut out the recuiting which takes up so much of a nations time. This would effectivly make all biggish regions feeders and i think it would make the game more active.
I would be against the idea and I'm sure the Mods would never agree to it. It would just create so much confusion amongst players and also give the Mods a lot of work to do.
Agreed! And some players prefer to be in small to mid-sized regions. They're afraid they'd get lost in the crowd in a 100+ region.
Oh i know all the regions im involved in have under 150 nations except TNP. I prefer it, its more tight knit as a community. And yes the mods probably would have a ot of trouble with it. Just brainstorming really!
What do you think would happen if the Modly ones suddenly decided that each player could have only one nation?

Do you know which region you would choose?
Would it force the off site gameplay to be even further removed from actual NS gameplay?
Would the forums continue even after the regions emptied and died?
Would it be good or bad for NS?
Would it make no difference at all except make it easier for the Mods and therefore a very possible move? ;)

Just wondering...
What do you think would happen if the Modly ones suddenly decided that each player could have only one nation?

Aack! Don't say that, even in jest! :no: :no: :no:

Do you know which region you would choose?

That would be a tough one. The Lexicon was my first region, but I also have an active nation that's having a lot of fun in a raiding region. It would be a tough choice between them right now. Currently, I don't have to choose. I can belong to as many regions as I want, limited only by time and the one-UN rule.

Would it force the off site gameplay to be even further removed from actual NS gameplay?

Probably. Most of my nations have no connection to Romanar, and even if I couldn't use them on NS, I'd want to keep them offsite, even though most of them are semi-inactive right now.

Would the forums continue even after the regions emptied and died?


Would it be good or bad for NS?

IMO, bad! As you can tell from my above, I like having multiple nations. It gives me a chance to explore multiple aspects of NS, which would be difficult or even impossible with one nation.

Would it make no difference at all except make it easier for the Mods and therefore a very possible move?

It would make a very big difference to me.
What do you think would happen if the Modly ones suddenly decided that each player could have only one nation?
Do you know which region you would choose?

TNP, duh.

Would it force the off site gameplay to be even further removed from actual NS gameplay? 

Mebbe, by basically killing invaders (just about the only offsite group that still is involved in actual NS gameplay).

Would the forums continue even after the regions emptied and died? 

TNP's probably would. Community has already outgrown the game, yadayada.

Would it be good or bad for NS? 


Would it make no difference at all except make it easier for the Mods and therefore a very possible move? ;)

For me personally, not much of a difference. For the game, it would kill off the remaining defender/invader dynamic, and other things along the same vein. Conflict would decrease, and, well, that's bad for the game as a whole.
What do you think would happen if the Modly ones suddenly decided that each player could have only one nation?

A lot of people would become Banned on Site :P

Do you know which region you would choose?

Shit! Um...ah...Lone Wolves United, I am its founder I have to go with it :ph34r:

Would it force the off site gameplay to be even further removed from actual NS gameplay?

Yes, in fact I think it would suppress people into a cacoon of Role Playing and lameness.

Would the forums continue even after the regions emptied and died?

Perhaps, more than likely the game would die :P

Would it be good or bad for NS?


Would it make no difference at all except make it easier for the Mods and
therefore a very possible move?

It would make the game LAME! And the mods are lazy enough as it is.