Embassy and Consulate requests

I, Knockavale, representing the FRA, do hereby understand that this consulate in no way forces The North Pacific into any Military or Political Alliance or relationship. I understand that this consulate may be closed at anytime by the Minister of External Affairs for whatever reason. I hereby pledge to follow the rules and regulations of this forum.
To be honest, I do not want to grant your region a Consulate as I do not think it would be favourable to The North Pacific.

So I'm afraid that without drastic change, I will not allow it.
Greetings The North Pacific:
I am the emissary from the 10000 islands and we are interested in establishing an embassy and good relations with the North Pacific.

I will also act as the ambassador until future notice.
*waves to Gateborg*

We are awaiting the final results of our elections, so you may need to wait until the new Minister has taken up the post here.

Thank you for your patience !
Actually, until a new Minister is elected to this position, I will continue to do my job.

10000 Islands, your request is accepted, please post the Consulate agreement in it.

Gateborg, I apologize for the delay, I have opened you a Consulate, please post the agreement in it.
Embassy Agreement between The North Pacific and North Pacific


Recognising The North Pacific government as the legitimate governing body of The North Pacific and North Pacific government as the legitimate governing body of the North Pacific both regions agree to an exchange of embassies.

1. It must be understood that both regions remain sovereign as do each region's nations.

2. Both regions will agree to not involve each other in any Military or Political conflicts. This agreement in no way obliges either party to act in either Military or Political nature. Should any party attempt to involve each other in said affairs, this agreement can be seen as null and void.

3. Each region will place an embassy in the region of the other, in order to further communication between the two nations. The embassy will act as a voice of the region within the other, and will respect the laws of foreign soil. This will be done with due process and by request.

4. The regions entering into this contract agree to encourage their nations to register and participate on the other's forum, so that both regions can get to know each other and so our friendship may be strengthened. Additionally, members of each region shall have an automatic invitation to all festive occasions in either region.

5. Both regions agree to co-operate in promoting and passing better UN resolutions.

6. This treaty is between The North Pacific and North Pacific only and does not affect any current or future treaties.

7. Both regions agree to maintain activity within their embassies and recognise that their embassy may be closed if it remains inactive for more than 30 days.

8. The treaty may be reviewed and Terminated by the Governing Bodies of either Region should any of the terms of this agreement be violated.

Signed: Big Killer Babys Delegate of NP.
Your Embassy has been re-opened in Gatesville, so Im here to re-open ours here. So:

I, Pope Lexus X, Foreign Affairs Advocate of Gatesville, do hereby understand that this consulate in no way forces The North Pacific into any Military or Political Alliance or relationship. I understand that this consulate may be closed at anytime by the Minister of External Affairs for whatever reason. I hereby pledge to follow the rules and regulations of this forum.
I am representing a region I started about ten days ago known as The Federation of Folsom, hopefully there will be other members besides me soon. Anyways, I would like to open a consulate.

1. What is your region's stance on invading/defending? We are raiders, and like all regions the reason our position has formed is unique to our region.

2. Do you have any alliances with other regions? The Last Kingdom. I have applied for alliances with Taijitu and Lazarus, no word on those yet.

3. What type of government style does your region have? An Imperial Democracy, we believe that by raiding we will makes the lives of the people we raid better and create a better Nationstates for everyone.

4. Can you give me a brief history of your region? Our region originated from Akilopolis 1 and 2 of Folsom and New Folsom respectively. Imperial Folsom was founded by me but it got re-founded by another region and the other region left. Now I have The Federation of Folsom and all is well. :D

5. Why do you want to open a Consulate with The North Pacific?
I want to improve the relationship between the Feeders and raiders and prove that not all of us are interested in the unfruitful and ignorant belief that all raiders are capable or should actively pursue annexing feeder regions. The original founder Akilopolis 1/2 was a well-meaning person but he wished to rule over a feeder, and I believe that he may have become so obsessed with this goal that endangered Folsom and New Folsom and as his successor I do not desire to go down such a path.

Anyways, thank you for hearing my consulate request, see you around.

Signed, Zakalak
I am happy to have you joining our forums.

But considering the actual size of your region, I must say that I doubt that a consulate would be of great use to you, or us.
Whenever your region is home to more nations than your own, I will be glad to furfill your request.
Okay, thank you for your time, I was pretty sure my region was too small, I just figured I might as well give it a try, because if I did not try I would not know for sure.

Signed, Zakalak
To the esteemed Minister of External Affairs,

Greetings from the Foreign Secretary of Europeia, a mid-sized region. Would you be interested in exchanging embassies and diplomats as a sign of friendship, peace and cooperation?

There are 100 nations in our region, I will send an ambassador as soon as this is approved (I do not yet know who) and our forum is at http://z6.invisionfree.invalid/Europeia/index.php

Thanks. We look forward to years of friendship and fruitful diplomatic relations.


Cordova I,
Europeian Foreign Secretary
Hey, I'd like to apply for a consulate for my organization, THE NEW ORDER. A little bit about us:

We don't have a region, although if necessary we can go take one over. Right now we have 14 members, but we hope to expand very soon.

The point is that THE NEW ORDER not a region. We're more of a Transnational Organization that has devoted itself to liberty, activity, chaos, and the salvation of Nationstates! Our government is an Anarcho-Sultanate co-ruled by me and Catkingdom.

Our forums are at tno.shadyindustries.biz
Hm, for me the question here is...why not?

OK, I want you to give me reasons why I should NOT allow you to have a consulate in TNP. Thank you.
(I like playing games).
1) We are a secret conspiracy that seeks to may everybody happy.

2) I have no clue who the Agents of Chaos are.

3) We may actually be insane.

4) One or two of our members may be evil. I haven't run the litmus test on them yet cause litmus paper that big is hard to come by.
How hard do they party? We don't want them waking up all the other embassies in the middle of the night.
You don't?

Well, I can tell them to be quiet, if I must. Oh, I hate disappointing them. They get so... sad, and they give me the sad puppy eyes and ask me to buy them candy or they'll scream. Or a pony.
Greetings, Minister.

I am Lichto, sent from the 10000 Islands to open a consulate here. We would also welcome a consulate from you in our forums as well, found at http://10000islands.proboards21.com

I'm sure we have much in common, but plenty of individualities we both can learn from. I hope together we can grow a friendship akin to that of Frodo and Sam... with less sexual tension.

Thank you!

10000 Islands

[EDIT]Hi-yo! I've found the 10KI consulate. All it took was a little searching, which on a dial-up connection took slightly longer than it should have. This post can now be ignored, since we already have a consulate set up. Sorry for the false alarm!

I'm Fiferiser, the Foreign Affairs minister for 'Region to Empire of Schuyler', our region would love to open up a Consulate here in The North Pacific.

Our forum URL is http://kpyper112.proboards107.com/index.cgi?

We are a fairly new region, and we are looking to go somewhere, so we ask politely

Can we open a Consulate?

Minister of Foreign Affairs for 'Region to Empire of Schuyler'