As produced by Unter:
Here I am also taking Article II, Section 3 to lump in its curbs on governmental power to the front of the document. I would take part 2 and basically make it into Article I section 2 parts 1 and 5. Article II section 3 part 3 would become I.2.6. Article II section 3 part 1 is addressed in Article II Section 1 Part 1, and I believe should be deleted, but that should be dealt with later (Eventually I feel the entirety of Article II section 3 can be transferred or deleted). Quoted below for good measure:
COLOR KEY:Blue means additions
Red means deletions
Green strikethrumeans text is copied verbatim to Plain Green
Article I
Section 1: Rights of Nations
1.All Nations of The North Pacific are sovereign.Each Nation has the right of self-determination in that Nation's domestic policies, including, but not limited to, issue selection , adding or withdrawing endorsements and UN membership.
2. Each Nation's rights to free speech, free press, and the free expression of religion shall not be infringed,and shall be encouraged, by the governmental authorities of the region.Each Nation has the right to assemble, and to petition the governmental authorities of the region, including the UN Delegate, for the redress of grievances.The governmental authorities of the region shall act only in the best interests of the Region, as permitted and limited under this Constitution.
3. Participation in the governmental authorities of the region is voluntary. Participation in the United Nations shall not be a condition of participation in the governmental authorities of the region.
4. No Nation of The North Pacific holding UN member status in NationStates shall be obligated to endorse any official of a government authority of the region. The right to add an endorsement or withdraw an endorsement is a sovereign right of that Nation as a UN member.
5. All Nations of The North Pacific have the right to be protected against the abuse of powers by any official of a government authority of the region. Any Nation of The North Pacific has the right to request the impeachment of any official of a government authority of the region in accordance with this Constitution,that is deemed to have participated in such acts.
6. No Nation shall be held to answer for a crime in a manner not prescribed by this Constitution or the Legal Code. No Nation shall be subjected to being twice put in jeopardy for the same offense. No Nation shall ever be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against itself.
7. When charged with criminal acts, Nations of The North Pacific shall have a fair, impartial, and public trial before a neutral and impartial judicial officer, represented by counsel of choice. In any criminal proceeding, a Nation is presumed innocent unless guilt is provento the fact finder by reasonably certain evidence. A Nation may be represented by any counsel of the Nation's choosing.No Nation convicted of a crime shall be subject to a punishment disproportionate to that crime.
8. No Nation shall be ejected from the region, or banned from any forum, except as expressly authorized by this Constitution or the Legal Code.
8'. If, as a matter of security, any nation should be ejected or banned from the region or forums, thatShould any official of a government authority of the region with authority to act, declare that the immediate ejection or banning of a Nation is an urgent matter of regional security, the ejected or bannedNation shall have prompt and immediate recourse to judicial review of the matter.The UN Delegate shall not exercise the power of ejection or banning unless expressly authorized by a specific action of a government authority of the region pursuant to this Constitution or to the Legal Code.
9. Each Nation in The North Pacific is guaranteed the organization and operation of the governmental authorities of the region on fundamental principles of democracy, accountability, and transparency.No action by the governmental authorities of the region shall deny to any Nation of The North Pacific, due process of law, including prior notice and the opportunity to be heard, nor deny to any Nation of The North Pacific the equal and fair treatment and protection of the provisions of this Constitution. No governmental authority shall have power to adopt or impose an ex post facto law or a bill of attainder as to any act for purposes of criminal proceedings.
10. Each Nation entitled to a vote in any manner under the fundamental laws of the region is entitled to the equal treatment and protection of that Nation's right to vote.
11. No governmental authority of the region has the power to suspend or disregard this Constitution or the Legal Code In the event of an actual emergency, the governmental authorities of the region, with the express consent of the Nations of the region or their representatives, is authorized to act in any reasonable manner that is consistent as practicable with the pertinent provisions of this Constitution.
Section 2: Limits of Power
In order to uphold the aforementioned rights of nations, the government of The North Pacific shall be subject to these limitations:
1. Any nation holding office in the Regional Government of The North Pacific shall act only in the best interests of the Region.
2. No action by the governmental authorities of the region shall deny to any Nation of The North Pacific, due process of law, including prior notice and the opportunity to be heard, nor deny to any Nation of The North Pacific the equal and fair treatment and protection of the provisions of this Constitution.
3. No governmental authority shall have power to adopt or impose an ex post facto law or a bill of attainder as to any act for purposes of criminal proceedings.
4. As regional security is also a right of resident nations, in the event of an actual emergency, the governmental authorities of the region, with the express consent of the Nations of the region or their representatives, is authorized to act in any reasonable manner that is consistent as practicable with the pertinent provisions of this Constitution.
5. If a nation submits a petition co-signed by a fellow nation taking issue with Regional governance, the Cabinet shall be required to review and issue a statement addressing the petition.
6. No government official shall have the authority to change the designated off-site forum for regional governance without approval of a majority of the members of the Regional Assembly.
7. The UN Delegate and Vice Delegate for the Region shall have no authority to act in any other manner with respect to the Regional Government, unless such authority is expressly granted to the Delegate or Vice Delegate through process of Amendment of this Constitution, and not by implication.
8. No governmental authority of the region has the power to suspend or disregard this Constitution or the Legal Code
Here I am also taking Article II, Section 3 to lump in its curbs on governmental power to the front of the document. I would take part 2 and basically make it into Article I section 2 parts 1 and 5. Article II section 3 part 3 would become I.2.6. Article II section 3 part 1 is addressed in Article II Section 1 Part 1, and I believe should be deleted, but that should be dealt with later (Eventually I feel the entirety of Article II section 3 can be transferred or deleted). Quoted below for good measure:
Art.II:Section 3. Jurisdiction, Review of Regional Government Action.
1) Nations who register to vote in this Region are subject to all the provisions of this Constitution, The North Pacific Legal Code, or other laws including but not limited to the provisions of Article III; Section 1, Clause 5 of this Constitution. Each Nation entitled to a vote in the manner prescribed under this Constitution or The North Pacific Legal Code, is entitled to the equal treatment of that Nation's right to vote.
2) The UN Delegate for The North Pacific, the Prime Minister, any Cabinet Minister, any deputy Cabinet minister, and the Attorney General shall act only in the best interests of the Region. Should any Regional Assembly member believe that the actions of the Delegate, the Prime Minister, or any other official in the Regional Government are inappropriate, or would serve the Region better if enacted as permanent law, that Nation may draft a petition, describing the action taken, to be signed by at least one other member, and then posted in a appropriate thread in the Regional off-site forum for the Prime Minister's office. The Cabinet shall review all such petitions. After deciding on the proper action to be taken, whether it is to overturn that action or to adopt that action as permanent law, the Cabinet shall put its decision up for a referendum of the Regional Assembly. If a majority vote is cast by the Regional Assembly (with a quorum of voters participating) in favor of ratification of the Cabinet's decision is approved by the Regional Assembly, it shall be carried out immediately.
3) No government official shall have the authority to change the designated off-site forum for regional governance without approval of a majority of the members of the Regional Assembly.