Its not that North Korea has the bomb which is the problem, as NK has not successfully developed the technology to deliver such a weapon (ICBM), nor have they been able to reduce its size, the fear of the international community is the fact that NK may 'pass on' its recent advances to countries (or more likley) organisations, which are willing to pay the right price. Go figure!
Also, resorting to sheer violence is foolish. In reference to an earlier comment about 'who cares about the civillians', we should. That simple statement has proven that the individual allowing their fingers to move before their brain processes what is actually being said has no concept of modern war stratergy.
It is all well and good to win a war, but there are 3 important factors (especially if such a policy was used) that need to be considered;
1) Modern combat doctrine (and training) is about reducing civillian casualties, we are not murders, we are soldiers, and there is (believe it or not you hippies) a diference. A soldier shoots so that he may live another day, not for the simple pleasure of killing.
2) Does the world (more specifically) the U.N have the money and resources to support a country which needs to be rebuilt from the ground up. Already the U.N is in debt by simply having peace-keepers in the congo ($3 billion US a year) they still have around another 30 peacekeeping missions after that. Also, can the international community commit such a large force of skilled workers to reconstruct the country. Also, as demonstrated in Iraq, a country which has been destablised (thus, no law and order) allows for the easier execution of international crime and use by terrorists. Forcing ourselves into another stalemate will create more problems then it would solve them.
3) 3 very special words, HEARTS AND MINDS! This is another keystone of modern combat philosphy. As seen in Iraq and as seen in Vietnam, if you go and bomb the Sh!t out of a village, they really wont warm to you, actually, normally the opposite happens, they work against you. A UN force destroying infastructure would not help the cause, as an international community, we must tread lightly, as these people have had no contact with the outside world, and if we roll in there flags high and guns blazing, we will not make a good impression. First Impressions count, especially when we do not know what the state media is pumping out in NK.
Now though, it would appear that there is no solution. Or is there? Bush bashing aside, we must look at the core problems. If we are to impose severe international sanctions, in which we monitor what is going in and out, we achieve 2 important things;
1) Economically, the country will suffer more, and yes, there will be increased suffering, but soon, this will spread higher up the ladder, and it will only be a matter of time until the people, or generals ask, what is the F!@king point? This will hopefully lead to a coup, disposing of our good old 'wooney' friend kim,
2) Secondly, the international community has effectivly made 4 walls around NK, this then can encourage (even though it sounds bad) a controlled desent into lawlessness. Internally the country may be in turmoil, but the blockades provide a medium in which all material coming out (i.e.: Nukes) will be discovered and seized (believe it or not, AWACS, JSTARS and Satelites can map and monitor nearly the entire countries coastline and borders), this then prevents (to an extent) the use of this country as terrorist operating grounds and a base for international crime.
When a country goes to war, or in this case, initiates conflict (the US hasn't been in a war since WWII - another topic) there is alot more to think about then 'frying the little gooks'. War is business people, and War only makes a profit when we break even. Any unseen costs result in bankruptcy. That costs lives.
Just my 2 cents...
(P.S: Yes, there is also alot of crap going on in Africa, but right now, NK poses more of a threat internationally. Even though there are problems in Africa, i.e.: Dafur, there has been a homegrown approach to fighting this. AU soldiers have been posted there and are progressivly making gains. There is more to the world then the US - sorry guys!)