How much do pirates pay for piercings? A buck-an-ear.
Great Bights Mum Grande Dame - - - - Sep 19, 2006 #1 How much do pirates pay for piercings? A buck-an-ear.
Emperor Matthuis TNPer Sep 19, 2006 #2 What does a pirate put under his username? An AVATAAAAAAAAAAAAR! EDIT: Lol, apparently there is a Pirate Jokes Website
What does a pirate put under his username? An AVATAAAAAAAAAAAAR! EDIT: Lol, apparently there is a Pirate Jokes Website
Great Bights Mum Grande Dame - - - - Sep 19, 2006 #3 The link didn't work for me. How does a pirate quit smoking? He uses the patch.
R Romanoffia (Guest) Guest Sep 20, 2006 #7 Hey! Did you hear about that new Pirate movie? It was rated ARRRRRRRRRR!