TNP's baby boom


For almost a month, TNP has been steady at 5300 nations. It was growing steadily - I saw it at 5100 when I came back, and it went up to 5400 around last week - but in the last few days it's gone completely crazy.

There are currently more than 6000 nations in TNP. What't this? Is it the puppet preparation for the biggest NS invasion ever? Did NationStates get slashdotted or digged?

Wow. :o
Unfortunately, I haven't been paying attention to the feeders in the past, so I wouldn't have any numbers to compare the current counts to...
TWP: 6081
TNP: 6061
TSP: 5686
TEP: 5647
TP: 5554

We're second by 20 nations. Someone make a bunch of puppets, quick!
A quick Google of "NationStates August" has yielded blogger mentions here (8/7), here (8/13), here (7/31), and others. I've left off some of the smaller blogs. It's also popped up on some aggregators that lead to entries like those.

Regardless, it's worrying that TWP and TNP are ~500 nations bigger than the other feeders. That strikes me as unusual (unless we've always maintained a size difference that big).
Did anyone else arrive here because of a particularly intricate MMO macro they entered without noticing which window was highlighted?
I found out about NS when it got enough Diggs to make it to the main page. Though I am just a babe in the woods here, I suspect that the baby boom is due to digg and not an invasion.
I found out about NS when it got enough Diggs to make it to the main page. Though I am just a babe in the woods here, I suspect that the baby boom is due to digg and not an invasion.
The thing is, one would expect a general influx of new players to create a population boom throughout all the feeders evenly. However, that may not be the case. *shrug* At one point today, I counted 7 new nations created in 10 minutes in TNP, while only 4 were created in 20 minutes in TSP. I'll need more datapoints, though.
Since it's not actually possible to purposefully create a nation in a certain feeder, that leaves a worrying explanation: Max Barry/Salusa Secundus/The Illuminati favor the North and West Pacifics, and have tweaked the random function that scatters nations to the feeders. :ph34r:
I found out about NS when it got enough Diggs to make it to the main page.  Though I am just a babe in the woods here, I suspect that the baby boom is due to digg and not an invasion.
The thing is, one would expect a general influx of new players to create a population boom throughout all the feeders evenly. However, that may not be the case. *shrug* At one point today, I counted 7 new nations created in 10 minutes in TNP, while only 4 were created in 20 minutes in TSP. I'll need more datapoints, though.
There *is* an equal population boom across the board.

Tracking UNs, the boom occurred about 2 days after it was initially put on digg. Just enough time for people to apply to the UN. :)
So the gap between feeder populations was there before and stayed constant? Well, I didn't look much at the other feeders before now, as said, so I'd have missed that...
If an equal number are made in each feeder it just means that nations prefer to stay in TNP and TWP ;)
So the gap between feeder populations was there before and stayed constant? Well, I didn't look much at the other feeders before now, as said, so I'd have missed that...
We've consistently had a population of several hundred more than TP or TEP, TSP I don't look at much myself. TNP and TWP have been roughly the same, with us slightly ahead.
what the caretaker said.

Was actually, and in many ways quite amusingly, a major point of arguement between TWP and TNP when ivan was delegate.
I'm amazed The Pacific can keep the members it has already! It seems all but lifeless and their horrible dark forum is a real put-off. :ill:
WAIDH, it is beacause to most players the forum and its community is irrelevant. A large % of players are just in the game to answer issues and for un resolutions. To them, location is pretty meaningless.
I'm amazed The Pacific can keep the members it has already! It seems all but lifeless and their horrible dark forum is a real put-off.
Agreed. It always seems to be in a state of disaray and opression. Not to mention the constant changing delegacy. Although Perconium or whatever his name is has held it for a good long time now...