The Hedonistic Darwinian Communist Party Masnifest

The Hedonistic Darwinian Communist Party is based on a couple key cpncepts:

1) The Rights of the Rulers and Eluite to enjoy themselves as compensation for the strain and stress of having to apply their prostidgeous abilities to the running and planning of a society. These selfless servants of The People deserve to have their every desire fullfilled by the products and services of The People.
1a) That the Rulers of a nation and the Elite are naturally superior to The People, in a Darwinian sense, and therefore fit by Nature to rule over The People. They make up a natural class of those who have bene gifted by nature to be the Vanguard of the next step in Human evelution. This Vanguard of Evolution must be supported by The People to produce and bring about the coming Superrace of humans.
2) The Right of The People to be rewarded fopr their humble servicd to the Ruling and Elite class by having the bare necessities provided, irregardless of theuir current wotrk status or the nature of their work. All housing, food, power stations and clothing stores are held in trust for The People by thew Ruling and Elite class.
2a) The People represent an inferior evolutionary class of people that are necessary, but are not suited to ruling or making policy decisions for the nation as a whole. The Party therefore does not burden them with the tasik, but allows the Ruling and Elite Class to do so.

The purpose of life is to enjoy it. All activities by the Party should be aimed at making The People able to access the simple pleasures of life, that is consumerate with their simple needs. In the same way, the Ruling and Elite class have more sophisticated needs that go with their higher Evolutionary status.

The goal of The Party is to safeguard and encourage the future mass evolution of the massess. Mankind is presently in a state of revolutionary transition, which will end in a New Golden Age, where a Utopian society based on the principles of the Hedonistic Darwinian Communist Party will be full practiced. Unfortunately, there are counterevolutionary enemies to the Party; these enemies must be defeated and removed from spreading their defective D.n.A. In such cases the Party euthenises these diseased creatures.
When the New Golden Age arrives, man will be able to immerse themselves in every sensual, emotional and intellectual pleasure imaginable. Untill that time, The People must continue to struggle first against the counterevolutionary forces out there, and secondly, their own evolutionary inertia that encourages religious faith, ignorance, superstition and other deviations.

All Hail the Hedonistic Darwinian Communist Party!
Long Live the People! Long Live the Vanguard of Evolution!
Yeah, hi.
Do you wish to join the Party and the Vanguard of Evolution? A Glorious Future awaits all who bring about the New Golden Age. You will be rewarded for your progressive evolutionary activities.

All Hail The People!
Long Live the Hedonistic Darwinian Communist Party,
The Vanguard of Evolution!