At Vote:UN Educational Aid Act [Complete]

The following bill is in queue:
UN Educational Aid Act
A resolution to promote funding and the development of education and the arts.

Category: Education and Creativity
Area of Effect: Educational
Proposed by: Gruenberg

Description: The United Nations,

Firmly convinced that a high quality of education is worth securing for all people,

Acknowledging that some nations, especially those with developing economies or poor infrastructure, or these experiencing problems of internal stability, may experience understandable difficulties in providing such services,

Determined to help all people achieve access to education, and to work with, rather than against, nations and institutions encountering particular problems in this regard:

1. Proclaims it the duty of nations to ensure opportunities for education and training are reasonably accessible for all their nationals, and especially for children and young adults;

2. Declares its support for all projects aimed at increasing the availability of good, free or affordable educational services;

3. Condemns all forms of unfair and unreasonable discrimination with national educational systems, and motions for effective remedies to such;

4. Promotes schemes such as distance learning courses, part time adult education universities, and opportunities for deferred study, to ensure that those with jobs, young children or other responsibilities are able to benefit from the opportunities of education;

5. Establishes the "UN Educational Advancement Fund" (UNEAF) to:
- solicit voluntary donations from national governments, charitable and other organizations, and individuals;
- organize international conferences on educational methods, relevant technologies, academic subjects, and any other relevant topics;
- act as a point of liaison for any international academic or educational projects seeking assistance in the acquisition of funding, resources or membership;
- provide funding for research projects, infrastructure development programs, academic journal distribution and any other approved academic or educational programs, where approved by both an independent advisory council to the UNEAF, and the national government(s) of any nation(s) receiving such aid;

6. Entrusts nations with the right and responsibility to decide on the structure of their public education systems and the role of private institutions, mandatory, encouraged and prohibited subjects, skills and course elements in educational institutions, and the financing of educational programs, subject to previous UN legislation still in effect;

7. Encourages nations to ensure a sustainable supply of good teachers, educators, instructors and other educational professionals, through:
- providing small bursaries and grants to those seeking to train as educational professionals;
- ensuring reasonable pay and benefits for those working in the public education sector;
- engaging in the creation of opportunities for those in other industries to retrain and enter the educational profession;
- rigorously checking such applicants for history of violent or sexual abuse, especially involving children, and prevent any applicants who are considered a significant risk to children from obtaining teaching posts;

8. Also recognises that education is not solely an institutional prerogative, and as such requests that nations respect the importance of family and community education programs and teaching systems, formal or otherwise.
This has my support, though seeing what the UN has done to my economy has left me without much of a warn and fuzzy feeling for them.

My economy went from good to "Developing", thanks in large part I'm guessing to a UN-mandated 25% income tax and who knows WHAT else.

But I digress...

I'm all for improving education, and this at least gives lip service to the financial realities of developing, small-economy nations like mine.
Err... All this says is that "education is great and nations should all xxxxxxx" without actually requiring anything, no?
This resolution is currently up for vote in the UN.

Please post your views and stance on this resolution below. Note, however, that you must have a UN nation in The North Pacific, or on active NPA duty, in order for the Delegate to count your vote.

Voting Ends: Sun Aug 20 2006
I like the merits of this resoultion so i falconkats from the The commonwealth of falconkats voted for this resoultion
Asiatic States votes affirmative.

The bill does actually accomplish a bit, without being micromanaging or overly stressful on the economy.
We voted for this resolution, though UN don't need a new agency... :eyebrow:
The Region expressed a 9/2 decision FOR the resolution, and I voted accordingly.

"UN Educational Aid Act" passed overall with 11,250 votes in favor to 2,307 opposed.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

This topic has been locked and sent to the Archives for safekeeping. If you would like this topic to be re-opened for further discussion, please contact the UN Delegate, a Global Moderator, or an Administrator for assistance. Thank you.