RA Membership Proposal

I support the bill in principle, but it is too exclusive. Mandatory forced voting is essentially authoritarian democracy. It's a bad precedent to set.

I think that simply going over the RA rolls and removing RA status from those individuals that have not logged into their accounts for 30 days would be sufficient to trim out inactive members. If someone is in the RA, never votes, but is active on the forum, then their RA status should hold. But if someone hasn't logged in a month, their RA status should be removed. Let them re-apply when they log into their account again if they want to participate in the RA. If they are absent on the forum without explanation for a month, then it can be safe to assume that they are interested in being in the RA. If they were absent for a reason, then they can just re-up in the RA, no harm, no foul.
This is the best argument I've seen so far.
Yes, Hersfold is right!! People shouldn't have any obligations when they join the RA!! Other than popping in every 3 months to skew the election results of course!! I mean, the whole idea of having some responsibility when signing on for something that is voluntary makes my skin crawl!! You are all so mean to expect people to actually get involved when they sign on for the RA!! :cry:

Now lets get the RA together and play Twister!! Only if you want to of course, don't want to make you feel like you have to!! Because that is bad!!

Sarcasm aside, maybe people who want to join the RA to get into the NPA/NPIA only should have another avenue to apply to join the NPA/NPIA and another mask outside the RA?! That way they can join the NPA/NPIA without the requirement to involve themselves in the RA side of things they have no interest in!! Secondly, I'd be alarmed that someone not interested in participating in the RA would consider themselves able to run for office!! But, that's just me!! If they just want an orange badge they are probably an idiot and we have no need for them!! I'd direct them to http://www.invisionfree.com and tell them to set up their own forum with an orange badge to satisfy their irrational desire for one!!

Sarcasm appreciated!

I don't think there's any problem with trimming out the RA role of individuals who have not logged into their accounts in 30 days.

Poltsy brings up a very good point about people popping in every election cycle and only popping in then at election time to skew an election.

I think it's very reasonable to say hey, you signed up for the RA, became a member, and then you don't have the common decency to even log into your account for a month?

And when was the last time we went over the RA role to see who's nations are residing where and thus meet or not meet the requirements to be in the RA?

Damn, I'm glad we don't have several TNP 'states' with overlapping voter roles.

Instead of a 'must vote' clause, perhaps a role call on a periodic schedule would suffice. Perhaps set up a once per month rule call thread and if someone doesn't post in the role call or elswhere in the RA forum for one month's time, their RA membership would be dropped.
I agree.

I don;t really mind the jury thing, but forcing people to vote may not be a good idea.
Hi. My name is Dark and I'm one of those RA members that only shows up for voting.

Now you say "Hi, Dark!"

If you are going to make an activity requirement for logging in, you could probably fix that without really doing anything other than making the forum less accessible to guests. I rarely log in here because, while I read a lot, I rarely have anything but sarcasm to add.

I'm an RA because I was "born" in TNP and have some sick emotional attachment to the strife that seems to live here and because I want to be able to vote on who runs the place. All the bickering that goes on doesn't interest me in the least. I only read these types of threads if they have the words RA in the title and I often don't vote on anything but the elections because frankly I don't know what I'm allowed to vote on. I also don't care how pissed off you get that I have never and will never read that monstrous constitution.

You want assholes like me to participate in more votes than just the main elections? PM us to tell us which ones we need to vote in. A little advertisement goes a long way. You want assholes like me to stop "skewing" the pre-determined election results, then make the RA an exclusive club for only the wordy bunch.

Just because people don't participate in your debates does not mean they are ignoring the forum. The whole thing is visible to guests. There really is no need to log in until there is a vote of some kind.


One of those asshole non-participating RAs
Hi Dark! :hug:

The above post illustrates my view that it is of paramont importance in a feeder region to allow nations the latitude to play as they wish. The kind of requirements and limitations being discussed here are fine in a player-created region but are not in keeping with the spirit of inclusiveness we seek as TNP.
Actually I don't feel so much that activity is the problem. I rarely ever look at the RA forum so I don't really keep up with RA voting. So perhaps that's the problem.
If people have no interest in the RA, why join?!
Did you even read what I posted? :fish: :kiss:

I think not.
Everyone always thinks it's a vision problem at first.

Also being a member of the RA is more than just voting in here, it's about citizenship. No one not even you Polty can claim to have been in every debate and every vote (though you sure act like it.)
I do agree that the Speaker should send out PMs notifying people of upcoming votes, however, I also believe that activity requirements would be a good change, simply for housecleaning purposes. I see no reason to keep people as officially being in the RA when they, for all practical purposes, aren't.
Working on it, plus I need the updated list from the MoIIA anyways. But I'm sure they're charging ahead with the request I made two weeks ago :eyeroll:

I fail to understand what is so horrid about "You must log in once a month to retain your RA status", which, I believe, was suggested not too long ago and for some reason just disappeared. It's hardly revoking or stepping on anyone's rights, they can rejoin if they decide to come back, and they haven't lost anything, since they weren't around to participate anyway.

Logging in once a month is so open to abuse, it's disgusting. hell it's just three clicks away for me.

It seems the response has mixed but this proposal does show promise. Show me the final wording and I can move this to formal discussion, and hopefully a vote.
Hi Dark! :hello:

Points well taken. The whole problem could be solved by simply going over the RA list and weeding out those nations that have become defunct or no longer meet the requirements to be in the RA (that is nation's whose application information is no longer correct).
If people have no interest in the RA, why join?!
Did you even read what I posted? :fish: :kiss:

I think not.
Everyone always thinks it's a vision problem at first.

Also being a member of the RA is more than just voting in here, it's about citizenship. No one not even you Polty can claim to have been in every debate and every vote (though you sure act like it.)
I never claimed to be involved in every discussion or vote, I have to let you win one now and then!! ;)