Cru's Rambliings


Well for the 2nd day running i have had a run in with trillian. It doesn't like me nor does it like any of the accounts that i am supposed to have it goes to the extreme of disconnecting me from those i ant to talk to most. Oh Woe is me for trillian does not love me. :tb3:
Here we go again... it has taken me 2 days to persuade trillian that my msn account exists . i have just gone and got 2 days worth of e-mails oh how i hate trillian.

We have now concluded the another week out of the long summer break. we have 4 weeks left and i am running out of ideas that dont cost much to keep a;; 4 of them occupied and not killing eachother.

So far we have visited the local water feature several times, A large sprinkler system with water jets etc that you can run in and out of. and to think we have a water shortage. the open air swimming pool which claims to be heated but i cant see how and the park. As well as a lovely family outing to our local tesco's but that was hugely expensive........

Oh look there goes my trillian again logging me off msn failing to find my yahoo and ignoring my aol i think we might be married at his rate........
