- Pronouns
- she/her
- TNP Nation
- Former English Colony
- Discord
- Erastide
I need to indulge in a rant here. Oh, and beware the self important arrogance contained within. 
First point. Do I think I’m above the law. The answer to that is no. Never have and never will be as a member of this region. Otherwise I wouldn’t be sitting patiently for my trial to occur, wouldn’t be sitting watching the endotarters creep up and the unendo telegrammers continue to telegram people in TNP. I wouldn’t have to watch the lies and stupid propaganda spread by the Lexiconians on the RMB. Because all I’d need to do is kick the lot of them out, and continue kicking any new ones. Which wouldn’t do a *damn* thing to my influence.
Do I want to do all of that? Hell yes. But TNP has chosen a different path. And so I follow it. I’m getting tired of this though, so I’m going to try to step back a bit for awhile. I don’t want to exert my view of things on TNP and it’s getting too entangled for me. I’m going to let TNP do as it wants without my voice being part of it.
Second point. If you’re a candidate for delegate, you need to get off your ass and start endotarting NOW. Both the current candidates have pitifully low endo counts, and with the number of people well above 100 endos in the region, you need to get going. Frankly, you have a *long* way to go to get above Unterwasserseestaat, unless he starts trying to lose his endos (assuming he wins his ViceDel reelection).
Lastly, I’m not going to leave the RMB to the Lexiconians. That still makes me the most amused I’ve been in awhile, so I’ll be seeing you guys there.
Thanks for a fun 3 months, it was good until the head of our enemy set up the impeachment of one who never thought to hurt the region.

First point. Do I think I’m above the law. The answer to that is no. Never have and never will be as a member of this region. Otherwise I wouldn’t be sitting patiently for my trial to occur, wouldn’t be sitting watching the endotarters creep up and the unendo telegrammers continue to telegram people in TNP. I wouldn’t have to watch the lies and stupid propaganda spread by the Lexiconians on the RMB. Because all I’d need to do is kick the lot of them out, and continue kicking any new ones. Which wouldn’t do a *damn* thing to my influence.
Do I want to do all of that? Hell yes. But TNP has chosen a different path. And so I follow it. I’m getting tired of this though, so I’m going to try to step back a bit for awhile. I don’t want to exert my view of things on TNP and it’s getting too entangled for me. I’m going to let TNP do as it wants without my voice being part of it.
Second point. If you’re a candidate for delegate, you need to get off your ass and start endotarting NOW. Both the current candidates have pitifully low endo counts, and with the number of people well above 100 endos in the region, you need to get going. Frankly, you have a *long* way to go to get above Unterwasserseestaat, unless he starts trying to lose his endos (assuming he wins his ViceDel reelection).
Lastly, I’m not going to leave the RMB to the Lexiconians. That still makes me the most amused I’ve been in awhile, so I’ll be seeing you guys there.
Thanks for a fun 3 months, it was good until the head of our enemy set up the impeachment of one who never thought to hurt the region.