Unter for VDel

Greetings all, as present Vice Delegate I feel I’m in an excellent position to continue in the position, with my Handshaker influence rating and 28x current endorsements. In the future term I plan on remaining a stalwart pillar with an awesome giant squid flag on the regional top 10. I also have a list (somewhere) of established nations to telegram in an emergency which would net me an additional 50-100 endorsements over the course of a week.

During the past term I’ve also patriotically increased my endocount, foiling the Security Council’s feint of niceness while authorizing kicking out Gollampton. The current paradigm of Vice Delegate as human endocap only works to a point and may be dangerous when confronted with the dynamics of Regional Influence. I am wholly for using the role of VDel to promote badassery on the part of the Security Council.

I also view both the Del and VDel positions as bridges between forum and onsite life. A project I’d like to pick up in August is TGing some of the older nations in the region and polling them as to why, after 3 years of NS in some cases, they still like to play around with their nation. This information should then be the basis for a conference at TNP University to find ways to better interest and involve nations in regional activity.
Pah, and what have you done all term but sit around and claim a piece of the budgeting pie so you could go out and buy things on our tax dollars!? Seriously, all you do is sit around all day watching your 60" television, reclining in your massage chair while midget butlers do your bidding!

Haha, just kidding. You have my vote you layabout.

What will you do on the day when the SC comes to you and requests that you begin amassing endos in order to remove the Delegate, who is showing signs of going rogue?
What will you do on the day when the SC comes to you and requests that you begin amassing endos in order to remove the Delegate, who is showing signs of going rogue?
The functional part of what I'd do is to get the list of nations I haven't telegrammed which I mention in the first paragraph and do so.

The important part is the politics of dealing with a potentially rogue delegate, which leaves much up in the air: is the rougishness due to actions which show a concern with the well-being of the region but can't be solved through the proper channels, or actions out of self-interest? Or some tantalizing third option?

Even though the politics is the actual key to see whether I'll assume the Delegacy or be kicked, I don't think the SC or myself could dissuade a Del acting out of self-interest. At that point we would decide if it were better for me to try and remain until control is relinquished or to try to take the position by force. In any case I'd work actively with the SC to maintain ties to the Delegate and broker a solution which would keep the rule of law in the region.

And to MP, I use variables in weird positions; more amusingly 28X is also the bus to the airport in Pittsburgh.
Given that the delegate that will be elected will not have gathered endos in the region for very long, are you prepared in the case of an emergency to temporarily assume the delegacy? It is becoming increasingly possible to have a situation where the new delegate will be unable to kick a resident who has been gathering endorsements for a longer period of time.
FEC, you describe something which will be the chief threat to the region for the next month or so. It's especially important if the Lexicon decides to enter a new, hot, phase of the war they've declared.

That's why I think that it's imporant for the incoming Delegate and Vice Delegate to communicate with each other on endorsement levels and endotarting activities. With this and the knowledge of which newcomers to the region pay enough attention to endorse, I should be able to keep a narrow enough range to be able to temporarily take the Delegacy.