Thats not true...

Sans Evil

Greetings fellow member of The North Pacific,

I am writing to ask you to remove your endorsement from Former English Colony in order to help free your region from the dictatorial rule that it is currently under. TNP is your region, wouldn't you like to have a say in how it is run?

Are you aware that Former English Colony only listens to 14 nations at the most out of this region of over 5000 nations, containing over 750 UN nations, before casting her vote carrying your name and your endorsement on a UN resolution? More recently, she only listened to 5 of you, and voted 3 days early. Did she ask if you agreed with vote taken in your name? No. Did she ask if she could vote on the resolution early and therefore forfeit your opinion for you? No.

Your nation is now forced to abide by UN rules that Former English Colony voted on due to your endorsement. We believe that you should no longer have to put up with this.

When FEC was elected into the Delegacy, she won with 23 out of 25 votes. Only 25 out of over 6800 nations at the time got to vote on who their Delegate should be. Yet, Former English Colony and her inner circle who want to hold onto their power, claim that TNP is a democratic region.

TNP is your region, wouldn't you like to have a say in how it is run?

If you want more information before you remove your endorsement, please contact me and I will be more than happy to help.

Do not be afraid to stand up and say that you want your region back.

May your nation grow and prosper, and may you get the freedom that you deserve.

First off, I let the telegramer know that its not 14 nations anymore, I took the liberty of including myself, so thats 15 nations.

But whats interesting is the UN nations in our region. Itd be nice if they were forum active.

I forgot all other things I was thinking :) Anyways, bottom line, its pretty democractic here. :P
Because I was bored, I ran the message through Altavista's translation service; English to Greek, Greek to English, English to Korean then back again.

Here's what the message really means!
The colleague member of greeting of northern part Pacific Ocean, me that is in this duration lower part, in order the description below where as your endurance is freely strengthened from dictatorship rule from the British colony previously to go out in me will ask your ratification which it removes and and. Does the TNP is organized your endurance, you wish does happen to be peeled, as multi being right of reason inside? That the previously British colony up of the nation of 5000 from the this region listens to the nation of 14 only many in maximum limit, up of the nation of 750 on the front flight range it spreads out to keep in mind, that the i.e to include the resolution of the i.e and, your name and your ratification hazard to bring her vote? Recently, it you listened to 5 things only, one it steamed it voted a 3rd day and. When you inside your name that receive agree asked in poll? When it under voting which hazard one steams this resolution, the possibility of losing an inevitably extensive hazard your opinion it is it asked? The i.e in order to observe that rule the Arjc.. Your national now before voting to a because inside your ratifying, the British colony it is forced. When in case you treat this broad-mindedly and we believe that it is not little more the thing intelligence which will be it. The FEC when becoming seniority inside the Delegacy, from poll of,25 got in 23. It connects and it peels, the representative it who hazard them inside the hour when it is caught to this poll only from the nation of minute description 6800 25. That the TNP is democracy endurance, yet, wants them inside her inside circular their force and support and the previously British colony maintains above. Does the TNP is organized your endurance, you wish does happen to be peeled, as multi being right of reason inside? Before you you will remove a ratification, you contact information when compared to it wants, me and with you and to demand and compared to will connect from the eytyhi's which is Dob l thing. This highland Anh you want the rear of globe you the high price where talk to the minute description which under stands afraid. It will increase in May you and the nation which prosperouss and by your you will have the freedom which is value and there is a possibility which it will go.
Okay, wow. I've never thought to do that. Quite ingenious, props to Sydia with too much time on your hands!

And after reading that response from T, that is a great response. A standard should be developed from it, such as is what your competitors use as well (their own standard telegram for unendorsement).