Originally drafted by Chief Justice Byardkuria --
I would like to bring up the slight formatting issue of whether this is going to be a TNP Law (I think it is -- I don't think its a Constitutional addition).
Edit: Added the three words in italics that Unter suggested.
No player maintaining a nation in a region at war with TNP may maintain a nation within TNP, or participate in the governance thereof, for the duration of hostilities. Any player found doing so will be stripped of membership in the Regional Assembly and subject to banishment from the region. A "region at war" is any region which has made a formal declaration, or made acts of war against The North Pacific, or vice versa. War does not constitute actions taken by or against the North Pacific Army unless the conflict meets the conditions above. A state of war exists until a formal peace treaty, surrender terms, or similar, is/are signed.
I would like to bring up the slight formatting issue of whether this is going to be a TNP Law (I think it is -- I don't think its a Constitutional addition).
Edit: Added the three words in italics that Unter suggested.