Hello from a Lexiconian


TNP Nation
Zemnaya Svoboda

I am a Lexiconian. :hello:

I do not intend to access information I should not. :ADN: I intend to simply be present here openly and observe your public actions. I also intend to potentially engage in civilized debate here. :noangel:

I am a Lexiconian. :hello:

I do not intend to access information I should not. :ADN: I intend to simply be present here openly and observe your public actions. I also intend to potentially engage in civilized debate here. :noangel:
That's nice. Welcome to TNP. If you care to, I suggest some history lessons for the full story.
Oh, and I also intend to become an Expert in your constitution. Just because most of you aren't :-P (Yes, I'm wasting my time. Your point is?)
If any Lexiconians have a legitimate interest in learning both sides of the story and gaining a more full understanding of the situations and deep-rooted animosities that brought us to where we are, I'd more than welcome them.
I want to hear both sides of the story so please, make a thread explaining. And leave out propaganda/exaggeration, I just want facts, Insane Power provided us with a back-story, I now want to hear yours.
Hi, Eluvatar. :hello: Welcome to TNP. I have an interesting file/dossier that accurately elucidates the key events of the Pixiedance era. I will dig it up and post it for you. :D