We can not tip toe our way around this war with paperwork and debates in the RA. If we want to come out of this with Eras as our delegate I suggest we become a lot more aggressive in our approach. Seeing as they have a founder, our best bet is to attack their morale. Our "RMB attacks" will not be a constant stream of spam but will, instead, be a series of occasional posts attacking them with logic. We will make previously written and error-proofed accusations on their RMB accusing them of being imperialistic, oppressive and tyranical. We must be careful not to go too far or to be too soft on them. Unlike them, we will think everything out before we post it and go into this war with more than just our dicks in our hands.
ONe post, per person, per day. Do not advertise this forum, or this region. that's the rules, folks. we have been here before.
You're going to invade them? Seriously... you shouldn't take any action against Lex without authorization.
I don't think regional controls are on. Besides, if Lex were to be invaded, it wouldn't be by Fedele. I could pull a few strings and see if LWU would mind sending a few cadets to liven things up.

ONe post, per person, per day. Do not advertise this forum, or this region. that's the rules, folks. we have been here before.

The wise man speaks.

I feel the need to stress heavily that each post should be carefully thought out, persuasive and error-proof.