From The Lexicon


On behalf of the Founders, High Council and Citizens of The Lexicon I post the following statement:

Your attempts to send spies into our region have been noted. Although we no longer hold formal diplomatic ties with your region, since their dissolution by Dalimbar we had hoped that we could at least co-exist peaceably.

It seems that is not your wish.

We serve notice on you that your spies will not be tolerated in our region and we reserve the right to see your attempts at espionage as acts of war.
On behalf of the Founders, High Council and Citizens of The Lexicon I post the following statement:

Your attempts to send spies into our region have been noted. Although we no longer hold formal diplomatic ties with your region, since their dissolution by Dalimbar we had hoped that we could at least co-exist peaceably.

It seems that is not your wish.

We serve notice on you that your spies will not be tolerated in our region and we reserve the right to see your attempts at espionage as acts of war.
If you're talking about me, you can eat shit and die.

If not... Sorry.

Why they might be talking about me.
Wow you really had me there! Thank god those Lexicans are so much more aware and on the ball!!


correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the closure of the embassy and formal relations instigated by the Lexicon? Not Dalimar...
Are you planning to say *who* it actually is? There's not really anything that can be done by saying... "omg there are spies here"

Unless you plan to give more formal details, either here or through contact with the government, I'm pretty sure this can't be taken that seriously.
@ Sniffles - Clickamaroo!

@OPA (offtopic) - I can't tell if FF looks despondent or expectant in your sig. Has something floated away, or is a coconut floating in?

And that makes me love it all the more.
@OPA (offtopic) - I can't tell if FF looks despondent or expectant in your sig. Has something floated away, or is a coconut floating in?

And that makes me love it all the more.
I've always interpreted it as being despondent, myself.

(on-topic): giggle
No it's not you OPA.

The former Lexicon nation of Paintdrying is the name used in The Lexicon.

The TNP nation name is Daimiaena.

Evidence indicates that this act of espionage was authorised by the highest level in TNP.

And no, the instigation for the ending of diplomatic ties was made by Dalimbar not The Lexicon.
Ooh, the highest level of TNP?! You mean the PM and NPIA, right?

Now, if I were the MoEA -- which I am not -- I would first ask that you provide solid evidence of such a claim, along with any supporting documents and screenshots you may have. I would then hope that you would wait for my investigation to be complete before jumping to conclusions.

In my humble opinion, it appears that you were all to willing to play the victim here. I've seen no evidence and no clarifaction other than "We know you were spying, and we know it was from the top".

If the highest levels have really wronged you here, provide your evidence and let us impeach the perpertraitors.
I believe you misunderstand my posting here Digitalis.

I posted on behalf of The Lexicon, not as a TNP citizen.

If you wish to seek impeachment of officials of TNP then we may be prepared to consider providing evidence - that would be a matter for our High Council and the Founders to decide.

In the meantime as was posted we see these as acts of war against us and that is a matter for us not TNP's legal procedures.

And yes, you are correct, I did refer to Hersfold's authorisation of this action against The Lexicon and other regions.
@OPA (offtopic) - I can't tell if FF looks despondent or expectant in your sig. Has something floated away, or is a coconut floating in?

And that makes me love it all the more.
I really can't tell either. I prefer to think that he's sad because the coconut he was trying to figure out floated away. But he really doesn't seem to be the type to be put off by hairy fruit, so I dunno.

So it's not me, but the member who has the most distinctive posting style. We win on smarts alone.
I believe you misunderstand my posting here Digitalis.

I posted on behalf of The Lexicon, not as a TNP citizen.

If you wish to seek impeachment of officials of TNP then we may be prepared to consider providing evidence - that would be a matter for our High Council and the Founders to decide.

In the meantime as was posted we see these as acts of war against us and that is a matter for us not TNP's legal procedures.

And yes, you are correct, I did refer to Hersfold's authorisation of this action against The Lexicon and other regions.
I realise that you were wearing your "Lexicon hat", Cathyy.

It appears that the Lexicon has casus belli, and yet does not wish to provide evidence to us; this confuses me. If you are so sure of your position, then why would you wish to keep such supportive evidence behind closed doors? If I thought that a region was going to use such hostile measures upon my region, I would sing the evidence from the rooftops.

Although I am but a lowly deputy minister, I can see the entirety of the cabinet area and I assure you that no plans for invasion are there; therefore one could quite easily make the small assumption that if I do not have access to these secret plans then many others of the cabinet do not have access either. From here you could quite happily assume that any spies that claim to be from TNP are not actually part of a sanctioned intelligence action.

Now, if my assumptions are correct and your evidence appears to be solid then we have a case of either a rogue minister, or the NPIA working without sanction. Both of these actions could be considered treason and therefore the 'spymaster' would be made to suffer the full force of the law.

Of course, all of this is completely hypothetical until evidence is produced.
My continued thanks and appreciation to Diginekoal VA for his unflagging dedication to separating myth and fact.
Of course a region 'caught out' wants us to produce all the evidence.

And indeed I will be discussing with the HC and Founders of The Lexicon how much if any they would wish published.

But the point is, we are satisfied that there is evidence that indeed espionage was conducted, sanctioned by Hersfold and under the auspices of the NPIA.

The spy did not make the claim. The claim or confirmation came from Hersfold himself.

Perhaps if our ever absent Prime Minister wishes to try to deny that he will do so on his return.

Quite frankly, I don't care whether you wish to try him for treason or not. What I do care is that TNP does not continue its attempts at espionage in The Lexicon.
Then if you provided evidence of our Prime Minister's wrongdoings to us we could act upon it.

As far as we are concerned we have not been caught out by anything, as we have no prior knowledge of any foreign intelligence being carried out. Remember that the NPIA is supposed to be our equivilent of MI5: strictly internal intelligence.

The fact that you refuse to provide intelligence leads me to believe that you either do not feel the evidence to be satisfactory enough to give you casus belli, or that the evidence simply does not exist.

If you wish to say that our espionage is an act of war, then so be it, but if you do not wish to provide proof of any wrong-doing then TNP must simply assume that there is no proof. Since it is impossible to prove a negative, the onus is on you and the Lexicon to show us our crime.

**edit - Sometimes one can be too verbose.
And what chance have I in defending myself against such charges....without disclosure of any evidence...all I see is hearsay....If I am to stand accused do I not have the right to see what evidence you have against me....particularily when you are choosing to "expose" me in such a public and indiscrete fashion....
just as you have tantalised us over who the alleged spy is....will you be giving out the evidence in same fashion...
Of course a region 'caught out' wants us to produce all the evidence.
Of course, when the burden of proof falls upon you, you must produce something more than a statement and a name.

That is, if you wish to be believed. :duh:

And indeed I will be discussing with the HC and Founders of The Lexicon how much if any they would wish published.
You've had a day. If I am not mistaken, you also live with the Delegate of the region IRL. IMHO, this should facilitate SOME of the discussion. We eagerly await the results.

But the point is, we are satisfied that there is evidence that indeed espionage was conducted, sanctioned by Hersfold and under the auspices of the NPIA.

That's nice. Really, it is. But, uh, why even tell us at all? If you're satisfied with your results, then congratulations. I'd give you a cookie if I could. Hell, I'd even share one with you.

The spy did not make the claim. The claim or confirmation came from Hersfold himself.

That's nice. Really, it is. But, uh, why even tell us at all? If you're satisfied with your results, then congratulations. I'd give you a cookie if I could. Hell, I'd even share one with you.

Perhaps if our ever absent Prime Minister wishes to try to deny that he will do so on his return.

Quite frankly, I don't care whether you wish to try him for treason or not. What I do care is that TNP does not continue its attempts at espionage in The Lexicon.

Blah, blah, blah, I'm slagging off a member of your regional government because he has a personal life outside of NS, this isn't really related to my argument, it's just filler, zomg! Lexiden rulesxxorz!!!!!!!1!!one

There ya go. I fixed that last little bit for you.
I tend to agree with OPA on this one, all i have gathered you saying cathyy is you saing you caught a spy from the tnp, yet you give nothing solid to back up your claim.
Of course a region 'caught out' wants us to produce all the evidence.
Of course, when the burden of proof falls upon you, you must produce something more than a statement and a name.

That is, if you wish to be believed. :duh:

And indeed I will be discussing with the HC and Founders of The Lexicon how much if any they would wish published.
You've had a day. If I am not mistaken, you also live with the Delegate of the region IRL. IMHO, this should facilitate SOME of the discussion. We eagerly await the results.

But the point is, we are satisfied that there is evidence that indeed espionage was conducted, sanctioned by Hersfold and under the auspices of the NPIA.

That's nice. Really, it is. But, uh, why even tell us at all? If you're satisfied with your results, then congratulations. I'd give you a cookie if I could. Hell, I'd even share one with you.

The spy did not make the claim. The claim or confirmation came from Hersfold himself.

That's nice. Really, it is. But, uh, why even tell us at all? If you're satisfied with your results, then congratulations. I'd give you a cookie if I could. Hell, I'd even share one with you.

Perhaps if our ever absent Prime Minister wishes to try to deny that he will do so on his return.

Quite frankly, I don't care whether you wish to try him for treason or not. What I do care is that TNP does not continue its attempts at espionage in The Lexicon.[/s]

Blah, blah, blah, I'm slagging off a member of your regional government because he has a personal life outside of NS, this isn't really related to my argument, it's just filler, zomg! Lexiden rulesxxorz!!!!!!!1!!one

There ya go. I fixed that last little bit for you.
Hey OPA I fixed your whole post for you.

Daimiaena aka Paintdrying as you are not a citizen of The Lexicon you will not be charged by our Court. However, your nation(s) are not welcome in our region and your nations will be ejected should they be found in The Lexicon again.
I tend to agree with OPA on this one, all i have gathered you saying cathyy is you saing you caught a spy from the tnp, yet you give nothing solid to back up your claim.
Because quite frankly I don't have to.

Whether we publish evidence or not is not merely a decisio for IP and I, who yes, do happen to live together in real life, but for the whole HC/Founders.

Of course you want to see who are sources are and equally of course I'm not just going to deliver that to you on a plate.

When people give me information in good faith I respect that.

The issue for you may be proof. The issue for us is that TNP has once again been caught spying in our region and we're not just going to sit idly by while that continues.

Consider my initial post notice of that.
Would that constitute as the Lex backing down over this matter?

Personally, I don't give a fig about sources, what I do care about is that my region was threatened with war over circumstances -- that still remain -- unknown.

I'm afraid that you do not have any form of casus belli in this matter, and I would further more go on to say that you have little to no evidence with which to back up your claims.
Good post Flem

I must say I can't help smiling that Daimiaena's request for chance to defend themselves against these 'charges' was posted here all of 7 minutes after Paintdrying made a similar request on The Lexicon forum ;)

EDIT: Err well sorry you've bowed down to pressure Flem....I meant good post for your substantive post which I unfortunately failed to quote.
Good post Flem.

I must say I can't help smiling that Daimiaena's request for chance to defend themselves against these 'charges' was posted here all of 7 minutes after Paintdrying made a similar request on The Lexicon forum ;)
Always glad to make someone smile....Please post evidence or retract accusations immediately....
Always glad to make someone smile....Please post evidence or retract accusations immediately....
I concur with this request.

Until evidence can be provided, I ask that Lexicon knows its place on these boards and makes any requests through formal channels.

Cathyy, if you have an issue with Daimieana via the RA path, then you know where you must take it.
Quote from the PM's office
by catthy
May I also respectfully ask that when he makes allegations of Terms of Service violations that he prefaces them with the term 'alleged' ujless he can post evidence that they are more than alleged, such as an IF communication.
Hmm...what's that about posting allegations without evidnece unless the word alleged is used....Or is this only applicable to Hersfold...
I don't believe I suggested you violated Invisonfree's Terms of Service. You committed actions against The Lexicon that are not welcome in our region.

I don't need to say they 'allegedly' aren't welcome because as one of the Founders of The Lexicon I'm quite entitled to say they are not.

By the way your attempts to create trouble on The Lexicon with Paintdrying have been met with some rather derisory comments from Lexiconians.

I would post you some examples here but I fear they may upset the rather tender sensibilities of TNP.

Welcome to forum ban in The Lexicon.
Until evidence can be provided, I ask that Lexicon knows its place on these boards and makes any requests through formal channels.

Cathyy, if you have an issue with Daimieana via the RA path, then you know where you must take it.
Ahhh you claim to want evidence. But the minute I provide even a hint of it you cry foul.

I am not going to take up any matter against Daimieana in the RA.

I have posted the statement from The Lexicon.

If Hersfold wishes to challenge what he has already confirmed by PM I look forward to him doing so.

Furthermore, I invite Daimieana to try to register on The Lexicon forum. I'm sure a small IP check might help to shed some light.
Until evidence can be provided, I ask that Lexicon knows its place on these boards and makes any requests through formal channels.

Cathyy, if you have an issue with Daimieana via the RA path, then you know where you must take it.
Ahhh you claim to want evidence. But the minute I provide even a hint of it you cry foul.

I am not going to take up any matter against Daimieana in the RA.

I have posted the statement from The Lexicon.

If Hersfold wishes to challenge what he has already confirmed by PM I look forward to him doing so.

Furthermore, I invite Daimieana to try to register on The Lexicon forum. I'm sure a small IP check might help to shed some light.
What hint of evidence would that be..
Ahhh you claim to want evidence. But the minute I provide even a hint of it you cry foul.
If by 'Cry foul' you mean, 'ask for full disclosure of all evidence pertaining to possible illegal activities' then, yes, I've been crying foul. It is you who have been so hesitant to produce such evidence.

I ask you one more time: If you can produce evidence of wrong-doing, please do so. If not, I again ask that the Lexicon knows its place and follows any complaints through formal channels.
Hey OPA I fixed your whole post for you.
Oh, come ON! I invented that trick, Cathyy, and for you to (ab)use it in such an uncreative and hack-ish manner really grinds my gears.

The issue for you may be proof. The issue for us is that TNP has once again been caught spying in our region and we're not just going to sit idly by while that continues.

The issue for us is proof because you have provided none. Frankly, I would think that one who has seriously threatened litigation over this game would be willing to back up wild insubstantiated claims. :duh:

So... Is there actually any proof other than your word? Don't be offended, but you don't exactly inspire trust in most of us.
I will have to ask again....Provide some evidence to back up your allegations....or else retract the allegation and issue a full apology...
Hey OPA I fixed your whole post for you.
Oh, come ON! I invented that trick, Cathyy, and for you to (ab)use it in such an uncreative and hack-ish manner really grinds my gears.

The issue for you may be proof. The issue for us is that TNP has once again been caught spying in our region and we're not just going to sit idly by while that continues.

The issue for us is proof because you have provided none. Frankly, I would think that one who has seriously threatened litigation over this game would be willing to back up wild insubstantiated claims. :duh:

So... Is there actually any proof other than your word? Don't be offended, but you don't exactly inspire trust in most of us.
You ought to be flattered that your tricks are imiatated.

I threatened litigation because a real life claim was made against me, ie that I sexually and otherwise harrassed Pope Hope.

I suggest you walk a mile in my shoes with that kind of allegation made against you and repeated ad nauseum on forums throughout NS before you deingrate what I posted in response.

Oh I'm so not offended that I don't inspire your trust.

Let me be clear.

The Lexicon will not tolerate spies.

You asked for evidence, I named names.

I'm not going to play your games until you force me to reveal my sources.

They trust me and I will not breach their trust.

And no, Daimiaena I will not retract my allegations that TNP engaged in espionage against The Lexicon.

Perhaps you might care to comment on the following regional happenings recorded as shown below:


World Factbook Entry: Faith and Courage

A place of peace for Daimiaen

UN Delegate: None.

Founder: The Free Land of Thingsandstuff

Regional Power: Low

Daimiaena contains 15 nations. [List all nations]

Like what you see? Move Insane Power to Daimiaena today!

Today's United Nations Report
The Most Compassionate Citizens in Daimiaena

Exhaustive UN tests involving kittens revealed the following nations to be the most compassionate.
# Nation UN Category Motto
1. FlagThe Republic of Arseinhowmanydosis Inoffensive Centrist Democracy "It's catching"
2. FlagThe Republic of Stupid Ds Inoffensive Centrist Democracy "There can be only one....."
3. FlagThe Rogue Nation of Sleeep Inoffensive Centrist Democracy "Did I dream you dreamt about me"
4. FlagThe Free Land of Thingsandstuff Democratic Socialists "Things and stuff"
5. FlagThe Nomadic Peoples of Bimbling Scandinavian Liberal Paradise "Just off for a bimble, then."
6. FlagThe Queendom of Ms christina aguilera Democratic Socialists "DIRRRRTY!!!!"
7. FlagThe Nomadic Peoples of Dongadongadonga Inoffensive Centrist Democracy "Dongadongadongadonga"
8. FlagThe People's Republic of Smackerooni Father Knows Best State "Smackerooni!!!!!"
9. FlagThe Free Land of Heissenberg Father Knows Best State "We don't know how fast we are or where we are"

Regional Happenings

    * Seconds ago: The Holy Empire of The mighty god thing arrived from Islands of Freedom.
    * 3 minutes ago: The Protectorate of Paintdrying arrived from The Lexicon.
    * 5 minutes ago: The Nomadic Peoples of Muirteach arrived from Stargate.
    * 7 minutes ago: The Republic of Minid arrived from ILLUMINATI.
    * 8 minutes ago: The Incorporated States of Invasiveness arrived from The Tableland.
    * 18 minutes ago: The Principality of Agarve arrived from The DEN Base.
    * 15 hours ago: The People's Republic of Smackerooni arrived from The Rejected Realms.
    * 16 hours ago: The Nomadic Peoples of Dongadongadonga arrived from Gateway to Lone Wolves United.
    * 1 day ago: The Republic of Arseinhowmanydosis arrived from The Rejected Realms.
    * 1 day ago: The People's Republic of Smackerooni departed this region for Polska
I post the following on behalf of The Delegate of The Lexicon:

Dear TNP,

To those of you not in the loop, I appreciate your concern. I suspect I would feel of a similar position if I was in your shoes.

I respect your regions desire to spy on The Lexicon, LWU, The DEN although I am less sure why you were trying to use the same player in Illuminati (I thought that was one of your own?) I appreciate that you are not all informed of top level TNP Government decisions.

Daimiaena somehow has become Hersfolds personal little spying lass! I don't wish to know why. But under the auspice of Paintdrying in The Lexicon, aka Dongadongadonga in LWU aka Agarve in The DEN and even Minid in ILLUMINATI.

Whether you care to believe it or not, The Lexicon really does not care.

As Flemingovia pointed out prior to his edit (don't you frown on that in TNP) this kind of spying mission is to be expected, I don't feel any hard resentment over it, but you folks are talking like it is a personal insult. Come on, we caught you out, we didn't even bother you with it when we had multi regional IP addy evidence, we only got a tad peeved when we discovered Hersfolds involvement.

There are no close relations between our regions and I doubt that will change, but don't try playing the innocent card on this one.