Blue indicating addition, red strikethroughs indicating removal.
In addition the entirety of Article Four, Section Nine shall be removed.
Art II Sec 4:D - Provisions for military alliances, military co-operation, and joint military operations by treaty or agreement shall be established in the North Pacific Legal Code.Such provisions may provide for approval of deployments by the Security Council in appropriate circumstances as provided by law.
Art III Sec 1:A - Procedures for the election of the UN Delegate, the UN Vice Delegate, the Prime Minister, the other Ministers of the Cabinet, and the Speaker of the Regional Assembly, and the Security Councilshall be as provided by this Constitution and by law in The North Pacific Legal Code.
B - Elections and referendums shall take place on The North Pacific Regional off-site forum. Elections for the UN Delegate, the UN Vice Delegate, the Prime Minister, the other elected Cabinet Ministers, and the Speaker of the Regional Assembly, and the Security Council,shall be held every three calendar months in the months of February, May, August, and November. Voting shall commence at 12:00 am GMT on the first day of the designated month and end at 11:59 pm GMT on the seventh day of the designated month. Voting in any necessary runoff election shall commence at 12:00 am GMT on the tenth day of the designated month and end at 11:59 pm GMT on the sixteenth day of the designated month. Nations take office when a certificate of results of an election are published.
F - The quorum requirement for Regional Assembly members in referenda on motions to approve, ratify or confirm actions, nominations or appointments, and on bills to enact laws, do not apply to the elections of the UN Delegate, the Prime Minister and the Cabinet Ministers, or the Speaker of the Regional Assembly, and the Security Councilfor a full term, or for any necessary runoff elections.
Art III Sec 2.1:F - At all times during the term of office, the Vice Delegate shall have the second greatest number of endorsements in the Region which shall be exceeded only by the number of endorsements held by the Delegate. The Vice Delegate may be authorized, bya vote of the Security Council on grounds of regional securitypermission of the Cabinet, to temporarily assume the Delegacy under NationStates procedures whenever the Delegate may be unable to act or is not recognized within NationStates as the UN Member with the greatest number of endorsements within the Region or for other similar reasons of regional security. Upon the subsequent formal posted declaration of the Delegate that he or she is able to again act as Delegate of the Region within NationStates, the Delegate and Vice Delegate shall take any necessary action to cause the transfer of the Delegacy back to the elected Delegate.
In addition the entirety of Article Four, Section Nine shall be removed.
Art IV Sec 9:Section 9. Security Council.
A - The Regional Assembly shall elect a Security Council. The Speaker shall serve as the presiding officer of the Council. The Council shall have authority to endorse or otherwise approve such actions of an urgent or emergency nature that involve regional security other than the adoption of legislative bills and constitutional amendments as are specified in this Constitution and The North Pacific Legal Code. Any action by the Council does not supercede any requirement for approval by a referendum within the Regional Assembly, but serves as approval for action prior to such a referendum.
B - The Security Council shall be composed of not fewer than five members of the Regional Assembly, elected for three month terms at the same time as the Cabinet, Speaker, and the UN Delegate. The total number of Council members shall be determined by law, but shall not be less than five nor more than that whole number which equals ten percent of the total number of Regional Assembly Members at the time the nomination period for elections commence. The members of the Council shall be elected by plurality vote of the Regional Assembly in the manner prescribed by law.
C - Regional Assembly Members elected to serve on the Security Council shall arrange their affairs during their term of office on the Council so that they may participate in any matter brought to the Council upon notice not to exceed 24 hours. A quorum for the actions of the Security Council shall be not fewer than three Regional Assembly members as determined by law. The Speaker shall not have a vote in Security Council matters except in the case of a tie, but the Speaker shall count to the establishment of a quorum for a particular matter.