Hersfold is not overly pleased with the whole idea, but is willing to work with it.
Public Recusal, where the admin in question should not close a thread in which he/she was partaking in non-mod fashion (like engaging in a debate.)
Ok, this makes sense. I try to encourage people to consult others before acting on something they're involved in - which does happen fairly often, but not always.
Political Recusal, elected officials should temporarily surrender their Root Admin powers but remain mods of their own respective sections as delegated by their ministry.
Eh... this idea I'm not so keen about. When I was MoIIA, it made things extremely easy to be able to approve and mask new RA members with a click of a few buttons. That's not overly important there, but if a massive argument breaks out and someone is deserving of a forum ban, someone's got to be able to exercise that authority. This would also lead to us having to find a new administrator rather often - as Flem said above, not many people are willing to do that, and I'm not willing to let many of
those have control of some of the buttons we get to push. If we're going to do this, we need to keep that safety of the forum in mind.
Forum Bans; are subject to legal review. As of now, the only mention of bannings only refer to the North Pacific region. Customs and conventions may say that the forum in a part of our region but a clear legal statement would be better.
Hm. Again, not too thrilled about this, since moderation is supposed to be separate from the political workings for a reason. And if the person who needed to be banned had all his friends on the jury, we would be at extreme risk of having the board deleted due to the ToS violations and the admins appearing to be doing nothing about it.
I believe that TNP is far too big a region to be held in the grip of one Root Admin - whoever they are.
We've got two, FYI... and I can't help but notice how you, IP, and maybe Fulhead and Poltsamaa are the only ones who seem to think I'm a raging tyrant. Maybe I'm wrong, but then...
Recall: if a petition of over twenty RA members is brought forth, a public vote will be held as to whether or not an administrator may retain their position with an aye or nay.
Again, issue of having to find a new admin. That, and the #1 account is not something to be tossing around willy-nilly. Whoever owns it owns the power to do any damn thing they want, including push a little button labelled "Delete Board".
Question: Did you read my porposal in the Moderator forum? (Here)
For those who can't read it, it was asking that Admins and GM's resign all moderation power while holding government office. Of the 4 people who responded, none were in favor of the idea. In fact, I think most were strongly against it.
But who do I appeal to? The very people who imposed the warning in the first place.
If an appeal is brought forth, it is presented to the moderation team as a whole, and placed to a democratic vote. Warnings are one of the few things that moderators and administrators have the authority to dispense without consulting everyone else first.
Regarding the public recusal.. If Admin X engages in a debate, say, in the RA or wherever, and others push that discussion out of hand so that someone MUST close that thread, should the Admin that was engaging in the debate simply do nothing and wait for another admin to spot the problem?
They can send a message to whoever seems on at the moment. The GM's and Admins have mod powers across the whole forum, and usually at least one other person with the right authority is around. If not, then chances are there aren't that many people around anyway and it can afford to stay open a little longer.
Regarding the recall.. This is a good idea in theory, but we've had problems finding people willing to be Admins.. Recalling is one thing, but the task of destruction is infinitely easier than the task of creation. In other words, if we recall an admin, then we face the much thornier question of who should take his/her place.. and we should address this if we're going to put in a recall provision.
Misattribution of quote, sorry. But these are most of my concerns about that.
IMHO, if an admin acts according to the duty to prevent, etc., TOS violations, the admin is entitled to do so. Someone claiming that closing a thread or deleting a TOS violating post is a personal act has no defense.
Flem's post, the whole thing applies and I won't copy it all cuz this is already too long.
If the region decides that the Root Admin does need regulation, I will do all I can to stick within the law. However, if the region decides this, and a crisis occurs in which immediate action is required for whatever reason, I will not hesitate to do what is neccessary in order to keep this forum legal and in existence. It's sort of like the Delegate thing, as sniffles pointed out - you can do this, and I will stick to the law as much as possible, but if I need to break out there is nothing to stop me. I assure you all I'm not turning evil on you, but if I need to act, I will and the laws be dammed.
Response to draft:
Article VI sounds ok to me. Not much that applies to the forum there, that's just allowing the Delegate to kick people out of the region when they get pissy here.
Article VIII. Oh goody, another one. Recusal clause 2 has an error - you say Global Mod, then switch to admin. Is it one, or both?
The Recusal bit sounds ok to me, although I'm still not thrilled about the GM's resigning powers. You realize that if this passes, we lose one straight off?
I am still opposed to the recall bit. If we're going to do it, I think the petition number has to be higher, or a super-majority (66%, 75%, something) is required.
It's not as bad as I thought it was going to be, but it still ain't great, IMO.