Kearns's blog

I will try my best :P

Anyway, my plan for tonight is simple. I have $30 worth of candy. I am going to walk the streets of the West Village searching for some unsuspecting kid and yell "YOU HIT THE JACKPOT" while pouring all my candy into his bag. Just to see the reaction on his face XD
I will try my best :P

Anyway, my plan for tonight is simple. I have $30 worth of candy. I am going to walk the streets of the West Village searching for some unsuspecting kid and yell "YOU HIT THE JACKPOT" while pouring all my candy into his bag. Just to see the reaction on his face XD
Mission successful :P

No pics, though :(
Considering that half the people on the streets tonight were dressed as BDSM slaves/masters (leashes and everything) I would say so. :P

It would be a BLAST to grow up in this neighborhood... heheh
Well that forcast didn't really verify :P

Oh well.

I have to be up at 6am in order to catch an early morning train for DC tomorrow, and it's 1am now... can't get to bloody sleep. Bah.

In any case, yeah, I'll be gone until Sunday night or Monday morning.

I had such a lovely weekend ^_^

Had a way-too-expensive Thanksgiving dinner at some restaurant... the best damned salmon I've ever had with a crab cake on top. Perhaps THE best meal I've ever had.

Saw DC... DC epitomizes a city I like to visit but wouldn't want to live. Georgetown, Alexandria, and Bethesda are nice neighborhoods, and the Smithsonian and National Mall are nice, but the rest of the city is a slum. But ya, nice place to visit.

Shenendoah National Park is lovely. But the Blue Ridge Mountains aren't really mountains....

And earlier today I drove from Virginia to Baltimore to see a friend at Johns Hopkins University. We had the best drunk LAN party ever. Trying to aim an AWP while totally wasted can be amusing ^_^
OK, so what have I been doing...

On Friday I was picked up at 6pm, a couple hours late since the people picking me up got entirely lost. Somehow they ended up way the hell out on Long Island >_>

Took us five hours to drive nearly 450 miles to Niagara Falls; fun drive that was. We only ran into some flurries since the major lake effect snow event was over by the time we got up there. Then we got lost in Niagara Falls (New York State side) and somehow ended up at the border crossing. Waited there for an hour; border crossing guy only wanted to see our ID's for some reason, but he began interrogating the driver (who also happened to from Brazil and potentially Arab looking? >_>):

"What brings you to Canada?"
"Going to a funeral"
"Whose funeral?"
"My friend's mother"
"Oh really?" *stares at the driver for at least 30 seconds*
"Well ok, you can go on through"

So then we get entirely lost on the Ontario side of Niagara Falls. An hour or so later, we find the motorway and onward we go. We get to Mississauga (where I was to stay) about an hour later.

Funeral was nice. They had it at the University of Toronto, actually. I met a bunch of childhood friends there that I haven't seen in as many as eight years. Afterwards, we went to my friend's house where we all (about 20 of us >_>) talked about things, such as wtf we've been doing for the past eight years (well, at least what I've been doing over the past eight years, since I moved away 8 years ago). Began driving back around 2am and just got in at 10 or so this morning.
I've been tracking Montana weather for years, and I've never seen anything quite like this. From the National Weather Service in Great Falls, Montana:


Hurricane force winds in Montana and no national publicity what-so-ever >:(
Today I met Dani (Tropical Pixieland) and Jimmykins (Captain Spaulding) here in Manhattan. Even CS liked the City, which absolutely made my day :P

We did the usual Christmassy things, like Macy's, Rockefeller Tree, etc. And we walked all the way from 12th to 59th street and back down to 33rd. X__X
Will be leaving for Montana tomorrow, so no internet access tomorrow as I'll be flying all day. Then after that I hope to be able to get back online depending on my schedule. Not really sure at the moment.
Now that I am in Montana, it appears as though we have a classic blizzard (I like to call it a Nor'wester but that'd get me punched in the face by the locals) setting up. 100mph winds and 6-12 inches of snow creating lethal wind chills (says the NWS) and white-out conditions for the Helena valley. So I suspect I'll lose power and be out of commission for at least a few days.
I don't really know where to post this, so I'll just post it here.

I'm resigning from the game of NS. So I guess that means Blue Wolf replaces me for the remainder of the term. Between my new job to begin next semester and classes, I just don't have the time for it anymore. I'll miss everyone!

And sorry, I don't really have a speech like Heft or anything.
:cry: No! Not JAL!

I refuse to accept this resignation. I shall therefore be setting up a JAL made out of pillows and lipstick, and set it up in the corner.

Best of luck Kearnie.
This is something posted by Jack elsewhere. I thought it would be nice to tell other people.

Kearnsy Boy:
I'm writing this to tell everyone that I'm not going to be around anymore (as in, not on IRC, Skype, or AIM).  A few weeks ago, I tried this and failed, but this time I'm far more determined.  As for why I'm leaving, I can't get into that.  Literally, I cannot; it isn't even an option for me, so please don't ask.  But I am doing fine, so please don't worry about that either.

I first became involved in this community about two years ago, in January of 2005.  I don't think many (or any) of the people with whom I originally communicated are still around, and that's too bad as they were a very clever bunch.  But anyway, about six months later I joined the ADN and met a lot of people for the first time.  I remember Gaspo (who disliked the Pacific at the time) made a comment soon after I joined the ADN that I may have been an arse IC but wasn't so bad OOC.  LOL, I thought that was funny, mainly because he didn't realize I too was ADN at the time.  We also had a great game of truth or dare around that time period.  Good times.

Probably everyone who has played NS for a significant period of time undergoes the realization that the acquaintances they've made have become better friends than they previously thought possible through a medium as anonymous and vague as this internet.  Without that aspect of the game, I would have left a hell of a long time ago, probably only a few months after I began playing.  In any event, people have seemingly been able to enjoy my, erm, eccentric personality.  So for that I'm glad.  Although, I will admit I wish I could be just half as bold in real life LOL (those who have met me IRL know I'm actually a very quiet person).

Now that I will no longer be around to straighten everyone out, I'm counting on you Agamemnon to be the barer of the torch of the vast right wing conspiracy.  Never allow the leftists to argue uncontested. :P

Bye everyone.  I will miss all of you and will have you in my thoughts.

And finally, Dani, the low-pressure is tracking well south of where the models showed it last night.  So don't worry, no snow ;)

And for one last spell check, it's bearer. :cry:
As to why I suddenly have "Goodbye My Lover" by James Blunt running through my mind as I read that, I do not know. But what I do know is that you shall be sorely missed. This is a sad day for us all.