Embassy of ACCEL

Greetings, and thank you for this fabulous consulate! We look forward to warmer relations and a brighter future between ACCEL and The North Pacific.

I would like to begin by providing a bit of information on ACCEL.

ACCEL stands for the Alliance of Capitalists, Conservatives, and Economic Libertarians. We are a pro-sovereignty organization consisting of right-wing regions and nations joined together to champion the tenets of free market capitalism and national sovereignty, and to provide for the defense of like-minded regions.

The basics of the alliance are summed up very well in this FAQ penned by our Chairman, the honorable Director from Coconut Island, Wegason.

If there are any questions, I would be delighted to help. Do not hesitate to ask!

May honor continue to brighten our friendship!

Secretary of World Affairs
The following are a list of ACCEL Member Regions and a list of the current Secretariat. (Many thanks to His Honor Windsor-Bainbridge and the esteemed Deputy Secretary-General Scandinavian Duchies for compiling this list.)

Founding Members
Region Name
Date Admitted

2005 Anti Communist Alliance
West Antioch

Coconut Island

Conservative Paradise

Galts Gulch

Novus Homines


Founder Region City of London is now a dominion of Great Britain and Ireland.
Founder Region Scarfaces was ejected from the alliance.


The Capitalist Wing
Dutch America
Date of Admittance: July 18th 2005

The Exclusive Capitalizt Zone
Date of Admittance: July 19th 2005

The New Meritocracy
Date of Admittance: July 23rd 2005

Ayn Rand
The Iroqouis
Date of Admittance: 27th July 2005

1989 Anti Communist Alliance
Anti Communist Knights
Date of Admittance: 13th August 2005

Southern Britain
Date of Admittance: 7th October 2005

Federalist Europe Alliance
Lunar Destiny
Date of Admittance: 9th November 2005

Malibu Islands
Date of Admittance: 11th November 2005

Great Britain and Ireland (and her dominions)
Windsor Bainbridge (temporarily --Great Britain--)
Date of Admittance: 17th December 2005

Alpha Omega
Scandinavian Duchies
Date of Admittance: 23rd December 2005

The Galactic Republic
The Clan Wolf
Date of Admittance 21st February 2006

Golden Triangle
Date of Admittance: 15th March 2006

Capitalist Paradise
Date of Admittance: 15th March 2006

The Mowers
Date of Admittance: 17th March 2006

The Federal Empire
Date of Admittance: 18th March 2006

Flavian Amphitheatre
Date of Admittance: 20th April 2006

Date of Admittance: 15th May 2006

Federal Commonwealth Society was ejected from the alliance.
Imperialis was ejected from the alliance.

Chairman of the Directorate: Wegason
Vice-Chairman: The Iroqouis

The Secretariat

Secretary General
Deputy: Scandinavian Duchies

Department of World Affairs
UnderSecretaries: Leg-Ends; Sarcodina

Department of Administrative Affairs
Anti Commi Clan
UnderSecretaries: Scandinavian Duchies

Court of Arbitration
Master of the Rolls: Southern Britain

Department of Intelligence
UnderSecretary: Unistrut

Department of War

Department of Commerce
The Mowers

The ACCEL Court
Junior Judges (Presiding Judges in Italics)
The Great Commonwealth
Dutch America
British Glory
The Iroqouis

Senior Judges
Novus Homines
The Anti Commi Clan
Greetings, Accel.

You may find this region a bit hippy-flavoured for your tastes (others have commented that it is so, I cannot see it myself)

Anyway, welcome, pull up a beanbag and have a tofu-burger. You can sit in front of the "jobs not bombs" banner.

Peace and Love, man. :hippy:
lol :lol:
We have quite a few anti-war libertarians. They would contend capitalism brings jobs thus stops the bombs...as opposed to socialism (China, Soviet Union, Cuba, Iraq, etc.)
I also eat tofu-burgers, but red meat is by far better. Delicious.

Thanks for the Welcome! :w00t:
*Coughs, and just sighs as he puts his protest signs down in his office*

Anyways, I do have a question, who will be the ACCEL Ambassador to TNP. I realize that Sarcodina is the Conservative Paradise ambassador, but will he be ACCEL ambassador as well?
Yes, Sarcodina has been appointed ambassador to The North Pacific, so he will be our primary representative here.

But I'll still stop by from time to time. ;)
Sorry for the bad news, Dalimbar :D

What's the process to go from foreign envoy to diplomat?...I assume both are non TNP members.
Diplomat refers to TNP officials who are not Ministers, Court Justices, ect. but are members of the Diplomatic Corps of TNP. Foreign Envoy refers to foreign ambassadors, consuls, and diplomats, such as yourself.

And oh no! The world will end now that Sarc is on his embassy control drive! ;) What innocent embassy will he take over next? Tune in next time to find out! :P
I think I will decide on a new one soon, but it will be awesome!

//Diplomat refers to TNP officials who are not Ministers, Court Justices, ect. but are members of the Diplomatic Corps of TNP. Foreign Envoy refers to foreign ambassadors, consuls, and diplomats, such as yourself.//
Ok, I'll guess I'll keep my one star :tb3: :cry: :cry:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Rejections, Regrets and Reconciliation
Fall out from the ACCEL's Rejection of the New Pacific Order

The ACCEL in committee

In perhaps the most controversial and most watched acceptance vote in ACCEL History, the Directorate voted by 9-8 for that the Pacific should join the Alliance. This however, was not enough to make sure that the NPO could be accepted into the Alliance, and has caused a wave of jubilation and condemnation on what were rival camps over the course of this application. The whole Saga began at the end of last month (30th May) as the Senator of Intercontinental Incitement and Provocation Moo-cows with guns asked for the NPO to be accepted into the Alliance of Capitalists, Conservatives and Economic Libertarians after being invited by the Ambassador to the NPO from the ACCEL Scandinavian Duchies. This immediately caused joy amongst many members of the ACCEL with one remarking: "this shall be a great day for NPO and the ACCEL!". No doubt that official is eating those rather badly chosen words. At first however, the application was going to be set to be the most uncontroversial of them all, with all sides seeming to accept this as a great move for both the feeder and the organisation. Problems occurred soon after however, as many questioned whether the NPO was there for themselves or for the organisation. Many accusations were flown from both sides of the gulf and has caused a great deal of angry between a lot of regions as of late.

The Fall out of this rejection however has been felt immediately. Wegason, Chairman of the ACCEL put it:
After long consideration, much debate, for and against, the Directorate of ACCEL have voted 9 to 8 on their application, which is not at the required level to gain entry into the organisation, as they did not achieve two thirds majority from the voting Directors. This was a difficult decision for ACCEL and one that did not come about lightly. We welcome co-operation with the Pacific but the Directorate feel that it is not in our best interests of ACCEL to accept the Pacific into our alliance at the present time. We extend an invitation to any Pacificians who want to join ACCEL as national members, to do so.
ACC, Consul of the Meritocracy had this to say:
It is unfortunate that this had to happen the way it did seeing as ACCEL's relationship with The Pacific had been a good one. It was by far the hardest choice I have ever made and that probably goes for all of ACCEL as well. However, in the end, I don't believe ACCEL is ready quite yet to jump into feeder politics in any form.
The NPO has come out with fighting words however:
On behalf of Emperor Ivan Moldavi and the Pacific Senate, I am sure it comes as no surprise that the NPO is less than pleased with the outcome of the vote. While of course we would have liked to have been accepted, it is more the process that took place during our application period that disturbs us. The process was tainted by arguments and concerns being raised behind closed doors without those same issues being posed to us in our membership thread. The issue of feeder politics, a concern that was raised and cited as a reason for nay votes, was never addressed to us and never mentioned until the very end. We cannot help but feel that the process was disingenuous at best, and just incompetent at the very least. An invitation was extended, an invitation which we accepted in good faith. However, it is clear to us that good faith was lacking on the part of at least some ACCEL members. As such, at the behest of the Emperor, we have closed the ACCEL embassy in response to the lack of respect shown in the process.
This has really shaped the geo-political scene for months to come. Many questions have now been asked about this whole affair. Will the ACCEL break up due to the fall out between member regions? Has the power of the feeders waned to such a point that they cannot be accepted into an organisation such as the ACCEL? Will heads roll in the ACCEL after the shambolic way that this was carried out? Will the NPO isolate itself from all contact with the members of the ACCEL? All of these will be answered in the next few days no doubt.

Article Written by Posul, Intermet/ACCEL News
Final Edition: Mon Jun 12, 2006 5:43 pm
ACCEL Proposal Creates Change at the UN

Euthanasia Proposal Reaches Floor

A proposal that protects the rights of nations to choose their own laws on euthanasia has reached the floor of the UN. “Euthanasia Legality Convention” was submitted by Pro-Sovereignty Babes, the Delegate of Change, a member region of Alliance of Capitalists, Conservatives, and Economic Libertarians (ACCEL). Less than 48 hours after submission the proposal gathered the required 130 approvals and reached quorum. The speed at which quorum was reached surprised the author of the resolution, and controller of Pro-Soverignty Babes, Republicans Armed, “Never have I been involved in a lobby effort to sail to quorum this quickly. This shows me that member nations of the UN are mostly enthusiastic about nations deciding for themselves on deeply divisive issues such as abortion and euthanasia.”

“Euthanasia Legality Convention” comes hot on the heels of a successful repeal of “Legalise Euthanasia”, also written by Republicans Armed. Although the present state of UN legislation means that any decision to permit or ban euthanasia is taken at national level, there is a danger that a new proposal may take away that right and either completely ban or permit euthanasia in all nations. The proposal seeks to protect the right of nations to choose their own laws on euthanasia, if passed it will essentially block any efforts to outlaw or legalise euthanasia through a UN resolution.

Credit must go to the hard work of the ACCEL UN Division; their lobbying efforts have seen this proposal reach the floor with rapid speed. Republicans Armed remarked, “ACCEL is demonstrating a lot of muscle right now. This is largely, I believe, because a majority of nations are showing they share this belief in limited world government to international issues.”

”I cannot thank enough the members of ACCEL who came together to lobby the support for this proposal's quick rise to queue! Those who currently work in the UN division make up an all-star cast and will have their fingerprints all over helping to bring more positive change to the UN in the future!”

Undersecretary of UN Affairs Leg-ends agreed, “The lobbying for this proposal, and the previous repeal, has been a very well organised by Republicans Armed, he has been a great asset to our UN efforts since Changed joined ACCEL. It was also very pleasing to see many members of ACCEL aid in the lobbying for this proposal, in particular The Kingsland and Valori didn’t hesitate to help out and it is through their assistance that we have been able to reach quorum with this proposal. I hope all members of the UN will support this resolution which seeks to give nations more powers to decide their own affairs.”

The proposal will reach the floor once the UN has voted on “RFID in new Weapons”, a repeal of “Ban Single-Hulled Tankers” and “UN Copyright Convention”.

Written By Leg-Ends, ACCEL and Galts Gulch News Services
This consulate is nearing its one month anniversary, and it has been a pleasure to serve both in this capacity and before as well with my home region, Conservative Paradise.

I ask if the North Pacific and ACCEL can create more official relations and ACCEL be deemed the honor of having an embassy in the hallowed halls of the North Pacific. I have briefly brought up the idea with Dalimbar and appear to have Dali's approval. I wish to get as many as possible involved in the workings.

Here is my idea...


Recognizing that the North Pacific is a place of a plethora of views and holds friends across the world that also share a diverse array of political views,
Further noting, The North Pacific is not supporting the relatively politically uniform NationStates viewpoint of ACCEL over others,
Similarly stating, ACCEL does not wish to give any of its independence in its judgment and those of its regional members,
Lastly both organizations being uninterested currently in agreeing to guaranteed military backing of each other and our other friends nor establishing a roadmap to such a topic,
Though fully understanding the potential benefit of improved communication and cooperation amongst our two great organizations,
Do Hereby Declare the region of the North Pacific, and the Alliance of Capitalists, Conservatives, and Economic Libertarians pursue the following agenda:
a) ACCEL will give increased status to the already existent legation on ACCEL's forums
b) The North Pacific will make ACCEL's current consulate into an embassy
c) Both organizations will strive to support each other internationally and attempt to be friends in all conflicts especially diplomatically

Any thoughts? Did I do something wrong?
More News...
More UN Success for ACCEL

Repeal of "The 40 Hour Workweek" reaches Quorum


A repeal of "The 40 Hour Workweek" has been approved by UN Delegates

A proposal to repeal UN Resolution #59, “The 40 Hour Workweek” has reached quorum following hard work by the ACCEL UN Division. The repeal reached the necessary 129 approvals in little over three days and will now face a vote by the entire United Nations membership. The successful lobbying campaign marks the third resolution in as many weeks to reach quorum and signals ACCEL’s growing prominence in the affairs of the UN. Previously successful lobbying campaigns have seen a repeal of “Legalise Euthanasia” and “Euthanasia Legality Convention” both reach quorum, the former going on to become a UN Resolution with the latter being removed after intervention by the moderators.

The resolution was submitted on behalf of the UN Division by Undersecretary for UN Affairs and Galts Gulch Delegate Leg-ends, who now reckons that ACCEL is perfectly poised to shape the agenda of the UN, “We have shown that ACCEL has a dedicated, hard-working team of individuals who are ready to act in all areas of the UN’s business: from drafting proposals that secure the rights of nations to set their own laws, to repeals that strike down some of the UN’s most socialist and anti-capitalist resolutions.

“I would like to thank everyone who assisted in this repeal, we had many people who contributed to the drafting and also contributed to an energetic lobbying campaign. At the risk of leaving people out: I would like to thank Gruenberg and Republicans Armed who helped in drafting and I would like to especially thank Scandinavian Duchies, Valori, Kingsland, Gruenberg and The Great Commonwealth for their lobbying work.

“The 40 Hour Workweek has vexed me for sometime, it effectively states that individuals cannot be trusted to run their own lives and has deprived nations from setting their own labour laws to the detriment of the economy. What is worse than that it is very much a developed world resolution that fails to take into account the needs of the developing world. This one-size fits all resolution is neither good for the needs of individuals, nor the requirements of the different economies throughout the world. It must be repealed and I call on the honourable members of the United Nations to consign resolution #59 to history.”

The repeal will be considered by the UN following votes on “UN Copyright Convention” and “Individual Self-Determination”.

Written by Leg-ends
Undersecretary of UN Affairs
ROAR! - Rational, Objective, Accurate and Right!

Another Interesting ACCEL Article: Chairman Address
More news (could someone respond to the above treaty)

"40 Hour Workweek" Repealed by ACCEL
Historic UN Victory for ACCEL


UN Members vote over-whelmingly to strike UN Resolution #59 from the statute books

The Alliance of Capitalists, Conservatives, and Economic Libertarians (ACCEL) won a huge victory in the United Nations earlier today as UN resolution #59, "The 40 Hour Workweek", was successfully repealed. Capitalist and pro-sovereignty factions rejoiced as one of the most socialist and intruding resolutions fell by 9,494 (71%) votes to 3,854 (29%).

The victory marks yet another defeat for the interventionist tendencies of the United Nations and another triumph for ACCEL's UN Division. The proposal was written on the ACCEL forum, campaigned for by ACCEL members and supported whole-heartedly by the entire alliance. The work of ACCEL's UN Division is now highly regarded throughout the world, the Delegate of Aberdeen recently was moved to comment that ACCEL "has one of the most organized campaign structures" in Nation States.

Commenting on the result, Undersecretary for UN Affairs Leg-ends had this to say: "Today has marked a great day in the history of ACCEL. We have repealed one of the resolutions most offensive to this alliance and won a great victory for capitalism and national sovereignty. Once again I must thank everyone who has come together to work on this proposal and all those who voted by a massive margin to repeal this awful resolution."


The proposal to repeal "The 40 Hour Workweek" is signed into law as Resolution #165 by World Leaders

Thoughts of the opposition have already turned to a replacement resolution but Leg-ends has called into question the wisdom of such a move, "We have seen an ideal, not just a resolution, comprehensively beaten and rejected by the members of the United Nations. Those voting against The 40 Hour Workweek were not voting against a clause or a quibbling over a minor part of the original resolution, they were voting against the whole idea of a regulated workweek. I have already seen suggestions that a replacement remove the moderate aspects of resolution #59. Members of the UN do not want more rigidity in resolutions they want more flexibility, or, better yet, no restrictive resolutions at all."

ACCEL's thoughts are already turning to other proposals, with further repeals rumoured to be in the works. Leg-ends has urged other capitalists to join the cause, "The ACCEL UN Division is always happy to have new members and welcomes any input anyone may have. I would like to remind people that ACCEL accepts individual nations as members, as well as regions. If you would like to participate do not hesitate to head over to our forums and have a look around. Only by coming together can capitalists work effectively to pursue a more capitalist-friendly agenda in the halls of the United Nations."
Lmao, I loved the dont tread on me part, it was a nice vid, but very hard to take seriously. I was not aware of Success ACCEL had in the UN and in warzones, good work.
ACCEL Swamps the United Nations

Repeals of Resolutions #9, #81 and # 85 reach quorum


The United Nations will be dealing with several ACCEL proposals over the coming weeks

The Department of Trade and National Sovereignty of the Alliance of Capitalists, Conservatives, and Economic Libertarians has swamped the United Nations with three ACCEL-backed resolutions reaching quorum, with a fourth also there, arguably, due to efforts of ACCEL.

The first legislative volley was a repeal of Resolution # 81, “Definition of Marriage”. Drafted on the ACCEL forum the repeal was submitted by Change Delegate Pro-Sovereignty Babes (Republicans Armed) two weeks ago and an energetic lobbying campaign was undertaken despite another draft of the repeal having been submitted a day previously by Sir Ernest Shackleton from Antarctica . While the ACCEL resolution put forth an argument for repeal on the grounds of redundancy, as much of the law is covered under other UN resolutions, the other resolution claimed that “Definition of Marriage” led to bestiality. Much to the surprise of the Department of Trade and National Sovereignty delegates approved both the ACCEL and “rival” draft leading to both repeals reaching quorum. The occurrence is thought to be the first time that two repeals of the same resolution have been queued at the same time. UN convention dictates that the proposal submitted first will be voted on by the General Assembly first. Consequently, Sir Ernest Shackleton’s draft was voted on first and looks like passing by a large margin later today to become UN Resolution #173. When that resolution passes the ACCEL draft will be removed from the proposal queue. Reaction within ACCEL was of mixed emotion, delighted to be getting rid of one of the UN’s more federalist resolutions, yet disappointed that it wasn’t an ACCEL resolution that was responsible for it. Remaining upbeat the Undersecretary of National Sovereignty, Republicans Armed, commented, “I'm glad the “Definition of Marriage” is going to be repealed, but it would be nice to get credit for all of our work to make sure that happened.”

Undeterred by this upset, Jey, a national member from the region United Nations, submitted a repeal of UN Resolution #9, “Keep the world disease free!” the following week with an ACCEL-led telegram campaign backing it up. Noting the ineffectiveness and lack of actionable language, as well as the large volume of legislation since passed on hygiene and disease prevention, the repeal easily reached quorum with plenty of time to spare. It is the ninth time Jey has got a proposal to quorum and if passed it will be his eighth resolution.

The third resolution in the sights of ACCEL is a repeal of UN Resolution #85, “Support Hemp Production”. Another resolution drafted on the ACCEL forum, it was submitted on Monday by the Secretary of Trade and National Sovereignty, Leg-ends, and reached quorum in an incredible 36 hours. Arguing a raft of points against the original the resolution attacks the absurd subsidy system, especially the bias afforded towards a particular crop. The system is unfair, as well as impractical, and leads to wasteful excess of certain crops and shortages of other essential varieties, such as food.

Away from ACCEL organised efforts, Gruenberg, the Undersecretary of Trade, has also submitted two proposals “Individual Working Freedoms” and “Clothing Supply Pact” that have reached quorum and are widely supported by ACCEL members. The first urges governments to grant freedoms to individuals to work as long as they like and is seen as a freedom-friendly replacement to the much loathed “40 Hour Work Week” resolution that was eventually repealed by ACCEL a few months back. “Clothing Supply Pact” is a free trade resolution that seeks to remove all protectionist measures on the trade of textiles.


Delegates debate the proposals submitted by ACCEL

The result of this hectic activity is that five of the six queued proposals have been submitted by ACCEL members. Secretary of Trade and National Sovereignty, Leg-ends, couldn’t be more delighted, “What this shows is the incredibly ability ACCEL has in getting proposals to quorum – why we even got one proposal to quorum without meaning to! It also demonstrates the ways in which we can assist members of ACCEL: from drafting resolutions from scratch, refining a draft presented to us or just undertaking the hard work of lobbying for proposals. I would strongly suggest that if anyone has a suggestion or draft of a proposal they present it to us and we’ll be more than happy help you out.”

The resolutions currently in queue are: Orbital Space Safety Act, Individual Working Freedoms, Repeal “Definition of Marriage”, Clothing Supply Pact, Repeal “Keep the World Disease Free!” and Repeal “Support Hemp Production”.

Orbital Space Safety Act goes to vote tomorrow and Repeal "Definition of Marriage" is expected to be removed later today.

Written by Leg-ends
Secretary of Trade and National Sovereignty
ROAR! - Rational, Objective, Accurate and Right!
ACCEL Returns To UN Legislative Action With Unprecedented Success

After a lengthy hiatus, during which the post of Secretary of Trade and National Sovereignty changed hands from veteran legislator Leg-ends to sarcastic pissant Gruen, ACCEL has returned to the UN floor, and seen its efforts pay off handsomely as Repeal "UN Educational Committee" passed by an astounding margin of 9,814 to 1,943, making it the second most popular repeal of all time.

Authored by various ACCEL members and submitted by newly appointed Departmental Undersecretary David6, the repeal sat at quorum for quite a while as several other proposals were voted on, and went to vote on January 25th, with voting open for five days. It quickly gathered an exceptionally strong lead, with over 3,000 votes for within the first 24 hours, and the support never particularly wavered.

The repeal struck out Resolution #54, which established the UN Educational Committee. The repeal's arguments centred on redundancy, with the advent of Resolution #171's UNEAF, a similar committee with clearer responsibilities. It therefore struck out an unnecessary and wasteful committee, eliminating bureaucracy and promoting efficient legislative practices.

Even so, some were initially sceptical of its chances of success. The UN has generally shown little restraint in legislating on educational policies, and has accrued an impressive array of useless committees. The final success was therefore very pleasing, if not a little mysterious.

With the wind in their sails newly freshened, ACCEL members have plan for future repeals in the coming months, aided by increasingly wide cooperation.

- Written by Gruen

Rational, Objective, Accurate and Right!
April 9th 2007

News Round-Up


S-G report on the state of the Alliance

The Secretary-General of ACCEL, The Iroqouis, made the following address on the state of the Alliance:

Directors, National Members, Secretaries, and friends, I come to you today to report on the state of this Alliance, and I tell you it cannot be stronger. Recently, we have seen the fall of our last Founding member, Conservative Paradise, to internal strife. Many are wondering if this is the end of the Alliance, but I tell you it is not. This Alliance has seen many troubles in the past, and every one of those chaotic periods was overcome by the collective spirit of the members here. And while our founding regions are no longer part of this Alliance, many of the founding members are still here. Not to mention the fact that recently, we have welcomed several new regions and an old friend into our halls. To the naysayers, what do you say to the fact that we continue to press on, no matter what might set us back?

This Secretariat happens to be one of the most qualified in recent times (and not just because I'm your S-G) The Department of Trade and National Sovereignty under david continues to pass legislation through the UN with ease, while Donchatryit and the Department of Administrative Affairs have been working at activity levels that have never been seen since the very first few weeks of this Alliance's inception. Under the leadership of Windsor-Bainbridge, the Courts have become more efficient and is more qualified to handle trials than any other Courts assembled in the history of this Alliance. The Departments of World Affairs and War are progressing forward and are led by two hard working Secretaries, North East Somerset and West Antioch. The state of the Secretariat has never been stronger.

Before I close, I must point out perhaps the greatest achievement of the members of this Alliance. I am talking about the refounding of Wall Street, and turning it into a standout region in the game in only a few short months. Under the leadership of Wegason and several Alliance standouts such as leg-ends, the Great Merger of several of our dying regions has produced one of the brightest and most popular new regions in the game. Wall Street has done in only a few months what has taken most regions years to accomplish. So today, I announce the creation of the Secretary-General's Commendation Award, presented to a region that has gone above and beyond the call of this Alliance to defend capitalism. Today I present this honor upon Wall Street, a beacon of capitalism in a sea of enemies to our cause.

To close, I want to mention what an honor it has been to serve these past weeks as your Secretary-General. I have been working with some of the brightest minds in the Alliance to further our cause of liberty and free market enterprise, and yet I take no credit for the hard work and dedication of the Secretariat. That goes to every Secretary and staff member who have been pushing this Alliance forward, against all odds and the predictions of "experts" and pundits. Every other Alliance of regions convened in the world of NationStates has withered and fallen away. The RLA, CEO, and many others could not keep up with the demands of today's NS world. But ACCEL, the last great beacon of capitalism in the NS world of Socialists and Communists, has not only surpassed it's original expectations but has pushed far beyond what anyone has expected, and has risen to the challenge of defending capitalism even when we thought our failure was at hand. Never in NationStates history was so much owed by so many to so few.

Sexual Freedom Repeal to Pass

The ACCEL authored repeal of UN Resolution #7, “Sexual Freedom”, appears likely to pass with voting closing shortly. The repeal focuses on the redundancy of Resolution #7 following the passage of Resolution #192 “Sexual Privacy Act”.

Membership News

The regions of Conservative Paradise and Siberian Underground Universe have left the Alliance, but their members look set to remain in ACCEL under the guise of two newly created regions, Conservative Paradise Reborn and Capitalist Alliance. Conservative Paradise was abandoned after the founder of the region ejected all the nations in the region, while the nations of SUU decided that their name did not accurately reflect the nature of the region, hence the name change. Voting on both applications ended on March 27th with both easily gaining the support of the Directorate ACCEL News will have full details on the Conservative Paradise situation in the next Regional Reports newsletter.

The Secretary of Administrative Affairs, Donchatryit, released a statement on the various changes in membership over the last few months which has seen ACCEL remove inactive regions while managing to attract new members:

As my good friend, the Secretary General has recently stated, one of the most profund changes that has taken place in the alliance in recent months has been the huge shakeup in the membership makeup of the alliance. From the beginning of last term, there has been a slow stream of regions either leaving the alliance or having their membership repudiated by the directorate.

At the same time as this, there has been a steady flow of new members. While the names of anti-Liberal League and Libertaria might not have been on everyone's lips before their applications were accepted, they have more than made themselves known now. Similarly, it is a great achievement for the alliance to welcome Gatesville, one of the largest nonfeeder regions in the game, back into the fold.

Therefore, while the net impact has been that we are still a little down on the size we were before in terms of the number of member regions, activity has been accelarating at a rate never seen before. The alliance is actually on a better footing than it has been for sometime. The exodus of certain regions has allowed us to clean house of those members who were not pulling their weight. In their place, we have seen a group of players and regions who have helped turn the fortunes of ACCEL around.

We now are less reliant on a small group of key players. The alliance is better balanced between experience and innovation. Enthusiasm is on an all time high and activity is soaring. The ACCEL we have now is not a poor imitation of the ACCEL that was but has equalled, if not surpassed our own high standards. Now that the pruning of old members is drawing to a close, it is an easy and reliable prediction to say that the alliance is on course to grow like never before.

Court Rules on Membership Status

The House of Justice has made a ruling on the membership status of Constituent National Members (CNM) when they leave their region, or region’s government. The case started of Big D Baby, of The New Meritocracy, asked the court to rule on whether he could re-claim his former status of Independent National Member (INM) now that he was no longer a CNM. The court found that as nations transfer their membership from INM status to CNM status when their region is accepted then nations should be free to revert back to INM status.

ACCEL Army Starts Recruiting

The ACCEL Standing Army (or the more snappily titled “ACCEL Defence Force”) has begun recruiting members. Under the lead of Secretary of War, West Antioch, ACCEL has been making great strides towards assembling a fully operational and organised army. Please contact West Antioch, or your Director, on how to enlist and get involved.

ACCEL Roadshows

The Department of Administrative Affairs has laid out plans for more roadshows, the following regions can expect visits from various members of the DoAA over the next few weeks: Ad Republica, Empires of Earth, FEA, Gatesville, Freedom Hall, Great Britain and Ireland, Golden Triangle, Libertaria, Galts Gulch, Republicans, Flavian Amphitheatre.

- Written by Leg-ends

Rational, Objective, Accurate and Right!

About the Alliance of Capitalists, Conservatives and Economic Libertarians (ACCEL): We are dedicated to "the tenets of free market capitalism" we come together as nations and regions "in order to provide for the defense of Capitalist, Conservative, and Libertarian regions against invasion, to promote and defend free market economies across the world, and to champion the sovereign rights of nations and regions in the face of the domineering United Nations."

ACCEL accepts applications from regions and individual members, for more information see Wegason's Guide to ACCEL.
Link to the ACCEL forums
Hello, everybody!

I've just been appointed as the new ambassador for ACCEL to The North Pacific.

If you've got any questions about ACCEL or my home region of Golden Triangle, feel free to ask!
ACCEL Weekly Report


A weekly report of the activity at ACCEL, with a brief description.


Election: Chairman - By a vote of 10 to 0, with 1 abstention, West Antioch has been elected Chairman.
Election: Secretary-General - By a vote of 7 to 2 and 2, Donchatryit has been elected Secretary-General.
Election: Secretary of World Affairs - Leg-ends has been confirmed as Secretary of World Affairs.
Election: Secretary of War - Olde Deleware has been confirmed as Secretary of War.
Election: Secretary of Intelligence
Election: Secretary of Administrative Affairs - Esperantania has been confirmed as Secretary of Administrative Affairs.
Election: Secretary of Trade and NS - By a vote of 7 to 4, David has been re-elected Secretary of Trade and National Sovereignty.
Amendment to Title II – An Amendment to the mission statement of the Alliance passes.
Title XIII Amendment – Voting ends on June 7th, see discussion here about changing rules for closing consulates.

Issues Under Discussion

Conservative Paradise restored! - After weeks of secret negotiation, the Witan of Conservative Paradise Reborn was able to reach an agreement with The Tri-Tone of Conservative Paradise to reclaim the latter for its rightful inhabitants.
Resignation – Long time ACCEL member The Great Commonwealth announces his resignation from the Alliance.
The Convention on Off-site Property Security (Draft) – First draft of a treaty on forum destruction and other such acts.
Notice to Directorate of Closing of Consulates – The Secretary of World Affairs notifies the Directorate of consulates that are being closed due to inactivity of the regions in question
Public Libraries Bill – Changes to the legal code are proposed to appoint an official historian for the alliance.

Departmental Activity

World Affairs –
Ambassadors Sign-in – ACCEL ambassadors are asked to sign in.
NS World's Faire – Discussion surrounding the upcoming World’s Faire

UN –
UN Patent Law Replacement
Proposal: Ban Forced Abortions

Administrative Affairs –
The New Inquisition Application – The application is placed on hold for the time being.

Court of Arbitration –
Eligibility of SG to run for Chairman – Public comments on the current hearing continue.

Adam Smith Pub & Grazing Lands

We’re Back! – The ACCEL forums were back online following an attack by a Google bot.
ACCEL Forum Awards – The discussion continues on the first set of forum awards.
IMDB Keyword Game – The new game launched by West Antioch.
USA Today: 25 Indelible Lives – Many wonder what is meant when USA Today says “indelible”.


Forum Transfer – Information regarding the details of an upcoming transfer of the ACCEL forums, current users are asked to read the details.
Secretariat Elections Changes – Some permissions have changed following the Secretariat Elections, users are asked to see if any problems have occurred.

Regional Newspapers

Elite Conservative Circuit – Presidential Election Results
Great Britain and Ireland – The Foreign Dispatch
Wall Street – WSJ #20: "Loose Nuts"

About the Alliance of Capitalists, Conservatives and Economic Libertarians (ACCEL): We are dedicated to "the tenets of free market capitalism" we come together as nations and regions "in order to provide for the defense of Capitalist, Conservative, and Libertarian regions against invasion, to promote and defend free market economies across the world, and to champion the sovereign rights of nations and regions in the face of the domineering United Nations."

ACCEL accepts applications from regions and individual members, for more information see Wegason's Guide to ACCEL.
Link to the ACCEL forums
ACCEL Weekly Report


A weekly report of the activity at ACCEL, with a brief description.


Title XIII Amendment - An amendment to the Embassies section of the Legal Code passes by a vote of seven to nil.

Issues Under Discussion

Deputy Secretary General - Androssia is appointed Deputy S-G.
DoWA Security Level - Should the Deparment of World Affairs see it's security level reduced?
The Convention on Off-site Property Security (Draft) - Drafting, discussion and debate surrounds the proposed Treaty.
Press Conference with the Secretary-General - The Secretary-General answers your questions as part of a regular Q&A session.

Departmental Activity

War -
Operation Convict - A report on a recently carried out ACCEL mission.

World Affairs -
NS World's Faire - Preparations for the Faire continue at pace.
The Genesis Defense Project - GDP make an appearance on ACCEL's forums.
The East Pacific - A Consulate is opened for The East Pacific.

UN -
UN Patent Law Replacement - A proposal under discussion.

Administrative Affairs -
The Political Health Quiz for Regions - How active are the members of ACCEL? Regional members are asked to answer this questionnaire.
Antarctic Oasis application - The region of Antarctic Oasis applies to the alliance.
The New Inquisition Application - TNI's application restarts.
Akimonad Application - The nation of Akimonad applies for national membership.

Adam Smith Pub & Grazing Lands

The Link Dump - ACCEL's collection of funny and bizarre websites continues
IMDB Keyword Game - Can you guess the film?
"When I Move, I Slice Like a F*cking Hammer." - The Paul Anka tribute thread finds out that the words of Mr. Anka turn up in Oceans 13
What book are you reading at the moment? - Well? Let us know here! Recently read books include Blair, Rainbow Six and Adventures from the technology underground
Ask a Limey/Ask a Yank... - In probably ACCEL's most popular thread of all time, this week the Limeys ask the Yanks: whats the deal with Puerto Rico?
Dream Journal - The Alliance's journal of dreams that would almost certainly scare even the most distinguished shrinks continues to provide excellent excuses as to why insomniacs don't sleep.
"Good or Bad?" #53 - the forum's emoticons: good or bad?
What if US states were countries? - Economically speaking which states match which countries?


Forum Transfer - All users of the ACCEL forums are asked to check this out.

Regional Newspapers

Wall Street - Issue #21
Great Britain & Ireland - The Free People's Gazette
Elite Conservative Circuit - url=http://z11.invisionfree.invalid/ConservativeCircuit/index.php?showtopic=1635]The Elitian Chronicle[/url]
ACCEL Weekly Report


A weekly report of the activity at ACCEL, with a brief description.


Admittance of Antarctic Oasis - Voting ends on June 23rd, what says the Directorate?
Admittance of The New Inquisition - Voting ends on June 23rd.

Issues Under Discussion

State of ACCEL Address by the Secretary-General
A Vision for ACCEL - for how to interact with regions and nations.
Press Conference with the Secretary-General - The Secretary-General answers your questions as part of a regular Q&A session.


Nominations: Secretary of Legal Affairs - Nominations open for the "Iron Judge"

Departmental Activity

War -
Proposed ACCEL Milita picture

World Affairs -
NS World's Faire - Preparations for the Faire continue at pace.

UN -
Repeal "Protect Historical Sites" - ACCEL member Jey has got a repeal of resolution #15 to the floor, which is going well so far.
Repeal "The Right to Form Unions" - ACCEL member region the Elite Conservative Circuit has got a repeal of resolution #149 to quorum, congratulations to them.

Administrative Affairs -
The Political Health Quiz for Regions - How active are the members of ACCEL? Regional members are asked to answer this questionnaire.
Office of DAA: Recruit - Recruiting talk.
The New Inquisition Application - The application process comes to a close as voting starts.
Antarctic Oasis application - Antarctic Oasis decide to apply for regional membership.

Legal Affairs -
Associate Membership - Major changes to the Alliance and the treaty are proposed with the creation of Associate Membership for regions.

Adam Smith Pub & Grazing Lands

The Link Dump - ACCEL's collection of funny and bizarre websites continues.
The Babelfish Game - A new game based upon the mystifying translations suggested by Babelfish.
What if US states were countries? - Economically speaking which states match which countries?
Andrew Marr's Modern History of Britain - ACCELers discuss the recent edition focusing on the glorious Thatcher years.
Movies... - We wonder how Ridley Scott intends to make a "feature-length version of the venerable board game Monopoly"
Spot the Difference - Contrasting the trans-atlantic attitudes to race.
What book are you reading at the moment? - Well? Let us know here! Recently read books include The Reagan Diaries.
Will you survive the inevitable Zombie Apoclalypse? - All indications are that most of us will.


Forum Transfer - All users of the ACCEL forums are asked to check this out.

Regional Newspapers

Wall Street - Issue #21
Great Britain & Ireland - The Free People's Gazette
Elite Conservative Circuit - The Elitian Chronicle