AlHoma's Trivia Contest

Wait, I didn't use google. There's only 1 famous programmer from Finland, only 1 country that was the capital of the Eastern Latin Empire, and 2 i asked a friend.
Coronation ? (Coronation Island is one of the Orkneys, and Coronation Chicken is a type of sandwich, but this is a bit of a stab in the dark)

Evian (Mineral) Water. I was on holiday in the area at the time of the G8, so that was easy.

3. No idea at all.

4. Linus Torvalds

5. Constantinople. Became Istanbul, which is a corruption of the greek eis tan polis (to the city). "constantinopolis" was too much of a mouthful and it got contracted to " 'polis ". Do I get a bonus point again?
1 - Monte Cristo
2 - Evian (because 2 is always blooming water)
3 - Brandenburg Gate, Berlin
4 - Linus Torvalds ( how many famous programmers from europe are there)
5 - Would you be referring to Byzantium, Or constantinople (which was actually named after Empororer Constantine the first holy roman emporor )
5 - Would you be referring to Byzantium, Or constantinople (which was actually named after Empororer Constantine the first holy roman emporor )
Now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople.

Been a long time, Constantinople. Why did Constantinople get the works? That's nobody's business but the Turks.
Don your space helmets because Round 4 is "Out of This World"

1. What actor had at least 1 apperance in 3 of the Star Trek TV series? What was the character name?

2. What line has Ben Browder used in 2 Sci-Fi programs? (Potentially multiple answers...)

3. Who is Mon Mothma, and why are they important?

4. What actor has been in both versions of "Battlestar: Galatica"? What characters did they play?

5.Who are the Gowl?
Thank you.

I knew it was Majel Barrett Roddenberry, but couldn't, for the life of me, remember that she was the Computer's voice.
Byard: Interesting... I'll grant it. Everybody else must find the intended answer. Remember they appeared in at least 3 of the series.

Daimiaena: No
1. What actor had at least 1 apperance in 3 of the Star Trek TV series? What was the character name?
Hint: He appeared in 3 of the series
Hint:This character opened and closed one series.
2. What line has Ben Browder used in 2 Sci-Fi programs? (Potentially multiple answers...)
Hint: The 2 programs are Farscape and Stargate SG-1
3. Who is Mon Mothma, and why are they important?
4. What actor has been in both versions of "Battlestar: Galatica"? What characters did they play?
Hint: This actor shares the same given and surnames as annother persona on TV.
5.Who are the Gowl?
Hint: They come from a movie set in a post apocalyptic earth scenario
1. What actor had at least 1 apperance in 3 of the Star Trek TV series? What was the character name?
2. What line has Ben Browder used in 2 Sci-Fi programs? (Potentially multiple answers...)
Hint: The 2 programs are Farscape and Stargate SG-1
Hint: It was refering to the occurances of the day
3. Who is Mon Mothma, and why are they important?
4. What actor has been in both versions of "Battlestar: Galatica"? What characters did they play?
Hint: This actor shares the same given and surnames as annother persona on TV.
Hint: The character was changed from being a male character to female character.
5.Who are the Gowl?
Hint: They come from a movie set in a post apocalyptic earth scenario
Hint: It's an animated movie
1. What actor had at least 1 apperance in 3 of the Star Trek TV series? What was the character name?
2. What line has Ben Browder used in 2 Sci-Fi programs? (Potentially multiple answers...)
Hint: The 2 programs are Farscape and Stargate SG-1
Hint: It was refering to the occurances of the day
Hint: What kind of day has it been?
3. Who is Mon Mothma, and why are they important?
4. What actor has been in both versions of "Battlestar: Galatica"? What characters did they play?
Hint: This actor shares the same given and surnames as annother persona on TV.
Hint: The character was changed from being a male character to female character.
Hint: The character's nickname is also shared with a popular dining establishment
5.Who are the Gowl?
Hint: They come from a movie set in a post apocalyptic earth scenario
Hint: It's an animated movie
Hint: The movie is Titan: AE