AlHoma's Trivia Contest


Weekly a list of around 5 trivia questions will be posted in this thread. First to answer all correctly will win a customized signature tag.
It is considered extremeley bad form to use Google/Wikipedia/etc. to answer any of the questions. Any violators will be tarred and feathered, and then humiliated.
There are no other rules.
Question 1: Who signed the United States Declaration of Independence in the upper right corner?

Question 2: What is the common name of Hydrogen Hydroxide?

Question 3: Where does the name Linux derive from?

Question 4: What important event happened on May 20th 325?

Question 5: What drink is rummored to have prune juice as one of it's primary flavoring ingredients?

Ready, Set, Go
Bard: 3 of 5
Hint for #4: There are only a few organizations currently active that can trace their roots back to (and through this event)
Bard: still 3 of 5

Second hint #4: A major article of faith for Catholics was resolved at this event that several factions disagreed apon before.

First hint for #1: This name has been mentioned recently in entertainment.
#4 was the Catholic church's first ecumenical council (Nicea?). They decided on the books of the Bible and resolved the split on whether Jesus was divine or not. Emperor Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the Empire once these issues were rectified. (I knew that History of Roman Catholicism university course would come in handy one day. :P )

I didn't know any of the other answers, though the water one is the only one that irks me.
I looked up a list of signers of the Declaration of Independence because 1) as a Canadian I have no idea who signed the thing other than a couple of the super-famous founding fathers and 2) I was curious.

The entertainment clue leads me to believe I know the correct answer (though, of course, I'm disqualified for looking it up). I had no idea of the connection. Very clever trivia question, AlHoma.
First hint for #1: This name has been mentioned recently in entertainment.
Second hint: The name of the character that Martin Sheen has played for roughly 7 years is (ficticously) a male line decendant of the signer.
GBM: You got the surname right, but I need the correct given name.

ALL: I need all the answers listed.
1) Josiah Barlett
2) Water
3) a mix of the two developer's names (Unix and Linus)
4) Constatine establishes Catholicism as religion of the Roman Empire, Council of Nicea(sp?)
5) Dr. Pepper

Eh :eyebrow: ? I like the West really had medicore ending though.
Next round:

1. Identify this building.

2. What is dihydromonoxide(DHMO)?

3. In the united states military, a vessel may change it's call sign under what circumstance?

4. What does the vessel change it's call sign to?

5. What 2 countries celebrate their independence day as May 26th?
1. Lincoln memorial

2. Still water.

3. If the President is aboard

4. Navy One.

5. France and Canada.

Everything but 2 is a guess, and 1 is the only decent guess among them. 3 and 4 I cribbed from the Air Force and Marine procedure for aircraft, and 5 is nothing but random.
1. No Idea.
2. I say it is water. But Cruithne is insisting it is "Universal Solvent"
3. When the president is on board
4. Air Force One, Navy one, or (presumably) Army one.
5. ONe is Guyana. I have no idea of the other one, and am honour-bound not to look it up.
PS. I do know that 26th May is Helena Bonham-CArter's birthday. Can I have a bonus point?
Not only can you have a point, but you get the point.

^ is that the cartoon with the kid with no point in the land of point? I loved that cartoon when I saw it as a kid
That is The Point of that movie. But yes, it's a good movie (even if the animator was on acid when he made it)