Haor Chall

The Power of the Dark Side
TNP Nation
Haor Chall
Personally, I fail to see the need for the NPAA. As it stands, it doesn't do anything, as evidenced by its forum which has had no posts, and its purpose at present is pointless. As such I suggest the Legal Code be ammended to remove the NPAA.

Should it be needed I don't have a problem with the creation of a reservist division, within the new organisation that is to be implemented, or some other kind of system but at current I feel that the NPAA is not needed, and certainly not in this format.

Proposed Ammendment of the Legal Code, Law 7

Section 2.The Auxiliary Branch of The North Pacific Army.

A - There shall be an Auxiliary branch of the North Pacific Army (NPA).
B- This branch will be under the control of the Minister of Defense (or chosen subordinate) and will not have a separate leader. The specific name of the auxiliary branch is decided by the Minister of Defense with majority support from the NPA members.
C - Members of the auxiliary branch will not possess the right of NPA members to be exempt from disclosing to the Minister of Immigration and Internal Affairs the identity of the player's UN nation with respect to their voter registration
D - Members of the auxiliary branch are not required to post a pledge stating their acceptance of the NPA Code, but must be registered voters.

Section 3. NPA and Auxiliary Member Status

A - The MOD is responsible for updating and organizing the List of NPA members/Auxiliary no less frequently than once a Month. He/she must check the status of all such members and is responsible for demoting members to the Auxiliary branch or promoting a member's status as a full NPA member.
B - Prior to any election or referenda, or at the request of the Minister of Internal Affairs and Immigration (MOIA&I) or the Court of the North Pacific, the MOD must confirm the UN nation of any NPA member to the MOIA&I or to the Court. Until said confirmation, the vote of a NPA member may not be counted and the NPA member may not be selected for jury service.
C - Members seeking to join the North Pacific Army (NPA) are required to be registered voters members of the Regional Assembly prior to making application to the NPA. Acceptance shall be decided by the Minister of Defense and not by the deputy or other designee of the Minister of Defense.
D - All accepted members of the North Pacific Army shall be required to post their pledge in acceptance of the NPA Code. Until said pledge is posted an accepted member cannot be considered a full NPA Member. If the required pledge has not been posted with in a week, the accepted member will automatically be placed in the Auxiliary branch of the North Pacific Army may be removed from the NPA.
I believe there were/are security issues concerning the location of players UN nations in connection with their voting rights in regional elections.

IIRC, there was a concern about inactive members of the NPA and their right to vote while having a UN outside TNP and claiming to be on NPA missions by having NPA member status even if they weren't on a NPA mission.

I will have to find the thread of the original debate (I think its over at s2) or wait until Tresville is able to check in and comment. (It was originally his proposal.)
I don't quite see how that figures into this... Unless you are suggesting the NPAA is handy way for some people whose primary interests lie elsewhere to get around our voting system, in which case I don't see that in anyway as a positive reason for keeping the NPAA, rather the opposite.
I have to agree...I don't see the purpose of the NPAA, although, I did hear it would allow raiders to be in it...but I don't see anything that addresses or even suggests that
If the NPAA is essentially a reserve corps, wouldn't a simple renaming suffice? Preferable, I think a reserve corps should largely be a list of those willing to go on active duty if called to do so, but otherwise permitted to go about their TNP activites as normal without any special priveleges granted to regular NPA.

I think this is essentially what HC is talking about. Am I correct?
Not really, at the moment it doesn't serve any disconcernable purpose that I can see which is why I propose removing it.
After thinking about it and looking it over, I would have to agree, HC. All things considered, an auxilliary organization doesn't really serve any real purpose. Either you are in the NPA or you are not. A reserve force would only serve as some kind of pseudo status badge.
I was under the assumption that the NPAA were around to provide a resident defense force (and as has been mentioned somewhere round here, could well be implemented as endo-tarts considering the new rules), and an extra force to cover invasions of the Pacifics, TRR and Lazarus (well, those that we are friendly with anyway).
I agree with Haor Chall!! The NPAA serves no purpose!! If there are nations willng to help out the NPA then they should join the NPA!!
I was under the assumption that the NPAA were around to provide a resident defense force (and as has been mentioned somewhere round here, could well be implemented as endo-tarts considering the new rules), and an extra force to cover invasions of the Pacifics, TRR and Lazarus (well, those that we are friendly with anyway).
That was apparently the original intent. Since a reserve group would essentially be already in the region and presumably endorsing the delegate already, it probably wouldn't serve much of a purpose at all.

At risk of slipping off topic....................but this is about defense to some degree -

IMHO, the real keys to securing the region and the delegacy are:

To make sure that the delegate has so much support that an invasion would be meaningless;

To assure that there is a strong Vice Delegate with enough endorsements to step in should the Delegate be forced to expend 'influence' and hence the ability to enforce regional security.

To ensure that there is a reasonable line of succession (in endorsement counts) beyond the Vice Delegate in the same fashion.

To identify potential threats so that we can prepare.

And to build up the NPA to sufficient numbers so that it can not only help defend our allies but to defend ourselves by actively striking at those who would engage in invading our region.

OK, back on topic. :P
The thing is Roman, most of those things really rely on the Delegate and VD to do, as far as endotarting, etc goes- the NPA or NPAA isn't going to have much impact in terms of defending TNP itself, obiviously the last point I would agree with you but that is the NPA which is going slightly OT.
Just a quicl comment while I have a chance.

The NPA and the NPAA were never intended to operate independently of the Delegate and Vice Delegate in defending the region. They are tools to be used for that purpose, and to provide a means when this region is asked to help another region with whom TNP is on good diplomatic terms when they are under a threat.

The reason for the distinction between the NPA and the NPAA is the exemption from having a player's UN nation in the region in order to be eligible to vote in elections or in matters before the Regional Assembly. As I understood Tresville;s explanation, the desire was to prevent nations that were otherwise registered as a voter/regional assembly member with a TNP UN nation from claiming their NPA exemption from presence in the region in order ro vote when the absence of their UN nation was not part of a NPA (or for that matter, an NPIA) mission. Thus, the idea of an auxillary so players could enlist in the NPA but not be on active status and entitled to that exemption when they were not participating in NPA missions.

If the NPAA is going to be abolished, then some other mechanism needs to be in place that will securely prevent the abuse.
The NPA and/or the NPAA do not "defend" TNP or provide any means of regional security!! Saying that they do is to mislead or to show ignorance of the mechanics of the game of NationStates!!

The NPA assists in defenses of other regions and the fact that they do so actually weakens regional security by way of having nations that would ordinarily endorse our Delegate being in other regions endorsing a foreign Delegate or defender lead!!

Back on topic, if we are to have a military in the region then I see no point in having the NPA and the NPAA!! We have small numbers involved in the NPA as it is without diluting them further by having two separate entities!!

If people want to assist with defending, even "part-time", then they shuld join the NPA or just log onto IRC an hour or so before update and wait for someone from another army/alliance to ask them to help out!!

Throwing up the same old smokescreen about leaving our region vulnerable because the NPA and/or NPAA are dissolved does not make the arguement valid as it is easily crushed with simple game mechanics (ie. reality)!!

Regional security is provided by a strong Delegate and a strong Vice Delegate coupled with diligence and a cooperative NPIA/intelligence gathering nations that can or could identify a potential threat to be reomved by the Delegate!!
At the moment I cannot see the reason to keep the NPAA. the NPA should be enough.

Should circumstances change, or game mechanics be altered, or the NPA grow to such an extent that we need a reserve force, the idea can always be revived.
Maybe the Pro-NPAA camp could explain what the NPAA does exactly?

And I don't mean, 'what it's supposed to do' or 'what the constitution says',
The NPA and/or the NPAA do not "defend" TNP or provide any means of regional security!! Saying that they do is to mislead or to show ignorance of the mechanics of the game of NationStates!!

The NPA assists in defenses of other regions and the fact that they do so actually weakens regional security by way of having nations that would ordinarily endorse our Delegate being in other regions endorsing a foreign Delegate or defender lead!!

Back on topic, if we are to have a military in the region then I see no point in having the NPA and the NPAA!! We have small numbers involved in the NPA as it is without diluting them further by having two separate entities!!

If people want to assist with defending, even "part-time", then they shuld join the NPA or just log onto IRC an hour or so before update and wait for someone from another army/alliance to ask them to help out!!

Throwing up the same old smokescreen about leaving our region vulnerable because the NPA and/or NPAA are dissolved does not make the arguement valid as it is easily crushed with simple game mechanics (ie. reality)!!

Regional security is provided by a strong Delegate and a strong Vice Delegate coupled with diligence and a cooperative NPIA/intelligence gathering nations that can or could identify a potential threat to be reomved by the Delegate!!
I agree with Poltsy on this one, but on two points. Since the NPA is so small at present, those endorsements of the Delegate lost by NPA members acting in defender actions is so minor as to be meaningless.

Be that as it may, there is one thing that an enlarged NPA membership can accomplish in terms of defending the region. This involves the new rules and the ensuing paradigm shift in strategies for invaders and defenders.

The new paradigm shift I am suggesting is one I suggested as far back as the Great Bight fiasco, but the nature of the strategy is so controversial that no one wanted to even attempt it. The paradigm I suggest will become neccessary should someone attempt to invade this region because sooner or later someone will attempt this simple strategy, if they ever think of it. The problem is that if anyone every tries it, everyone will try it. Sort of a nuclear bomb strategy that will change the whole nature of play as per invaders, raider and defenders.

With the proper development of the NPA, and the spread of this strategic paradigm in feeder regions, it will secure forever the stability of feeder region and large user regions in defense of invasion tactics from other feeder regions and totally nullify any smaller regions from ever attempting to invade a feeder. We can make the NPA into a true defense force of The North Pacific and an indispensible organization for our regional security. This strategy will keep a status quo amongst feeders and other larger user regions and leave smaller regions secure against incursions from aggressive types.

Employed once, it will become the staple of regional defenses for regions large and small.

Namyeknom @ May 15 2006, 11:18 AM
I was under the assumption that the NPAA were around to provide a resident defense force (and as has been mentioned somewhere round here, could well be implemented as endo-tarts considering the new rules), and an extra force to cover invasions of the Pacifics, TRR and Lazarus (well, those that we are friendly with anyway).

I don't know, I foresee the NPAA being used in regular defense missions because the NPA just doesn't have the man power and if that’s the case then the NPAA is sort of pointless other than the fact that its a mini-NPA, which is really senseless. :pinch:
Exactly. I am apparently the only person who has figured out the exact strategy that needs to be employed for the NPA to effectively defend the region. The concept is so pathetically simple that I am amazed that no one has figured it out. Yet, that is.


R to explain this simple concept in simple terms? :headbang:
Put in obscenely simple terms, when attacked, a good offense is the best defense. It's a matter being the first to employ that defense against an aggressor. :shifty: