Forum changes


If you new lot need anything done with your ministries, let me know. Fedele's already had me overhaul the archives, so whatever you need will probably be small in comparison.
Yes, you can. No, you don't get to vote on anything unless Alhoma jumps off a cliff. And I don't have any turkey. Try the grocery store.
I want a turkey.
All we got is this


One Request though.

Can we have the old cabinet's thread's archived in Modland?
Yep. Although you should be able to do that yourself... :P

Wait... unless you mean the ones in this forum, not your office?
I'm sure I'll think of somethings I can get you to do within the week :P

EDIT: I need access to all MoEA areas, including Diplomatic Corps please.
I need every forum moved into the Ministry of Culture and Education and back out and back in and back out again.

Thank you.
@ Dal: I'll get in in a few hours - I've got to run to work in a second. Sorry.

*Hersfold kicks Fedele

@Sniffles: I'll move it in a second, I suppose.

@ Digit: Good idea. Sniffles is ok though, he can stay out.