Dalimbar for MoEA/SC


Your Friendly Neighbourhood Despot
TNP Nation
Good day/afternoon/evening my friends and comrades, I come to you today to state my intention to run for the position of Minister of External Affairs and for a seat on the Security Council.

My friends, I wish to tell you who I am. I am Dalimbar, through my member Chodean Kal I have resided in this region since the fall of Pixiedance. I have been a diplomat since when I first joined NationStates on July 19th, 2004. I have negotiated several successful treaties on behalf of several regions and organizations including my first home, the Allied States of EuroIslanders. I know what it means to be a good diplomat. You need to put your feelings on hold and work for the greater good of your people. What the people you represent want, you try to get that for them. What the people you represent don't want to see something happen, you fight like hell to stop that.

What made me choose to live here? It was the people, it was the ability for people to help out basically wherever they want. What I want is to help The North Pacific be all it can be. I want it to be known by foreigners as a friendly, diplomatic place where people can sign up and be comfortable. Instead of potential conflict that is caused by poor diplomats, this region needs another Minister of External Affairs who can keep our region safe, free, yet friendly. We need not to be cold to be free. We need not to hide in our homes to be free.

Cooperation between our ministries are critical to keep things running smoothly. While I will be running around and writing up Regional Update reports for the ambassadors, I will be keeping a link between myself and my fellow Ministers and the Delegacy. Foreigners need to know what is going on if they are to be interested on what is going on here, and if we want to be a stronger force in the feeder world. Information is key for this, and clear information is the way we can better present ourselves to the world.

My friends, as a diplomat I can not represent you if I have different viewpoints than what the region wants. Tell me what you want out of External Affairs, and I will work as hard as I can to get it for you.

Thank you, and remember to vote!
Acting as a diplomat for the region and working to achieve what the region wants... I like!

Anyway, we have the Center. To what degree do you believe TNP should participate? Just culturally? Militarily? I guess I'm skeptical about military cooperation. I mean, how weird would it be to have the NPO militia moving in to support Kandarin's delegacy against an endo-swapper? :P

Speaking of Kandarin's delegacy, Pierconium made the accusation that his Rejected Realms Army moved into the Pacific to endorse Mammothistan (and I believe this was a correct accusation, but I was AFK and didn't witness it). We've also had tyrant delegates of both TNP and most recently TWP. In TWP's case, the tyrant delegate recieved the unwavering support of another feeder government. Would you support the Center taking a stance in such a case?
JAL: If there are issues between TRR and NPO, I intend to let them work it out. It is not our place to push ourselves into the issues of others, unless somehow the issue comes to us.

The Centre as I understand has no right or desire to encroach on regional sovereignty. This definently includes military, foreign policy, and internal affairs of the regions. Though of course I will be discussing these matters with my counterparts in the other feeder regions, I can not simply tell them what to do. They are their own regions, and I would be mighty angry if they attempted to influence us. I always try not to be hypocritical, but that is just me.

When The Centre gets itself organized, TNP should evaluate its position in that organization at that point, to see what is offered and what we as a group want to do.

DD: I am proud to have been able to work with so many good people in this region in my current ministry. I would say my largest accomplishment would be breathing the breath of life back into the NPA, and our cooperation with various groups. I am proud to say that several groups I have talked to speak well of the NPA, and for that I am proud to have been the Minister incharge of that.

MS: Hehehe, thanks. I try to keep it up :P
If the Minister incharge of the NPA (and not the Prime Minister, the Delegate or the Delegate's dog) gave valid reasons for why the NPA should be disolved, then I would have to respect his/her reasons. 'Course, my own personal opinion is that regardless if it serves a purpose or not, it gives people something to do. It allows people to become better aquainted with their fellow region members, see the world and (apologies to raiders here) have fun playing against the raiders. If people don't want to do that anymore, then maybe it should be disbanded. Not because of purpose, but interest.

This however is my own personal opinion.

Maybe if the NPA started playing ping pong more people might join up!! :P

On topic:

Best of luck in your campaign, Dalimbar!!
What school of International relations do you subscribe too?

What is your view on TNP and alliances

What do you believe our foreign policy should be?

Why should I NOT vote for you?

What is my favourite letter?

Can you give me your views of the failings of Marxism in the world today, in haiku form please.
Q1: I am never one to subscribe myself or brand myself by a specific theory, school, or ideology. Perhaps I am more of a situationalist, one who anylizes the situation and goes from there in a different path than if the situation was different.

Q2: Are you speaking about integration alliances, such as RLA, UoS, or others? Or bilateral agreements? For both, any alliance that has the potential to hinder or harm The North Pacific should not be entered or even considered. Alliances should be looked at carefully and with caution to see if it is best for our region. We must consider all angles, on how an alliance will affect our current relations with regions, and how it will affect future relations.

Q3: Our foreign policy should be that of cooperation, however one that protects our region and keeps us free and sovereign.

Q4: I don't give you enough chocolates/booze that you deserve?

Q5: D is your favorite letter. If it is not, well, now it is your favorite letter :P

Haiku on the faliures of Marxism in the world today:
Fake Marxist systems
Disillusioning the masses
Turning people 'way