Attn: DC Members

This is a Roll Call. All DC members report in this thread. State the regions you are ambassador to (if any) and briefly update your respective Diplomatic Information threads, even if it's 'nothing to report' or 'region inactive outside OOC' I want to know where my ambassadors are and what's going on.

If you are not on declared leave, and you fail to do so before Friday, 9am ET (2pm GMT), consider yourself dismissed without prejudice, and feel free to reapply.

The situation in the Pacific means that it is our time to be on the ball. So let's get there post-haste.

Canada - A bit flabberghasted over the Pacific issue. Seem to be generallyagainst the change.
TEP - Ignoring us.

Further: Ambassador to the Pacific, contact me immediately.
The Meritocracy

OPArsenal is the ambassador to the Pacific, I believe. I doubt you will receive a reply by Friday.
The West Pacific, in both senses...

Edit - If you do need someone to keep an eye on The Pacific, I'm only too happy. TWPs quiet at the moment...
Done and done, Nam, you're assigned to the Pacific effective immediately.

edit - if things don't pick up in this thread soon, expect more assignments.
TSP : Rocking an rolling, still haven't ask Gnesss why she left, don't really care anyway. They are cool, as always.

IDU: Well, you know, as much as an insignificant reagion can get.
Despite that, being the nice kind of person I am, I will re-open the roll call. Those DC staff who have already posted need not do so again. It will be closed Wednesday night and those who have failed to respond will be removed from the Diplomatic Corp.
At some point over the weekend I shall be starting negotiations with Nasicournia, then will ove on to introducing myself to Government and Conservative Paradise. Someone may have to help out if the work load gets too heavy, I'll keep you updated.

Can someone summarily brief me on this "Pacific Issue"?

Yeah, I heard they cook a mean Paella. Wouldn't mind a few crates in exchange for some roasted armadillos.