Art 3.3
3) Minister of Immigration and Internal Affairs.
A - The Minister shall be responsible for communicating with new member Nations, answering questions and highlighting regional procedures and guidelines.
B - The Minister shall be responsible for compiling domestic intelligence and enforcing Regional guidelines.
C - The Minister shall be responsible for overseeing the Regional Assembly registration process and procedures in conjunction and with the support of, the Prime Minister, the Regional off-site forum administrators, and other support personnel within the Regional Government, as designated by either the Prime Minister and/or the Cabinet of the North Pacific Regional Government.
a) The MoIIA's duty is to reach out to new nations within the North Pacific and to properly introduce them to our endless facets.
b) First they're all smiles and helpful, then they're watching your every move and compiling a database about your winks, farts, and but scratching. Let it be known, if you fart illegally, this minister'll be on it like THAT.
c) This minister is the one to go to when looking to apply for citizenship (basically, joining the Regional Assembly) while keeping a watchful eye on elligibility in becoming a candidate or voting for a candidate.
4) Minister of External Affairs.
A - The Minister shall be responsible for establishing and maintaining relations and alliances between The North Pacific and other regions and multi-regional organizations, in accordance with the wishes of the majority of the registered voters of the Region.
B - The Minister shall recruit, oversee, and direct The North Pacific Diplomatic Corps, subject to the provisions of this Constitution and The North Pacific Legal Code.
a) When dealing with any body outside of the North Pacific, who you gonna call? The MoEA that's who!
b) When dealing with the diplomatic corp, the Minister of External Affairs is top dog next to the codified laws which guarantees their job.
5) Minister of Defense.
A - The Minister shall be responsible for recruiting, organizing and directing the North Pacific Army for the protection of the region and its allies.
B - The Minister shall work with the Minister of External Affairs to identify threats to the security of the Region, and to advise the Prime Minister and the Cabinet on proposed strategic alliances for regional protection purposes
a) Once again, when dealing with anything military; the MoD is the person to look to.
b) however when it comes to dealing with the security of the region and exciting new alliances, it's up to the MoD to work with the MoEA to consult the PM with the OPP (yeah you know me!)
6) Attorney General, serving as Minister of Justice.
A - The Attorney General shall be the chief prosecuting officer in The Court of The North Pacific, and shall exercise those responsibilities and duties imposed on the Attorney General under this Constitution and as provided in The North Pacific Legal Code
Now on to my industrious job! Which is basically, whenever a trial is going on I am the default prosecutor against anyone accused of commiting a crime. It's also my job to be the protector of the Constitution and Legal Code, yeah that's right, being so amazingly hot and funny is all me not the title.
7) Minister of Communications.
A - The Minister shall be responsible for initiating, directing and moderating debates on subjects of Regional and national interest, such as legislative and Cabinet issues within the Regional Government, UN proposals and resolutions, and general interest discussions.
B- The Minister, in conjunction with the Prime Minister or the minister with appropriate jurisdiction, shall be responsible for the publication of the actions of the Regional Government, both within and outside of the Region.
C- The Minister, unless required for specified identifiable reasons of regional security to withhold specific material (as determined in each instance by a majority vote of the Cabinet), shall provide the publication if full of the records and minutes of Cabinet proceedings and debates. The vote of the Prime Minister and each Cabinet Minister in a Cabinet meeting shall be a matter of public record.
A) The job of the MoC is to inform and create discussion about regional going-ons, from the drunken exploits of Cabinet Ministers to zany new legislation to dangerous hat sizes.
B) When dealing with government information, the MoC and the minister from the related section should work together to better display the message. Whatever the hell it might be!
C) The minister is also responsible to public Cabinet going-ons unless given a whack with the shut-up stick by the Security Council, Court, Prime Minister, or MoD. Yeah that's right, our government has absolutely nothing to hide from you! (Says those in government with the shifty eyes.) However most of this is moot since the opening of sections in the Cabinet Hall.
8) Minister of Arts and Entertainment.
A - The Minister shall be responsible for moderating the Out-of-Character, Role-Playing and Games forums at the Regional off-site forums.
B - The Minister shall initiate and oversee activities and topics for the general entertainment of The North Pacific's member Nations.
When dealing with fun either out of character or just plain crazy, the MoAE is the office responsible for that. Despite the grumblings of how this office secretly keeps together the fabric of reality and controls Cabinet and all recesses of power with an iron grip; they also know how to have fun!
9) Minister of Culture and Education.
A - The Minister shall encourage the Cultural and Educational arts and industries, protect The North Pacific's heritage, and advance the public information system of the Region in order to maximize their contribution to the region's awareness and social vitality.
a) The job may call for educating on North Pacific culture, our values and history but painfully overlooks the lonely art of achiving. A real man's art.
Section 3: Term Limitations.
1) No person, through one or more Nations, who has acted in any Cabinet-level position as Delegate, as Prime Minister, or as a particular Cabinet Minister, for more than one half of a term to which some other person was originally elected, shall be subsequently elected to that elected office of the Cabinet more than once, pursuant to this section.
Those who have served one half of a term are still restricted from running again as defined later on in this section. (really it only sounds confusing, just keep reading!)
2) No person, through one or more Nations, may hold any Cabinet-level position for more than two consecutive terms.
You can serve two terms in a row but not three! Get the above part now?
3) No person, through one or more Nations, may hold any Cabinet-level position for more than two terms within a one year period.
If you don't serve consecutively, you still can't serve more than two terms in a year.
4) No person, through one or more Nations, may hold any Cabinet-level position for more than four terms (consecutive or otherwise) over a two year period.
To detract the sneaky sneakies, you also aren't allowed to serve more than four terms in two years.
5) For purposes of this section, service by a person, through one or more Nations, in a Cabinet-level position for more than one half of a term to which some other person was originally elected or appointed, shall be treated as a complete term in that office.
Any deputy who fills in for an out-going minister, who serves more than a half term will be considered as a member who served a full-term in the view of Term Limits.
6) For purposes of this Constitution, "Cabinet-level position" is construed to refer to the UN Delegate for the Region, any UN Vice Delegate who has acted as UN Delegate for the Region for more than half of an elected term of office, the Prime Minister, any Cabinet Minister of the Regional Government, any deputy Cabinet Minister who has acted as a Minister for more than half of an elected term of office, or the Attorney General.
Pretty self-explanatory, cabinet position means every elected official excluding judges and members of the Security Council and American Idol winners.
Section 4: Rules and Requirements for the Cabinet of the Regional Government.
1) To stand for elected office, a candidate must be a member Nation of The North Pacific (as outlined in Article II, Section 1 of this Constitution ). UN membership is not required, but it is recommended. Nations with UN membership should reside within The North Pacific unless active in the North Pacific Army
To be eligible to run for office, you must be a citizen and qualify for everything needed to be a citizen as documented in Art 2.1 and be in the North Pacific excluding members of the army.
2) The Nation must be a member Nation of the Region, and be an active Regional off-site forum member for a minimum of one month prior to the date of the acceptance of a nomination to, or a declaration of candidacy for, elective office. Should a member Nation be inactive or leave the Regional off-site forum for a period of three weeks or more, they shall be required to become and remain active in the Regional off-site forum for at least one week following their return before that Nation may accept any nomination to, or declare itself as a candidate for, any office.
Yoy also have to have been a member of this forum for more than a month before nomination time and if you've been away for more than three weeks, you have had to be active for more than one week to re-qualify.
3) Cabinet members shall not hold more than one Cabinet-level position at the same time.
Can't hold two offices at the same time.
4) Cabinet members shall not violate the term limitation provisions of Section 3 of this Article of the Constitution.
Can't have served more than two terms consecutively, two terms in a year or four terms in a year.
5) To stand for election as the Minister of Defense, a candidate shall have received the endorsement of a majority of the nations then in active service in the North Pacific Army within seven days prior to nomination or declaration of candidacy. Members of the North Pacific Army may endorse one or more candidates that stand for election as Minister of Defense in the same election.
To be the Minister of Defense; you must be already in the North Pacific Army, be active in at least seven days before elections begin and have the majority vote of NPA members.
Section 5: Deputy Ministers.
1) All Ministers are required to appoint a Deputy Minister within seven days of their election, or upon a vacancy in, or a resignation of a Nation from, the office of a Deputy Minister.
If elected to higher office, you have to have a deputy within seven days of taking office (when the election results are certified.)
2) The Deputy Minister succeeds to the Minister's position on an interim basis until the next election should the elected Minister resign, vacate, or otherwise be unable to hold office.
If a Cabinet minister leaves before their term is complete, the deputy takes over until the next election time.
3) Where a vacancy occurs in any Cabinet Ministry and no Deputy for that Minister is then installed in office, the Prime Minister shall appoint a Deputy Minister who is qualified to serve as a Cabinet Minister, subject to a confirmation referendum of the Regional Assembly. In that instance, the appointee shall serve as Minister on an acting basis until the referendum election is completed. If confirmed as a result of the referendum, that appointee shall thereupon assume the position of Minister and Cabinet member for the interim until the next election for that office. A vote of the Regional Assembly is required to approve a motion for confirmation of such an appointment by the Prime Minister. If, after seven days, a quorum of the Regional Assembly has participated and at least 50 per cent of those voting approve of the motion to confirm the appointment, the appointee shall remain in office to serve on an interim basis until the next election. If the motion for confirmation fails to receive such approval, then the appointee is not confirmed to serve as that Cabinet Minister, and the Prime Minister shall promptly propose another nominee for Deputy Minister, who shall act then as minister, subject to approval of a motion for confirmation in a referendum by the Regional Assembly.
When there's no deputy to fill in for a Cabinet vacancy, the Prime Minister will appoint someone to fill in before or until the Regional Assembly votes to accept him/her. Rinse and repeat until one is accepted by the RA.
4) Service by a Deputy Minister does not constitute a Cabinet-level position unless serving as a Cabinet Minister on an interim basis until the next election for that office.
Being a deputy does not entitle you to being a Cabinet member or having a Cabinet vote unless the Minister allows the deputy to vote for him/her or has left the seat vacant allowing the deputy to take the boss' job.
5) Designees for Deputy Minister must adhere to the same requirements as for Ministers, as provided in Article III, Section 3, of this Constitution. In addition, Deputy Ministers may not hold another position as either Deputy Minister, Minister, Prime Minister, Attorney General, or as the UN Delegate for the Region.
Not officially being a Cabinet member doesn't mean your responsibilities aren't that of a Cabinet member. So everything a Cabinet minister can't do, a deputy shouldn't do too!
6) To be appointed as the Deputy Minister of Defense, a candidate shall have received the endorsement of a majority of the nations then in active service in the North Pacific Army within seven days prior to appointment.
To be the deputy minister of defense, you follow the same eligibility rules as the MoD excluding needing the most votes in the NPA.
ARTICLE IV. The Legislative System.
Section 1. The Regional Assembly of the North Pacific.
A - The Regional Assembly shall have the authority to adopt all laws, amendments to this Constitution, or other motions and proposals, except as otherwise expressly delegated in this Constitution to another governmental authority.
The Regional Assembly is the only authority to adopt, amend or introduce new motions or proposals in our legal systems. While the court for those confused can only interpret or strike down laws in the legal code as being incongruent with the Constitution.
B - The Regional Assembly shall be chaired by a Speaker, who is chosen by the Regional Assembly in an election for a three month term at the same time as elections for the Cabinet and Delegate.
The first among equals in the Assembly will be the Speaker who will be elected at designated non-judicial election times.
C - The Speaker shall preside over and act as debate moderator for the deliberations of the Regional Assembly. The Speaker shall keep discussions moving forward in an orderly and civil manner. The Speaker shall ascertain when the debate and deliberations on a bill have reached the point for a referendum, which shall be selected no later than 21 days from the date the bill is submitted for consideration. The Speaker shall have such authority as is necessary and proper to exercise the powers granted to, or to execute the duties imposed the Speaker under this Constitution or by The North Pacific Legal Code, or by the other laws enacted pursuant to this Constitution, and subject to such limitations on those powers and duties established under this Constitution.
The Speaker will referee all the verbal balls thrown at each other, while deciding which discussion is ready to move onto a vote and can't deny a popular bill from reaching a vote after twenty-one days.
D - The procedures for nomination and voting applicable for the Cabinet generally shall apply to the election for the Speaker, except for the provisions that govern term limitations on Cabinet-level positions. The Speaker may not hold any other office during the term of office to which that person is elected.
Eligibility and election restrictions set out for Cabinet also apply to the Speaker, excluding term limits.
E - Until otherwise provided by law, in the event of a vacancy in the office of Speaker, for any reason, the Regional Assembly shall promptly hold an election of its members to elect a new Speaker for the remainder of the term. In the interim, the Prime Minister shall chair the Regional Assembly. The election shall be organized as expeditiously as possible, but the period for nominations shall not exceed 48 hours, and the period for voting shall not exceed 72 hours, commencing within 24 hours after the vacancy occurs.
If there is a vacancy, the PM will sit in until another Speaker is elected. The replacement elections will start twenty-four hours after the vacancy is declared, with a two day nomination period, and followed by three day maximum voting period.
F - The Regional Assembly shall have power to adopt its own internal rules and procedures not in conflict with this Constitution or The North Pacific Legal Code. Voting on the adoption and amendment of such procedures shall be by a referendum of the members of the Regional Assembly for a voting period not to exceed 72 hours.
Any rules or decorum set within the Regional Assembly shall be set by RA members and no others, as long as they don't conflict with the Constitution and Legal Code. That's right, no No Homers club. Also the voting period on adopting such rules can't be more than three days.
Section 2. Adoption of Laws.
The North Pacific shall be governed by a code of laws that will constitute the rules and regulations of The North Pacific Region, to be known and cited as "The North Pacific Legal Code." In the event of a conflict, or a perceived conflict, between a provision of The North Pacific Legal Code and this Constitution, the provisions of this Constitution shall prevail.
In any event, the Constitution trumps everything else especially laws in the Legal Code. Any regulation not important enough or necessary enough to be in the Constitution will be in the Legal Code.
Section 3. Legislation.
A - Any member of the Regional Assembly may submit a bill to the Regional Assembly as a proposed law or submit a proposal for a constitutional amendment. Proposals shall be submitted to the Speaker.
Any citizen can introduce their bill to the Regional Assembly, those bills met with lukewarm or warmer reception with all the legalese in place can have it moved up by the Speaker.
B - The Speaker shall select the proposals to be voted on by the Regional Assembly. Bills and proposals that are selected for consideration shall not be frivolous. The subject matter of bills selected for consideration shall have as its object the implementation of this Constitution, the adoption, amendment, or repeal of provisions of The North Pacific Legal Code, or involve any other actions that are necessary and proper and that are authorized by this Constitution, The North Pacific Legal Code, or the other laws of The North Pacific. The Speaker shall not exercise the authority conferred in this provision in an arbitrary or capricious manner. The Speaker may confer with the Prime Minister, the Ministers of the Cabinet, or with the Chief Justice, for comment on a submitted bill or proposal.
The Speaker has ultimate say on which proposals in the RA get moved on up, this is to weed out the serious ones from the not serious ones. Though I still stand by my Pauly Shore equals public harm law...
Any proposal must be something to be included in the Constitution or Legal Code, or something to amend or take away from the Constitution and Legal Code. Anything else would be wasting everyone's time.
The Speaker should take their job to accept or dismiss proposals seriously and can take the advice of Cabinet, the PM, or the Chief Justice on certain matters or simply use it as an excuse to throw another hot-tub party.
C - During the 21 day period following submission, the Nation who submitted a proposal may revise or withdraw the proposed bill. Any proposed bill not selected for a referendum vote of the Regional Assembly within 21 days of submission shall be declared a dead bill.
The one who dealt it can smell it or revise and withdraw it. After twenty-one days of the proposal's introduction, if there's no movement it becomes a dead bill. More on what to do with those later on!
Section 4. Adoption of Laws by Regional Assembly Referendum.
A - Bills and proposals selected by the Speaker will be voted on in a referendum of the Regional Assembly.
B - A legislative bill is adopted as a law if, at a referendum in which a quorum of the Regional Assembly participates, the bill garners no less than 60 per cent approval of the votes cast during the voting period of one week.
C- The Speaker shall provide a notice of the referendum on the bill which shall include the date on which voting shall commence after a notice and comment period on the bill (in its final form) of at least 24 hours, but not to exceed seven days.
a) Since the Speaker chooses what can be advanced in the RA, the proposals advanced can only be voted on in the RA.
b) Voting periods last one week, support must be at least 60%, and the quorum is 6% of total members of the RA or twenty members, which ever is higher.
c) It's up to the Speaker to declare when the voting period begins, to inform members of it, and at least one day but not more than seven after formal discussion has begun.
Section 5. Quorum.
A - In order for any action to be adopted, a quorum of members of the Regional Assembly must participate in the referendum. Should a quorum not be achieved for any proposed action by the members of the Regional Assembly at the end of the voting period for a referendum, the proposed action will fail and not be adopted.
In order to not have the only five members not on summer vacation decide the fate of us all, a quorum is needed to be filled on any votes by the RA as a whole. So it isn't necessary for Cabinet votes but needed to vote members of Cabinet into office, anywhere and anything the RA votes for.
B - Quorum shall consist either a total of 20 legitimate votes cast by Regional Assembly members or be that number of legitimate votes cast by Regional Assembly Members that is equal to six per cent of the total number of members of the Regional Assembly, as applicable) at the time the referendum commences, whichever is greater.
Once again quorum is 20 votes by RA members or 6% of the total members of the RA, whichever is higher. Since it would take over 350 members of the RA to bypass the twenty minimum, it'll probably stay twenty for a while. Though I hope differently!
Section 6. Procedure for Certain Legislative Bills.
A - If, at a referendum, a bill receives more than 50 per cent, but less than 60 per cent, support of the vote, with the participation of a quorum, then consideration of the proposed bill will move to a debate thread at the Regional off-site forum where members of the Regional Assembly may further debate the bill for one week.
For a bill to pass onto the Legal Code, you need 60% but if you get under 60% and over 50%; the bill is revived for debate for another week and could get a re-vote. As long as it's not Liz Taylor plastic surgery revived.
B - At the end of that week, a second referendum vote will then be held and, if the bill receives 60 per cent approval of the vote with a quorum participating, the bill shall be adopted as a law. If the bill fails to receive 60 per cent approval after the second vote, it will be declared a dead bill
After the one week debate period, it will once again allowed to be voted upon in the RA. If it still gets under 60% it'll be declared dead, thrown out the car window, and ran over several times.
Section 7. Dead Bills.
A dead bill may be revived after one month, unless the Prime Minister and the Cabinet block its revival by majority vote.
Only the PM and Cabinet can block a zombie bill after the one month mourning period.