Grimacing, he strode down the high street...
"ADN plots, Ad-removal, Hersfold-ians allowed to run free through the streets?! What has this place come too?" he muttered, angrily looking for signs that the old ways were not completely lost.
"Where are they: Poltsamaa, DM, Haor Chall, Namyeknom?! Have all my old cohorts been replaced with hippies?!"
Raising his eyes to the ministerial towers that lay at the end of the road, he grinned. "Looks like I have been away too long, they have forgotten what it means to have a minister walk out of the region in melodramatic disgust, they have forgotten how it felt to be annoyed by random mood swings, and stupid jokes. I will show them the old ways, for I have returned!"
My Nation
"ADN plots, Ad-removal, Hersfold-ians allowed to run free through the streets?! What has this place come too?" he muttered, angrily looking for signs that the old ways were not completely lost.
"Where are they: Poltsamaa, DM, Haor Chall, Namyeknom?! Have all my old cohorts been replaced with hippies?!"
Raising his eyes to the ministerial towers that lay at the end of the road, he grinned. "Looks like I have been away too long, they have forgotten what it means to have a minister walk out of the region in melodramatic disgust, they have forgotten how it felt to be annoyed by random mood swings, and stupid jokes. I will show them the old ways, for I have returned!"
My Nation