Hey, Euromillions here

Hi to all,
i represent the almighty state of Euro millions where we belive, winning IS everything, and i so happy to be part of the North pacific.
My real name is Joey or just Jo and i am a 16 year old girl living in the Uk.
So i cant think of anything else to say right now.
*waves sheepishly* so erm yea, bye. *runs off all embrassed*
Blimey - it's a lottery in here!



Sorry, couldn't resist. ;)

Welcome, welcome!

Stay and play - it's new the new beard growing!

Like ninjas? :ADN:
Howdy, welcome to the forums!


Feel free to have a look around, ask questions, or just sling a little spam in the OOC.
Hey everyone.
Thankyou for being so nice.
:D , lottery, yeah, i was trying to think up names for my country and was looking around my computer desk for inspration and there was a Euro millions ticket so i thought hey why not.

w00t 17 in 5 days.