At Vote:Meteoroloigcal co operation [Complete]

Meteorological Cooperation
A resolution to reduce barriers to free trade and commerce.

Category: Free Trade
Strength: Mild
Proposed by: St Edmund

Description: Argument: The United Nations,

NOTING that accurate forecasting of the weather and of changes in the climate can be very useful for the agriculture, fishing, tourism and transport industries, as well as for nations’ populations in general;

NOTING that weather patterns are unlikely to fit neatly within national borders, especially when types of weather with potentially serious effects are involved, and that climate changes can have world-wide effects;

NOTING that the more information is available the more accurately weather-forecasting models can be designed and used;

REALISING that nations may be reluctant to share information about their current and predicted weather when they are at war, because that information might be of use to their enemies;

ESTABLISHES the ‘International Meteorological Organisation’ [or ‘IMO’] to collect information about weather, climate changes, and methods for forecasting these; to help develop better forecasting methods; and to disseminate this information to any cooperating UN member-nations whose governments request it;

STRONGLY URGES the governments of UN member-nations to cooperate with the IMO by supplying it with all of the relevant information that they possess;

STRONGLY URGES any governments of UN member-nations who choose to restrict the spread of relevant information during wartime to cooperate with the IMO by saving that information so that it can be sent to the IMO for research purposes after those hostilities have ended;

INSTRUCTS the IMO to cooperate with any other UN agencies that might also have an interest in the subject, such as [for example] the Natural Disaster Assessment Organisation or the Tsunami Emergency Warning Centre, within any limits set by the resolutions which created those agencies;

OFFERS the services of the IMO to any nations that are not members of the UN, if their governments are willing to pay a negotiated contribution towards its expenses and to send it all relevant information that they possess, except for any such nations that are at war with any UN member-nations;

REQUIRES that any information that the IMO has supplied to national governments shall only be passed to any subsequent users free of charge, rather than sold either by those governments or by anybody else
This resolution is currently up for vote in the UN.

Please post your views and stance on this resolution below. Note, however, that you must have a UN nation in The North Pacific, or on active NPA duty, in order for the Delegate to count your vote.
Very interesting resolution...

Sure why not, I kinda like the idea

The Empire of Yahooy2U votes FOR

Direct from the Capital:

The House of Citizens, after taking a vote of its members, does hereby officially give its support for the resolution "Meteorological Cooperation."  King Henry VI has certified his agreement to this decision so the current stance of the nation is FOR this resolution.


Seal of the King of Ator

Seal of the House of Citizens
The People of AlHoma vote NAY for this resolution. It is the respective job of the individual nations weather services to research the meterological conditions of neighboring nations and to make individual agreements as needed. This, in the opinion of the people of AlHoma, is annother case of UN encroachment on national soverignties.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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