Deal Or No Deal Episode 7


Welcome to another episode of Deal Or No Deal! The show where with a little luck and skill, you could be a millionaire!

I said in a couple of posts (and in my siggy) that changes were on the way starting today. Well here it is: Starting today, for each time the jackpot is not won, the top prize will increase by $100,000! (10 posts) So for tonight's game, since this is episode 7, and since the jackpot hasn't been won in the last 6, tonight's top prize: $1.6 million dollars ($1,600,000)! (Or 160 posts) So with that said, who wants to step up to the plate and try their luck??
Ok! :)

Welcome to the show Byardkuria! We wish you the best of luck as we begin your quest for a potential prize of $1.6 million dollars! *crowd oohs and ahhs* First we begin by having you select the case which you believe has $1.6 million.

He goes with 14!! *case comes off the board and is walked over to us*

All right...that case right there is yours to keep. That case may have the $1.6 million. Then again it could have only 1 penny. To determine that, we must open the other 25 cases 1 at a time. As we enter round 1, we ask that you select 6 cases to open, but choose very carefully. Good luck!

(1-26, except 14)
Ok. :) We start with #22. Inside of it, we find that you've started off with.......

$10!!! *crowd cheers*

That's definitely a greay start Byard! Let's keep it up as we move to #6. Inside, we discover that you've opened........

Youch! $100,000!! *crowd moans*

That's ok though. At least it's not the million, right? We next go to #8. Let's hope for a nice low number. Will we get it? Let's find out as we open the case......

A little better, but not much...$25,000! *mixed reaction*

Things could be better, but we're definitely getting there. Next we go to #21. We've been doing pretty well so far, but let's see if we can get better. Let's open the case......

$500!! *crowd cheers*

There we go! Now we're rolling! Next stop is #15. Inside we hope to find something low. Will we get it??....

Oh no!! $500,000!!! *crowd is flabbergasted*

Not what we wanted to see at all! :( We finally move to #1. Let's hope for a rebound as we open the case.....

Youch! $300,000!! *crowd moans in disbelief*

Byard! What a way to end things! :( But look at it this way. $1.6 million is still in play! *crowd cheers as phone rings* Now that's our banker. He's the only one that doesn't want you to leave with what's in your case...especially if it's the big money. He's gonna make an offer to buy back your case for as little as possible. *picks up* Hello?....But if I tell him, he'll hurt me! *crowd laughs* *sigh* Ok...*hangs up*

Well, the offer's starting pretty low considering all that cash is up there. His first offer to you: $12,000 Now you can take his offer or you can risk it by opening 5 more cases knowing that there's still $200,000, $400,000, $750,000, and of course, $1.6 million. So the important question that I must ask you now:

Deal Or No Deal?
You heard the man! No deal! *crowd applauds as deal goes off the board*

Now we start round 2. There are 20 cases left including yours. One of them contains the $1.6 million dollarsand we hope it's in your case as we ask you to pick 5 cases to open. Good luck!

(2-5, 7, 9-13, 15-20, 23-25)

(I'm in class now and don't have the list of amounts and whatnot with me, so the reveal won't happen til after 1pm ET)
Ok! :) We start with #5. We need a good start to this nround. Will we get it? Let's open the case and find out......

$400!!! *crowd cheers*

That's the way we wanna start it Byard! Next we go to #13. Now usually this is a very unlucky number, but we want it to be lucky now. Let's open it up!......

How about this for luck? $1!! *crowd cheers louder*

Who says 13 can't be lucky??? Ok, we next move to #25. Will we keep this streak going? Let's open the case and find out!.......

$200!!! *crowd cheers as Byard punches host*

Whoa! Didn't see that coming, huh? *crowd laughs* Next stop is #7. Usually a very lucky number. Now this is one of those times where we want it to be lucky. Let's open it up!.....

A bit iffy....$5,000! *mixed reaction, but mostly cheers*

I must say you're running on a hot streak! Our final stop is #10. Will we make it 5 low amounts in a row? Open the case.......

Ohhh yeah! $75!! *crowd explodes in cheers*

What a round Byard! A near perfect play! *phone rings* I wonder who this is. *picks up* Hello......Ok *hangs up*

The next offer's going up. With still $200K, $400K, $750K, and $1.6 million, he's starting to feel the pressure and he really wants you to take the cash...$31,000. If you wanna take the deal *opens up box* just push the button. If you wanna go on and risk it by opening 4 more cases. The question I have for you now is:

Deal Or No Deal?
Ohhhh boy! *deal goes off the board to raucous applause*

All right Byard, we've entered round 3. There are 15 cases left counting yours. You've still got 4 huge amounts of money up there, but you've gotta select 4 cases, so take care in choosing, k? Good luck! :)

(2-4, 9, 11, 12, 16-20, 23, 24, 26)

(And I actually emailed the board and everything to myself, so I'll have it in class today so pick whenever you're ready
Ok. We start with #4. We ended round 2 on a great note...let's see if we can keep it up. Open the case!......

$300!!!! *crowd explodes in cheers*

That's 6 low amounts in a row Byard! WTG! :D The next case we'll move to is #12. We're looking to make it 7 in a row here. Will we get it? Let's open it up and find out......

How about $10,000?? *crowd applauds less*

That was a great pic considering what's left. Next stop is #23. Inside we're hoping for something small. Maybe a penny. Let's open the case......

Oh boy....iffy pick....$50,000. *mixed reaction*

That's ok though. The 4 highest amounts are still there. We'll move to the final case, #26. We're looking for a penny....let's see if we'll get it!.....

It's not a penny, but how about $5? *crowd explodes in cheers*

That round was WELL played Byard! Still all those high dollar amounts are still there! :) *phone rings and I pick up* Yes?......are you serious?....ok. *hangs up*

Wow! He's really feeling the heat. You've been one heck of a challenge for him. He really wants you to take this offer bad! He's now offering you $81,000! Now you have some thinking to do. You can take his offer and run or you can risk it and go on by opening 3 more cases. There are still 4 large amounts of money on the board, so you can't knock them all out in this round, but if you knock the $1.6 million off, the offer may go down dramatically. So now I ask you:

Deal Or No Deal

Cash still left:

Ask and ye shall receive! *deal goes off the board to raucous applause*

As we enter round 4, we enter into some very treacherous territory. There's only 11 cases left, counting yours. You still have 4 large amounts of money but you only have to open 3 cases, so you can't knock all 4 of them out, but if you knock out the $1.6 mil, the offer's gonna go way south, so be careful. Good luck!

(2, 3, 9, 11, 16-20, 24)
Ok! We start with #11. We've been on a roll so far. Let's see if we can keep it up as we open the case......

You're really gonna hate me for this......

$1,600,000!!! *crowd screams in disbelief*

Ouch!!! :( I'm so sorry Byard! But look at it this way, you still have a chance at $750,000! *crowd cheers* Let's see if we can rebound as we move to #18. Open the case......

Here we go! $1,000!! *crowd cheers*

Way to go! We move on to your final case....3. We wanna end this round on a high the case...

$750!! *crowd cheers as phone rings*

What a finish! *picks up the phone* Hello.....oh really?....ok *hangs up*

The banker's feeling better. Not much better, but better nonetheless. There's $200,000, $400,000, and $750,000 up there on the board and he's still nervous. His latest offer: $71,000.

Now you can take his offer and run or you can risk it and open just TWO more casesa. Now there's still those 3 big amounts on the board, so once again, you can't knock all three of them out on this pick. With all that in mind, I again ask you:

Deal Or No Deal
Ok! *deal goes off the table to raucous applause*

Byard...buddy...lemme tell ya, we're entering into some serious money here. There are 8 cases left. 3 of them have either $200,000, $400,000, and $750,000. Take good care now as you choose 2 of those 8 cases. Good luck!

(2, 9, 16, 17, 19, 20, 24)
(20 is still in play because I only needed 2 cases)

Ok Byard, good luck....we start with #9. Let's hope forsome real low amounts now. Open the case........

$50!!! *crowd cheers loudly*

All right Byard! *high fives* We're really rockin' now! :) Let's go to your final selection...#19. If it's anything but $750,000, the offer's gonna go to the moon. If not.....oh boy! Open the case......

Oh no! :( $400,000!! *crowd moans loudly*

Not the way we wanted to end it, but hey, $750,000 is still in play! *phone rings* Uh oh...*picks up* Hello?!....*hangs up*

Remeber when I said that if you avoided the $750,000, the offer would go way up? Well, how do you feel about:


Ok Byard you have some serious thinking to do. You can take the offer and walk outta here or you can risk it by opening just ONE case. There are six cases left. One of them has $200,000 and the other has $750,000. If you go for it and open the $750,000 case, the next offer will go way down. But if you go and open any of the other amounts...*points upward* So....with 6 cases left and $171,000 on the table, I ask you:

Deal Or No Deal?

Cash still left:

What'll you do Byard? $171,000 is on the line...6 cases with 2 of them containing $200K and $750K...Deal or No Deal??
Ok! *deal goes off the board to raucous cheering* enter into a minefield right now. There are 6 cases left/ The highest amount here is $750,000. If you open this case....oh boy! So tiptoe very carefully as you select ONE case. Good luck! :)

(2, 16, 17, 20, 24)
All right. As we go to #5, we're hoping for a low number...maybe even that penny. Will we get it?....let's open the case......

$100!!! *crowd explodes in cheers as phone rings*

Nicely done Byard! *picks up* Hello....Are you sure?......Ok. *hangs up*

Byard, the offer's gone up. With $750,000 still on the board, he's running for the hills and he wants you to take this offer. He's now offering you: $205,000!!

Your situation is just like last time: Either you can the offer and run or you can go on and open ONE more case. You still have $200,000 and $750,000 up there. If you can avoid either of those amounts on the next pick, it'llbe higher than a kite! So with $205,000 on the line, 5 cases left, and $750K still at stake, I gotta ask ya:

Deal or No Deal?
Ohhh boy! *deal goes off the board as cheers get louder*

Ok Byard we now enter round 7, there are 5 cases left. The cash values left are:


Now, with that said select ONE case. If you can avoid the $750K....ooh hoo hoo!:) Good luck.

(2, 16, 17, 24)
Ok Byard...we wish you all the luck in the world as we bring down #17. We are really hoping for a penny or $25. What will we good...let's open the case up and look.......

$75,000! *crowd cheers*

Not what we were hoping for, but at least the big amounts are still there! :) *phone rings* I'm almost afraid to pick it up now. *picks up* Hello........ok ok ok I'll tell him! *hangs up*

Wow, he's upset at us. There are 4 cases stand a 50/50 chance of winning some big bucks. With $750,000 STILL on the board and another large amount there too, he's getting desperate for you to take the money and walk. His offer now:


Now your options are still the same: You can take his offer or you can once again risk it and open 1 more case knowing that if you open the $750,000 case this time, the offer's going way down. So with 4 cases left and $238,000 on the table, I have to ask again....

Deal Or No Deal?
Ohhhh man! *deal goes off the board to raucous applause*

Ok Byard...there are 4 cases left counting yours. (with amounts of $0.01, $25, #200,000, $750,000) You're treading on some really light ground here as we are getting very close to the end here. Be VERY careful as you choose ONE case. Good luck!

(2, 16, 24)