
Welcome to the forums NW. Hope you enjoy yourself here and if you find anything that interests you, feel free to jump right in and help out :)
I never thought I would hear myself say "Welcome, Nuclear Weapons", but there you go!


I hope you soon feel at home here. If you need anything, send a PM or ask away. Pop in to the OOC threads for general silliness and to get to know folks, or, if you want, get involved in any other way you fancy.
*Hersfold waves

It looks like you already registered to vote, so I don't need to mention that (oops)... so welcome, enjoy, and let us know if you need something.
Howdy. :hello:

Already registered to vote? Cool. If the North Pacific is going to have Nuclearweapons, they may as well be registered. ;)
Howdy. :hello:

Already registered to vote? Cool. If the North Pacific is going to have Nuclearweapons, they may as well be registered. ;)
Hey, it's been a while since I've seen you around. Where and how've you been man? Will you continually grace us with your presence in the near future?
Headline: Long-time Defender Region TNP Welcomes Nuclearweapons"

Stick around long enough and you'll see everything. :lol:

Oh yeah and welcome to our regionial forum. Don't worry we'll get over the cheap jokes.