

If you were an average citizen of Thisnationdoesntexistland looking for a TNP vacation, would you choose Balamb, The Threshold of Tomb, Ehm, Rethel, or Intelligentsia?

(No bias allowed, decide based on what you think an average foreign tourist would know about the city.)
I choose electromagnetism. Just as space and time are truly simply one thing - spacetime - so are electricity and magnetism.

While we're on the topic of the four fundamental forces: Strong or weak nuclear forces?
Alta Italia:
I choose electromagnetism. Just as space and time are truly simply one thing - spacetime - so are electricity and magnetism.

While we're on the topic of the four fundamental forces: Strong or weak nuclear forces?
(Ah, I see how it is. Use physics to dodge questions!)


Fission or Fusion?
I choose the 2nd sentence? :P

Work a summer as a fire lookout in a lookout tower or work a summer as a summer camp nightwatchman?
1920's, cause everybody owned an airplane

Five Minutes of Foxy or Neil Patrick Harris performing a double cardio bypass on you with a melon scoop?