
Ability to teleport, you barely have to look at a holodeck funny before its trying to kill you.

Brand new, or worn in?
Customs! Beads of sweat running down my forehead, and insistent invitation to a private room, the heart stopping snap of a latex glove... good times.

Baked potatoes: beans on cheese or cheese on beans?
back to nature. nothing like sleeping in a hammock with bats roosting from the bottom of it and leopards watching you sleep. True story.

Burma or Bhutan?

American League or National League?
Terrorist, why pay for your own holiday when the CIA will give you free travel to black sites across the world.

Virus or bacteria?
Virus. Far more difficult to treat and eradicate.

And I'm afraid that was a very bad choice, mcmasterdonia. :(

Bacon or Eggs?
I would rather fight one horse-sized duck, in the long run it would be easier than fighting one-hundred duck-sized horses

Democracy or Empire?
hmm, interesting question. Strong Federalisation.. but by that i mean strong local state governments (as opposed to local/shire/county governments).

Constitutional Monarchy or Republic?
Republic all the way - monarchies are antiquated and largely ceremonial wastes of time.

If you had to decide between an inclusive anarchism with all the faults that entails or a highly right-wing (Racist, supremist) capitalist government with all the faults that entails, which would you pick?

-- this is assuming, of course, that both governments are in essence democratic in nature.
Monarchies generate a lot of income for their nations. Good safeguard against corruption and dictatorship.

Thats a really hard decision... Authority is better than no authority, but racist/supremacist versus inclusive... I'd have to say inclusive anarchism

George Bush or Sarah Palin?
Iron Man,

I like his honesty in the movie. "Rich, playboy, philanthropist". Captain America comes across as a little daft.

Harry Potter or Twilight? I will kill you if you answer this wrong.
Well, it depends on the criteria... :P ... ... See, Twilight wins on the hotness of Taylor Lautner... But Harry Potter does win on just about every other available metric there is. So... call it a draw? :D

FAR more serious question, which has even far more obvious answer - Star Wars or Star Trek...?
The right answer was harry potter all the way!

Star Wars of course. Thats not even a competition as far as i am concerned.

Jedi or Sith?
Yes, Star Wars was clearly the right answer, it wasn't really much of a choice to be honest.

<- Obviously, Sith. If only you knew the power of the Dark Side...

X Wing or TIE Fighter?
X-Wing, the only things TIE Fighters managed to destroy were the things they crashed into.

R2D2 or C3PO?

(this is the only time I've ever thought of this, but is the O is C3PO a letter O or a number 0?)