Flemingovia for Prime Minister

RL: My step mother is in intensive care with Septesemia (?) and is having an emergency operation this afternoon to repair a perforated bowel, and may not survive as she is very critical.

I am off to London to be with my dad and will nto be back until after hte weekend. Sorry to cut and run, espcially after being away at a conference last week.

This is Cruithne, Posting for my husband. I am using his account as I am not registered here. He has also asked me to keep an eye on you all :P

David is staying in London until Monday. His step-mother came through the operation - which turned out to be a twisted gut or bowel rather than a ruptured bowel.

A pulminary embolism and heart problems means that she is not out of the woods yet, and remains in Intensive Care. It is still very touch and go, but far better than the 20% survival chance they gave her before the op.

David sends his love and says thanks for the good wishes.

I'm back, but I will be busy with RL work for a day or so trying to catch up on my unexpected absence.

Normal Flemingovianess will be resumed as soon as possible.

As my wife passed on to you, thanks for your good wishes over the past few days.

OOC: I'm glad to hear the improved news. Thoughts and prayers.

Answer whenever you can:
Many feel that the Prime Minister has little real power and consider the PM to be little more than a coach to a team of ministers. Taking this as truth for the sake of this discussion, how would you use the power you have to keep the cabinet on track?
Well, ultimately in this game nobody has much real power over anybody else. Even the delegate and admin only have the power of the ban buttons, which is something of a blunt instrument.

In my real life I have a lot of experience in working with, and leading volunteers, and find that encouragement and thanks work wonders - far better than nagging and sarcasm. I beleive that the main power a Prime minister has is the power of persuasion; but do not underestimate that power.

There are a couple of specific things I would intend to do:

Firstly, I would keep in touch with all the ministers, encouraging them to SAY when they are going to be away because of RL, so that we can arrange cover. this is supposed to be a game, not a burden.

Second, I would encourage ministers to be imaginative. All the ministries have scope for development, and I think ministers are more likely to stay active if their creativity and talents are encouraged.

PS. Thanks for the good wishes. Things are looking up.