IG for MoA&E


TNP Nation
Okay, you're asking. Will she take it seriously? C'mon you guys. The OOC is my NS home, really. It means so much more to me than you guys could probably even imagine.

The OOC was a place that kept me upbeat and distracted while I was going through the trauma of serious illness, and pretty much what was hands down the suckiest year of my Real Life(tm). It was so comforting to come to the OOC and know that I had friends who would welcome me with open arms, and be glad to play.

If anything, I'm running for Minister of Arts and Entertainment to give back to each of you the gratitude and happiness I feel you deserve for the way you mentally and emotionally sustained me.

I want to see the Arts and Entertainment side of our beloved North Pacific become the stuff of NationStates offsite forums legend. Seriously, I know that it could be so much more, even as great and popular as it is now. I want to propagate that lovely section of this community into a place where every player, not just a member of The North Pacific, can come and feel welcome and involved. I want to branch out the Arts part of it, making it more a part of the culture of The North Pacific, and have a place where we can showcase our talents...I'd like to start something that for the moment, I'll call guilds. Where TNP poets, artists, writers, etc. etc. can have a place to assemble, discuss, share. No society is complete without that aspect. I want us to have a place where we can truly recognize the gifts and abilities that our citizens have outside the scope that we see them in NationStates politics.

As cliche as it may sound, I have a dream for the Ministry of Arts & Entertainment, but I can't see that dream come to fruition without your contributed desire and support. If you elect me, I promise to give you my all. My duty as minister and role in TNP will never come second to any other aspect of NationStates gameplay. My loyalty to this community will never waver, and my gratitude and love for each of you can only grow.

I don't want the position for the title, I don't want it for respect, or for power, I want to be your Minister, because I want to say thank you, and then best way I know to say that, is to truly put my heart and soul into serving this community. Let me do this for you.

As I asked your esteemed opponent, and as you had touched on in your address above,

It seems to me that, for the most part, culture in NS is a nonentity. The axiom that "a lively and vibrant OoC community is integral to the existence of a regional forum" is taken as gospel, yet, when we speak of other regions, we speak in terms of governance and military action - the non-political aspects are very, very rarely even mentioned. In fact, when we moved forums, there was a flurry of activity to back up the works of the government, but we just started over on the OoC. By way of RL comparison, this would be like the French government boxing up all of the Ministry of Fisheries payroll paperwork for 1994, while saying "Sod the Louvre."

Is culture dead? Is there a way to make the non-political contributions of a regions residents as significant as the political? Is there a place for the MoAE in the region's government beyond moderating the OoC?
Yeah, I couldn't even name all the delegacies that have fallen to the MoAE. Natural place to start a takeover...

I see we've got a battle royale brewing for the post though. I suggest we settle this the old fashion way... a Spam Off.

And in the spirit of fairness:

Would consider spam to be:

A serious business...
Slightly Serious...
Not very serious...
Not serious at all...
Or none of the above...

Goodlord.. You DON'T want the MoAE job for power?? That's crazy talk.

We all know it's a stepping stone.
Oh yeah...you know how it goes. One day MoA&E, next day you're admin @ the NS forum... :lol:

I'm going to take over the world...get this: WITHOUT POLITICS! Bwahaha.
As I asked your esteemed opponent, and as you had touched on in your address above,

It seems to me that, for the most part, culture in NS is a nonentity. The axiom that "a lively and vibrant OoC community is integral to the existence of a regional forum" is taken as gospel, yet, when we speak of other regions, we speak in terms of governance and military action - the non-political aspects are very, very rarely even mentioned. In fact, when we moved forums, there was a flurry of activity to back up the works of the government, but we just started over on the OoC. By way of RL comparison, this would be like the French government boxing up all of the Ministry of Fisheries payroll paperwork for 1994, while saying "Sod the Louvre."

Is culture dead? Is there a way to make the non-political contributions of a regions residents as significant as the political? Is there a place for the MoAE in the region's government beyond moderating the OoC?
Is culture dead?

Culture in integral in sustaining a community, a civilization, anything. For me, as an artist and a writer, expression as a part of free speech, passion for a talent, the mixing of ideas and enthusiam is crucial to anything that I am a part of. You can't have a group of people truly commited to their cause without a place for the outlets of that passion. Art. Music. Writing. Dance. Etc. Expression is the bouy of a community. The fulcrum of the societal lever. If there is no passion, no expression, and no respect and upholding of those things, a society will crumble. I firmly believe that. How can we tell the great stories of TNP, of our convictions, of our loves, and beliefs, and feelings without these things? We can't. How more conveniently can we pass on the love and patriotism of our region - our love and passion for life, for beauty - to others, than through our words, our pictures...

Is there a way to make the non-political contributions of a regions residents as significant as the political?

We have to have a place for them. We have to let the citizens know that they, as member of our community have a spot to come and express who they are, and it will be welcomed, appreciated, discussed, and kept.

We have so much of this forum dedicated for the political aspects. We have laws, and procedures, the gears and cogs of the running of this great machine that is TNP...but what is the use of a machine that doesn't produce something beautiful? There has to be a place where we can set aside our political differences, and gather together as friends, as supporters of the free speech and expression that we fight for so fiercely! I think that the explansion of the Ministry of A&E section of the forum into the Arts is crucial to the upkeeping of TNP. As Minister, my support of the arts, my duty to provide them a place at our table, will be my main goal for this term.

Is there a place for the MoAE in the region's government beyond moderating the OoC?

Oh, I believe there is. Who better to spread the ideas of freedom and liberty, and the virtues that TNP upholds, than its artisans? What faster, more beautiful way to reach the people than through their hearts? The expression of the arts touches people in a way that your political lectures, your legislating, your laws, cannot touch them. To integrate art into your politics, will send a message more powerful, more poignant, than I think we realize.
Yeah, I couldn't even name all the delegacies that have fallen to the MoAE. Natural place to start a takeover...

I see we've got a battle royale brewing for the post though. I suggest we settle this the old fashion way... a Spam Off.

And in the spirit of fairness:

Would consider spam to be:

A serious business...
Slightly Serious...
Not very serious...
Not serious at all...
Or none of the above...

Namye, to find my answer to that question, you need only glance slightly to your left...at my post count. It's in my signature. Spamming for a long, long time has been the be-all and end-all of my OOC existance.
Nam, I half considered telling her she had to get the 14,000 posts the hard way instead of flipping them over from s2... but that would have been mean. Although only slightly, because she would have enjoyed every minute of it.
Well look at this thread. Indiegirl, our top poster, has decided to run. Certainly has the credentials, that's fo shizzle (for sure).

I have a serious concern though. And that would be your absenteeism. I seem to recall you "leaving" The North Pacific more than once, sometimes for a long stretch of time, sometimes for a short period. I also remember you "leaving" The North Pacific while you were, in fact, Minister of Arts and Entertainment. I'm fairly certain of this because I recall being Deputy Minister or the equivalent position at the time. Now to the questions...

What guarantee do we, as your constituency, have that you will be able to complete your term taking into account your previous history in the position of Minister of A&E and as a citizen of The North Pacific?

Do you foresee yourself having steady access to a computer with internet?

I think that's about it for now. I'll ask more questions as I think of them.
What guarantee do we, as your constituency, have that you will be able to complete your term taking into account your previous history in the position of Minister of A&E and as a citizen of The North Pacific?

One word, DD: Veebs.

You really think I'm leaving anytime soon? Not unless my fingers are gnawed off by monkeys or fax macheenes. Or if I happen to die, which so far I've managed to avoid under much more daunting conditions.

Do you foresee yourself having steady access to a computer with internet?

I can give you guys at least 4 hours a day. And 8 for the fruitbat.

IGEdit: Spellin'.
One word, DD: Veebs.

You really think I'm leaving anytime soon? Not unless my fingers are gnawed off by monkeys or fax macheenes. Or if I happen to die, which so far I've managed to avoid under much more daunting conditions.
And what happens when Virtual Boy leaves? I hardly am assured that because of the presence of one person, you'll stick around. And I never would imagine you leaving, but you have, more than once.
There is no 100% guarantee that any candidate will be able to fulfill his or her commitment. Stuff happens. Things change. Proirities shift. Connections fail. Its been happening since the game began. Are we grilling all the candidates in the same manner?

DD take her at her word or take it to PM.
There is no 100% guarantee that any candidate will be able to fulfill his or her commitment. Stuff happens. Things change. Proirities shift. Connections fail. Its been happening since the game began. Are we grilling all the candidates in the same manner?

DD take her at her word or take it to PM.
Looking through the list of candidates I only see one other person who left the forum, and they were not a government official at the time. I am raising a genuine concern, and that is IG/Poe's dereliction of duty in the past. I will continue to raise whichever questions I feel pertinent to a person's campaign. I have a lot of feeling for this office, having served in it the most out of anyone. I am merely trying to make sure we have someone in office who will do their utmost to remain in office. And frankly IG/Poe's history leaves me worried, and makes taking her at her word difficult.

It is acceptable to comment on the opponent's shortcomings. It is not acceptable to outright slander a candidate. This applies to all members, not just those running in the elections.

None of what i'm saying is slander, nor does it violate the TOS. So I will continue to post my concerns in this thread until they are answered sufficiently.
I can't give you anything else but my word, DD. If you won't take me at my word, and don't think I can do a credible job, then I'd rather not have your vote. It's as simple and straightforward as that.

I've said I can give you guys 4 hours a day. And I will. That time will also increase, as I'm looking to purchase my own internet-accessible computer within the next month.

Also, in case you forgot, my leaving the position last time had a great deal to do with you. This time around there will be no such complications, as I have no "personal involvement" with any of the current forum members.
IG: do you really thinkyou have the relevant experience, commitmnet to ooc and sheer spamming power to take on this job?

I take it by your use of the :rofl: that it was a somewhat rhetorical question, meaning you believe that my answer is, undoubtedly, yes. ;) Which is great, because it is. ^_^
What is you opinion of PIF and would you support TNP to have a bigger participation in it?
Koona, I am not currently aware of the PIF, but since you have raised a question, I will seek to educate myself and let you know of my opinion and answer.
Thanks IG.


PIF is a project started by the East and Central, which has gone innactive.

The east is always game for it, and Central is showing interest in it again with their upcomming elections, I was wondering if the north would have any interess in it and if the next MoAE would contribute to this.
Thank you for the info, Koona! It definitely seems something to look into. I don't know that as Minister of A&E I'd have the authority to involve the region, but I don't see how I wouldn't be allowed to encourage participation, or participate myself.

I was just wondering if you could let me know what kind of TNP involvement you'd like to see there, and what you think that the A&E aspect of our region could do for it.
Same question I'm asking the rest:

With the possibility for a forum economy coming soon, how do you feel that this will affect the OOC boards? With the income being (for the moment) largely post-based, do you believe you will have any difficulty in keeping the OOC under control?

Plus one:

Being the "richest" person on the forums, how do you plan to handle the massive amount of cash you now hold? Will you hoard it all, or distribute it in charitable contributions? :D
Same question I'm asking the rest:

With the possibility for a forum economy coming soon, how do you feel that this will affect the OOC boards? With the income being (for the moment) largely post-based, do you believe you will have any difficulty in keeping the OOC under control?

Plus one:

Being the "richest" person on the forums, how do you plan to handle the massive amount of cash you now hold? Will you hoard it all, or distribute it in charitable contributions?  :D
I believe that the forthcoming economy will only be yet another bastion of strength added to the foundations of the A&E section, especially the OOC. I am thoroughly excited about it, as I believe it will encourage new participation from members who don't often frequent the OOC. And as such, it will definitely encourage closer-knit relationships amongst the forums...after all, those who play together, stay together. :fish:

As for control, I highly doubt there will be a problem controlling the OOC...because it's not a place you can control, really. Who wants to control it? That would suck. All I'd be doing is moderating, and that's easy-peasy. I'm thrilled to see the outcome of all of this, I think it's a marvelous idea whose time has definitely come.

As for my newfound wealth, it will be used to start and maintain and charitable institution to propagate the arts...sort of a public broadcasting thing, if you will. If I am to be elected Minister, I will establish bi-weekly talent contests with cash prizes and other awards, funded a great deal by myself and any other of our amazing forum member nations who would wish to donate.
BREAKING IG Campaign Update:

Virtual Boy has agreed to serve as my Depudee, should I be elected. You can't beat a duo like us!


Of course we will! We love children....with barbecue sauce.

Actually, one of the main goals of my term in office will be to get Sir Andrew back and posting. :w00t: