
The North Pacific Yellow Pages
Your one-click guide to the region.
[size=-1]Concept and Original Version by Tresville/CiscO...[/size]
Links for New Members
Major Entertainment Links
Government Links
Military Links
Foreign Affairs Links
Forum Support Links
Links for new members:
Regional Assembly Sign-in - Join the Regional Assembly to participate in the region's legislative system. Propose, debate, and vote on laws.
Map of The North Pacific - Your in the get on the map!
TNP's Top 200 List - See the top nations in the North Pacific and how they fair in the days standings!
#tnp on IRC - Come chat with us on IRC!! This link will take you to a guide which will help with process.
NationStates Discussions - All NS discussions go here. Ask questions, get answers and participate in arguments!
Real Life Discussions - The Bane of NS...Real life topics belong here.
Major Entertainment Links:
Games & Arts Category - Home to hundreds of playful topics.
Who will post next thread? - Over 90 pages of guestamation! The ultimate in guessing games... can you predict your way to the top?
Where am I? - Go on a world tour without ever leaving your seat.
Word Disassociation - Think of a word as far distant from the previous word in all respects
I Am..., An Indiegirl Thread - Have fun finishing the sentence!
Government Links:
Delegates Office] - Contact your regional Delegate in this forum. Oaths of office for government officials can also be found here.
WA Resolutions - Post your stance on the latest Resolution at Vote, or work out your latest draft in the Proposals forum.
Regional Assembly - Home of the region's Legislative System. Posting rights may be limited to RA members.
Election Forums - Run for elected office here. Elections run during the first day of the months of January, May, and September.
Court of The North Pacific - Settle disputes among nations here.
Military Links:
Sign up for the NPA! - Join the North Pacific Army, the region's standing Army. Once in you can also join the ISA: Intel and Security Agency.
Foreign Affairs Links:
Join the Diplomatic Corps - Become an Ambassador for our region.
Embassy Row - Embassies and Consulates for all allied regions, as well as details for creating one.
Regional Advertisements - First place to look if you're tired of life in The North Pacific.
Forum Support Links:
Suggestion Box - Got an idea to improve the forum? Post it here.
Links for New Members
Major Entertainment Links
Government Links
Military Links
Foreign Affairs Links
Forum Support Links
Links for new members:
Regional Assembly Sign-in - Join the Regional Assembly to participate in the region's legislative system. Propose, debate, and vote on laws.
Map of The North Pacific - Your in the get on the map!
TNP's Top 200 List - See the top nations in the North Pacific and how they fair in the days standings!
#tnp on IRC - Come chat with us on IRC!! This link will take you to a guide which will help with process.
NationStates Discussions - All NS discussions go here. Ask questions, get answers and participate in arguments!
Real Life Discussions - The Bane of NS...Real life topics belong here.
Major Entertainment Links:
Games & Arts Category - Home to hundreds of playful topics.
Who will post next thread? - Over 90 pages of guestamation! The ultimate in guessing games... can you predict your way to the top?
Where am I? - Go on a world tour without ever leaving your seat.
Word Disassociation - Think of a word as far distant from the previous word in all respects
I Am..., An Indiegirl Thread - Have fun finishing the sentence!
Government Links:
Delegates Office] - Contact your regional Delegate in this forum. Oaths of office for government officials can also be found here.
WA Resolutions - Post your stance on the latest Resolution at Vote, or work out your latest draft in the Proposals forum.
Regional Assembly - Home of the region's Legislative System. Posting rights may be limited to RA members.
Election Forums - Run for elected office here. Elections run during the first day of the months of January, May, and September.
Court of The North Pacific - Settle disputes among nations here.
Military Links:
Sign up for the NPA! - Join the North Pacific Army, the region's standing Army. Once in you can also join the ISA: Intel and Security Agency.
Foreign Affairs Links:
Join the Diplomatic Corps - Become an Ambassador for our region.
Embassy Row - Embassies and Consulates for all allied regions, as well as details for creating one.
Regional Advertisements - First place to look if you're tired of life in The North Pacific.
Forum Support Links:
Suggestion Box - Got an idea to improve the forum? Post it here.