Consulate of The Lexicon


Welcome, nations of The Lexicon, to your consulate.

Edit - For ease of reference...

I, Insane Power , representing The Lexicon, do hereby understand that this consulate in no way forces The North Pacific into any Military or Political Alliance or relationship. I understand that this consulate may be closed at anytime by the Minister of External Affairs for whatever reason. I hereby pledge to follow the rules and regulations of this forum.

Thank you Namyeknom :)

We have opened a reciprical consulate for you in The Lexicon HERE (Clicky)

I hope that everything is in order there for your Ambassador to us.

We will be arranging a new Ambassador to keep you informed of news from The Lexicon.

We look forward to increasing our strengths and knowledge between our two great regions.

Insane Power
The Lexicon Councillor of External Affairs
The Lexicon Co-Founder.

*Goes off to fill in paperwork, for Consulate*
Regional Update 21st January 2006

UN Delegate: Lexiconhead.

The Lexicon News

New Consulates have been opened in:

The North Pacific

The Lexicon is just a couple of nations off it's 100th member nation

The Senate has also grown dramatically, allowing a full and wide ranging debate on the issues of Governing The Lexicon.

Further citizen rights have been created for all our nations.

Niko has joined been appointed as a High Court Judge.

The Lexicon Army (TLA) has been founded. The TLA is neither invader or defender, but will access a situation and decide how best a region could be served.

In Other News

The Lexicon has been experiencing some wonderful sunsets off it's coastline, as shown here:


United Nations

The Lexicon voted FOR "The Repeal of Law of the sea" which we are delighted went through.

Nationstates region: The_Lexicon
Forum: http://s13.invisionfree.invalid/TheLexicon
IRC( #The_Lexicon
just popping in to say hi! quick update, we are way past the 100 mark, closer to 150 now.

The Lexicon- the largest growing region in NS
Surely that should be fastest growing region in NS? :P

Well done and congratulations, may yor successes continue!

Regional Update 4th February 2006

UN Delegate: Lexiconhead.

The Lexicon News

[*]The Lexicon continues it's rapid growth with 283 nations, making it one of the largest founder created regions and 141 forum members, who increadibly made over 1000 posts in one day last Sunday!

[*]Saint Oz and Nail Biters joined the Senate.

[*]The Lexicon proudly became part of the PNN (Pacific News Network).

[*]The Lexicon has started the creation of 'The Lexicon Member Region's' allowing smaller regions to receive protection and support from the TLA (The Lexicon Army).


The TLA take on new recruits

[*]The TLA carried out successful airstrikes, securing the Delegacy of a warring neighbour.


Hansenian Soldiers run for cover as the TLA strikes

In Other News

Again The Lexicon experiences heavy snow.

United Nations

The Lexicon voted FOR 'Repeal of "Gay Rights"'.

Nationstates region: The_Lexicon
Forum: http://s13.invisionfree.invalid/TheLexicon
IRC( #The_Lexicon
Because Tresville has taken over the region. We are now all Tresvellians.

Hail Tresville! Hail the February Revolution!
Hello, The North Pacific :hello:

Insane Power has appointed me to look after The Lexicon Consulate in your fine region. I look forward to the task. In The Lexicon I am known as Eudelphia, and will answer to that name, Lexicographer's Study or Jane. Or Hey, you!, for that matter :yes:

Congratulations to the newly elected officials, and praise to all the candidates for their willingness to serve.

Now for the official stuff:

I, The Lexicographer's Study , representing The Lexicon, do hereby understand that this consulate in no way forces The North Pacific into any Military or Political Alliance or relationship. I understand that this consulate may be closed at anytime by the Minister of External Affairs for whatever reason. I hereby pledge to follow the rules and regulations of this forum.
hello to y new ambassador! *mumbles to aide- we hired HER! IP was drinking what!!!*


i joke of course! welcome to our consulate, and do me a favour and check IP didnt take too much from the minibar before he left?
Why no, he left me a bottle of Cristal and some lovely strawberries ;)

Fulhead ... that's what I said :lol:
Regional Update 12th February 2006

UN Delegate: Lexiconhead.

The Lexicon News

[*]The Lexicon celebrated the joining of it's 400th nation with fireworks across the Region


Capital City of Cathyy letting off fireworks over the the River Silver Diamond.

[*]There were celebrations again a couple of nights later, when once again The Lexicon hit over 1000 posts in a day (1150).

[*]The Lexicon launched it's first Regional Newspaper, The Lexicon Times, headed by resident LDK.

[*] Lexiconian Nation Saint Oz creates a revolutionary new missile that can destroy protective covers such as America's StarWars program.


Lexiconian missisiles receive their 5th test launch from sea base, continuing to show the superiority of the Lex's airspace fire power

United Nations

The Lexicon is currently voting on 'Repeal of "Abortion Right"'.

Nationstates region: The_Lexicon
Forum: http://s13.invisionfree.invalid/TheLexicon
IRC( #The_Lexicon
Regional Update 21st February 2006

UN Delegate: Lexiconhead.

The Lexicon News

[*]The Lexicon


The Lexicon Golfing tournament has been particuarly well attended this season as Miss Zophar shows off her incredible talent.

[*]The Crazy Monkeymen was elected as The Lexicon's first Governor.

[*]The TLA supported Lone Wolves United, to secure control and bring freedom to Zodiac Triangle.


TLA Military strength was brought in to help free Zodiac Triangle from ADN repression

United Nations

The Lexicon voted against 'Workplace Safety Act'

Nationstates region: The_Lexicon
Forum: http://s13.invisionfree.invalid/TheLexicon
IRC( #The_Lexicon
So what happened in Zodiac TRiangle? Looking at the region the WFE says that it is "now part of the Lexicon" and I think the delegate, Angelina, is a Lexiconian rather than a native.

People from ZT are also invited to go to the Lexicon forum where "Where we will be developing your internal Government structure. " we will be developing your government structure?

So what happened? Was this a takeover? A defence? What?
The TLA were called in to help an ally, which we duly did. The Lexicon is now helping the region find it's feet, stability and establish itself. The Lexicon, through The Lexicon Confederacy (TLC) is geared to helping smaller regions develop. We have requested for natives of the Zodiac Triangle to come forward to create a Government for the region. Our experience has shown that a region of this size struggles to maintain an active forum, so we are providing facilities on ours until such a point that it is no longer needed.

We look forward to working with them, to expand and bring prosperity to the region.
An interesting idea, particularly in the light of the suggestions made for imperialistic policies here in TNP before. Anyway, if you would like to continue the discussion may I suggest the shiny new Lexicon Embassy?

The Lexicon Embassy